Seeing Robin gritting his teeth and running out with his head down, Ao Long didn't stop her, she needed to vent.

"It's so similar, it's exactly like her mother!!"

"That kid didn't know what happened a few days ago..."

"Robin's mother, Olbia, has been arrested, and her fate may have been predestined for !!"

It seemed that he had heard terrible news, but it occurred to Ao Long that it seemed that Olbia would return to O'Hara soon, with the naval fleet and the Demon Slaying Order with it.

In other words, Robin will meet Hagwar this time. D. Saron, the vice admiral who let Olbia go and defected from the navy.

Formerly a vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters, he has been to the Great Voyage and has seen many capable people. Not long ago, he was in charge of arresting the historical text research group led by Robin's mother, and after talking to Robin's mother, he felt that justice was not right, and rescued Robin's mother Olvia, so he was chased by the navy and was injured and drifted to O'Hara.

"Thank you doctors for your love for Robin, she may be too excited, a little rude" After a simple apology, Ao Long also rushed to the beach.

Robin was found chatting speculatively with Saulo, laughing there.

However, the giant Saron seems to be unable to move due to an injury to his foot, and it looks like he needs to be treated.

"System, do you have any suggestions for the ability to heal wounded patients?"

Thinking about the future in the sea, doctors are a very scarce resource, and it seems that it is not bad to master the skills of a few hands of treatment, of course, pure medical skills Ao Long has no time to study now.

I saw that the system opened the exchange list in Ao Long's mind, and according to Ao Long's needs, there were mainly three treatment methods that fit the dragon family.

The first one, the spring breeze, requires 10W energy points, and the spring breeze is conducive to the growth of all things. It restores vitality, stimulates the growth of all things, and can treat injuries such as broken limbs, depending on the ability of the person who makes the decision. It's just a bruise, a must-have for a fight.

The second type, the rain trick, requires 10W energy points, the rain moistens all things, and Ze is born. Dissolves abnormal situations in the body, converts them into pure energy suitable for human absorption, and restores the state, and the specific effect depends on the ability of the person who makes the decision. It is simply the spirit of detoxification and disease.

The third type, the spring breeze and rain are decisive, 100W energy points are needed, and the spring breeze is on the south bank of the Green River, and the four seasons are new and new. It can restore the caster's status to its peak to a certain extent, depending on the caster's ability. Isn't this a simple version of rejuvenation?

In fact, Ao Long thinks too much, these functions may have an obvious effect on ordinary people, but with the strength of the force, the effect will also be reduced.

It's like casting a spell on a dead branch, it's easy to regenerate new shoots, but the trauma to an immortal-level powerhouse may not have any effect at all.

"System, exchange for "Spring Breeze Decision".

"Congratulations to the host, I successfully redeemed "Spring Breeze Decision", which cost 10W of level 1 energy points, and currently has 10W of level 1 energy points left."

"Sure enough, it's difficult to save money and it's easy to spend money, it seems that I have to step up my reserves these days, and it really makes sense that I don't spend money indiscriminately!"

Ao Long's cultivation is almost to the second advancement, and when the time comes, it will take 100W to open the dragon gate, and the navy doesn't know when it will be killed, and Ao Long doesn't dare to be too prodigal at this time.

Didn't bother Robin and Saron in the past, you must know that Robin is known as a monster among the O'Hara children, although Ao Long has taught those children a lesson, and because of his yin wei, he didn't trouble Robin again, but he won't play with Robin.

In the past few years, except for being with Ao Long, he has been studying history assiduously by himself, and the appearance of Salon just filled the vacancy of a friend of Robin.

found a tree, sat cross-legged, ran the aura of "Fish and Dragon Change", and became familiar with this "Spring Breeze". Since Saron is smiling so happily, there shouldn't be a big problem with the injury on his foot, so I'll go over and treat it later.

Well, Ao Long's mentality of protecting food is fully revealed.

After feeling that he could skillfully perform "Spring Breeze Decision", Ao Long got up and walked in the direction where the two were talking.

"Telai hee-hee~, Robin, I'm now... In fact, they are being hunted down... So it would be troublesome to be discovered..."

"I'm not going to say it!!"

"Hello, Robin, is this your new friend?" In a flash, Ao Long walked in front of Robin and Saron.

"Well, this is my new friend, Hagwal. D. Salong "Faced with his brother Ao Long, Robin sold Salong in the blink of an eye.

"Hee-hee-hee... Who are you..."Salon asked suspiciously, the wound on his foot was still bleeding, and he didn't seem to feel anything at all, still smiling gently and boldly.

"I'm Robin's boyfriend Ao Long, it looks like you're not in a good state" Ao Long directly named himself Robin's boyfriend.

Robin next to him did not refute, but looked at Ao Long with a happy face.

"Spring breeze..."

I saw Ao Long pinching the trick, a green light emanated from the palm of his hand, covering Salong's feet, the wound scabbed over in an instant, the muscles flew over, and the granulation grew, and in a blink of an eye, the wound on Salong's feet had healed.

"Hee-hee-hee... What kind of medical skill is this, Robin, your boyfriend is amazing, hehehehe..."

"Well, Brother Ao Long has always been very powerful, he knows a lot, and he will know a lot" Robin smiled happily as if he was showing off.

"Alright, Saron, your injuries have also recovered, you want to go home with us for a banquet!"

"Hee-hee-hee... Thank you for the invitation, Ao Long, but can I have a banquet in the field, I am relatively large, and I am being chased by the navy, so it is not suitable to go to the town" Salong, who has been a vice admiral, is still a little vigilant after all.

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