“Gas lasso!” As Dimon flew up, Caesar, with two horns growing on the head, smiled, throwing a ball of gas poison qi moved towards Dimon and flew away.

“You are Caesar? Dare to appear in front of the uncle !!!” Dimon flashed in a row, and appeared in front of Caesar and punched him. There is no oxygen at all, and Lucci can only stay in the small room made by Kaku to breathe. Dimon’s breath is long, but he can hold on for a while.

“Oh, giggles ~~ You can’t hit me! Blue Flame Sword!” When Dimon punched his head, Caesar waved a handful of Fire Sword moved towards Dimon while grinning.

hong long! hong long! Caesar’s sword was cut on the astral qi shield of Dimon, the astral qi shield exploded by the explosive force of formidable waves like waves. It is a pity that the formidable defensive power of the astral qi shield is still very stable to the formidable power of the explosion of Caesar’s Gas.

“Logia Ability User? You are really rampant !!” One punch did not work, and Dimon raised his brow slightly. After glancing at Caesar, Dimon grinned and covered Busoshoku Haki with a quick kick.

bang! In the end, there is a strong gap in the relationship. Dimon kicked Caesar away with a single kick. The traces of blood floating in the air can be seen, and Dimon’s foot is definitely not light.

“Do you think Logia is invincible, Idiot !!” Dimon not even think of kicking Caesar’s moved towards Caesar rushed over, and saw Dimon lifting his right hand over Busoshoku Haki and slammed it down.


Eyes at Dimon When Caesar could not be caught in the palm of his hand, a snow wall like steel and iron was blocked in front of Caesar. Rao is the case, and the palm force of Dimon can not be resisted by the snow wall. It’s just that although the snow wall only blocked for a moment, it gave Caesar time to escape.

“2 Logias? Something interesting …” Dimon, who perceives Caesar’s elemental transformation of 2 people running away, laughed disdainfully, then jumped to the ground moved towards the ice hut. When Caesar left, the air here had returned to normal.

These Logia Ability Users are different, but you can escape by elemental transformation. Although Dimon can stop Caesar’s elemental transformation from escaping, Dimon feels that there is a nice Strength figure hiding nearby. Since he had arrived at the institute, Dimon would not kill Caesar as soon as he saw him. For Caesar, Dimon has many questions to ask.

“A total of 3 people have appeared just now, 2 Logia and one Strength are unknown! This Caesar’s Ability is mostly related to gas. If you meet him alone, you have to be more careful.” Seeing Kaku people walked away from the ice hut Out, Dimon glanced at the intriguing said with a smile in the direction of Caesar’s escape.

200th Chapter 37 Transformer Magellan

“Smoker Vice Admiral, the poison qi on the island is filled … I’m afraid we can’t get close at all!” Pashi Hazard shouted, standing at the bow of the ship, Tashigi frowning slightly at not far away.

I saw the fire continent of Punk Hazard continuously spraying magma, and the poison qi of the ice continent all over the sky. In this case, no one can approach Punk Hazard. More importantly, as long as a little fire star, the entire ice continent will explode.

“What exactly happened to Punk Hazard, how could it be like this!” Frowns looked towards the Ice Continent, Smoker quizzed with cigar in doubt.

“Smoke Boss, the headquarter battleship is coming!” I saw a weird, shabby, disheveled Marine who walked next to Smoker and said with a smile.

“Poison Dragon Admiral!” After seeing the Marine battleship approaching, Smoker took the G-5 crowd nodded.

“Smoker Vice Admiral, since you insist on going to Punk Hazard, then come together …” I saw a weird Marine Headquarter with a height of more than 3 meters came over from the deck, this Admiral two horns growing on the head, a pair of mechanical arms . If Dimon is here, it will be recognized. This mysterious Marine Headquarter is Chief Magellan of Impel Down, but the appearance has changed too much.

Magellan in the Impel Down battled the Blackbeard Pirates in one person, but the result was a serious injury and nearly death. After the top war, Magellan was personally transformed by Bergapunk. Today Magellan already has a body not inferior to Tyrant ‘Kuma, and its own Venom has also become more formable. Coupled with a year and a half of life and death, Magellan now fully owns Admiral’s Strength.

“It’s just this sky-poor poison qi, I’m afraid we can’t get close at all?” Smoker’s random nodded, glanced at the Weasel Vice Admiral of Magellan behind, and smoked helplessly said.

“I’ll solve this. Wait until the poison qi disappears. You are on the island!” Magellan waved carelessly, then shot a Poison Dragon moved towards the ice continent not far away.

“The Ability of Poison Dragon Admiral is worthy of being one of the Ability of the Heavens. It ’s a good thing that Marine has one more such Admiral!” .

“Smoker, when can you change your temper? I’m afraid the top 100 old fogeys are willing to cultivate you to become Admiral!” Weasel Vice Admiral, who is very familiar with Smoker, made a rare joke.

“Hmph! I’m too lazy to care about the old fogey, I’m only responsible for catching Pirate!” Smoker irritated his left hand angrily and retorted.

“You .. New World is more chaotic than before. Marine can only rely on you rookies!” Weasel shook the head helplessly. Smoker’s bad temper can be said to be known throughout the Marine Headquarters.

By the time the weasel spoke, Magellan had flown to the ice continent. Just after landing, Magellan was surrounded by countless gas poison qi. I saw that Magellan’s body was poisoned in an instant, did not look at the mixed gas poison qi on his body, opened his mouth and sucked for a while.

As Magellan sucks gas poison qi, Magellan’s body within the body makes a hong long long sound. The Venom on Magellan is also quickly moved towards the ground, and Magellan inhaling countless gas is like a melting sugar man. It did n’t take long for the entire gas continent to have less and less gas qi until it was completely inhaled by Magellan.

“Eh ~~ I can’t do it anymore !!! I’m sore !!! Toilet, toilet !!!” After just sucking in the gas, Magellan painfully ran away in a direction according to his stomach.

While Magellan was going to solve the diarrhea, the weasel and the others took a dozen peaceful Pacifista to the island. And those ordinary Marine soldier not at all landed, after all, the opponent to face is War God Pirates.

Punk Hazard that would have been completely destroyed as soon as it was bombarded, because Virgo’s existence was not so easy to destroy. After all, an old Marine Vice Admiral didn’t say to give up, which is why Magellan will take the initiative to absorb those poison qi gas. Unfortunately, Magellan and the others don’t seem to know Virgo’s specific things.

“The only place on this island that can be stupid is the research institute over there!” After landing, Smoker looked at the Academy of Sciences in the distance and turned his head towards the looking towards the weasel. Several people said, “Virgo is our G The Base of -5 is long, and it is our G-5 to find him! We will separate here. “

“Garbages! It’s time to go!” Ignoring the bitter colors on the faces of the weasel, Smoker shook out the ten hands on his back and shouted loudly.


“This guy … why didn’t I see the Poison Dragon Admiral?” Helpless shook the head, and the weasel turned his head towards towards several Rear Admiral who followed.

“I don’t know, Poison Dragon Admiral didn’t see the silhouette after he went to the island!” Several Marine Rear Admiral standing in front of the peaceful Pacifista glanced at each other, shook the head loudly said.

“The situation is urgent, let’s go to the Academy of Sciences to find War God Pirates first! Anyway, this is the former Academy of Sciences. Based on the past of Dimon and Drake .. It is hard to guarantee that they are not trying to get something at the Academy of Sciences!” Frowns looked around, and the Weasel Vice Admiral gave a decisive order. Then he waved a big hand and took the lead towards the Institute of Science and ran.

When everyone went to the Academy of Sciences in Marine, Dimon and the others also saw a strange scene. I saw that there were dozens of huge children in front of Dimon, but these children were fighting for a huge candy, and this candy was what the disgusting monster smlleys had eaten before.

“Hey! Hey! Give me a stop!” Even the little mls will explode, and these little demon robbed as candy. If something dangerous happened, it wasn’t what Dimon wanted.

“Who are you!” A huge girl looked at Dimon a few people with curiosity, and then looked at her companion, and then summoned the courage to move towards Dimon.

“Such a dangerous thing, you better not play it.” Quickly grabbed the candy, Drake looks at the huge children in front of him said with a slight smile.

“Candy! I want to eat candy !!”

“Not allowed to grab our candy! Give it back to us soon !!”

“Little demon! Pipe down!” Looks at the sudden rampage giant kid, Dimon both eyes shouted aloud. As Dimon’s War God will launch, these children ran to the corner of the room as quickly as hell.

“This is … it seems to be some kind of medicine!” Unpacking the candy, Luo eyebrows slightly frowned. As a doctor, Luo instinctively felt the pungent medicinal smell from this candy. Only because there is no tool to test, Luo can’t judge what kind of medicine.

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