Facing Shaq's teleportation speed, Whitebeard's eyes narrowed subtly. This speed is even faster than his nemesis Roger and Garp. I'm afraid that in terms of speed, only Kizaru with the Phantom Fruit can be compared with Shaq.

"Humph."Blade shock" Whitebeard swung his blade and chopped towards Shak's blade."Bang" Shak's blade was dispersed by the shaking blade. But the thunder blade chopped on Whitebeard's blade. This was the first time that Shak and Whitebeard actually met each other.

""Boom!" The extremely powerful energy spread out."Crack!" Cracks began to appear on the ground and expanded rapidly. Shaq took more than ten steps back. Each step left a footprint several dozen centimeters deep. Shaq looked at the white-bearded man opposite with excitement.

""Tap tap" Whitebeard's tall body couldn't help but take two steps back. No, it should be one and a half steps. Lightning flashed on Whitebeard's sword. But there was no discomfort on his face. Instead, he laughed and said,"Little ghost. Are you massaging me with this lightning?"

Shaq felt his hands tremble. He frowned slightly and immediately waved his hand.���Inserted into the ground. A big hole appeared on the ground. It turned out that Shaq transferred Whitebeard's vibration force to the ground."It seems that this state is still not enough to deal with you. Then. Armament Haki"

The next moment, countless black gases emerged from Shaq's body. Slowly, these black gases formed an illusory armor that wrapped Shaq's whole body and weapons.

"Armored armor. Advanced Armor Haki. I didn't expect your domineering power to catch up with that mad dog Garp. This is interesting. Come on."Whitebeard's fighting spirit was also aroused by Shaq. After so many years, Whitebeard missed Garp Roger and others very much. After all, fighting with all his strength and the trials of life and death are what Whitebeard really expects in life. Although he is old, he still hopes to have an opponent who can fight with all his strength.

"Whitebeard, fight with all your strength. Teleport. Shaq teleported to Whitebeard again and slashed him with his sword.

"Dangdangdang"Whitebeard and Shaq fought with swords and fists. They fought from one side of the island to the other. The whole island was torn apart by the aftermath of the battle between the two.

On another island, the captains under Whitebeard and the crew of the Grim Reaper were also fighting hard. Although the strength of Alice, Bell, Lakraain and other four people on the side of the Grim Reaper was weaker. But Hancock held up the two captains Marco and Thatch alone. While Van Oka and Izo were fighting, they also shot at other captains from time to time. So it was difficult for both sides to tell the winner for a while.

There were already a few more pirate ships ten thousand meters away. These pirates who would fight to the death when they met tacitly did not take action. Quietly watching the duel between Whitebeard and the Grim Reaper with a telescope.

"So strong. As expected of Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world. He destroyed a forest with one punch."

"The Grim Reaper is also very powerful. He split the sea with one sword. Is this the power of a great swordsman?"

"No wonder he dared to declare war on Whitebeard. He is indeed very powerful."

"Look, the Grim Reaper was knocked away."

On the island, Shaq was knocked away by Whitebeard's Tremor-Tremor Fruit. He disappeared in mid-air using teleportation. He reappeared and slashed at Whitebeard again."Boom boom boom"They fought for thousands of rounds again. The two fought from morning to afternoon. But neither Whitebeard nor Shaq showed any sign of fatigue. Instead, they fought more and more bravely.

When the two separated, Shaq's clothes had long been reduced to strips. Whitebeard's right hand holding the knife was also somewhat burnt. He had thrown away the majestic cape somewhere unknown.

"Whitebeard, he is indeed worthy of being the strongest man in the world. The warm-up should be over."Shaq said with a serious face, and a lot of lightning suddenly appeared on his body."Secret method, lightning stimulation."

Whitebeard stomped his sword and said,"Bang. Little brat. I recognize your strength. It is worth my all-out fight." Whitebeard's muscles swelled up. His seven-meter-tall figure also grew by more than one meter. His aura was extremely violent.

The energy aftermath around the two was so strong that even the major general-level masters did not dare to approach. The peak battle is about to begin. Whitebeard at this time is not the Whitebeard who is about to be buried four years later. He is at least twice as strong as four years later. Shaq feels tremendous pressure.

"Teleport. Six styles of secret nine-fold dark power. Shaq appeared in front of Whitebeard in an instant and punched him.

""Air Shock" Whitebeard shouted and punched out.

"boom"Crack!" The air hundreds of meters around the two people was shattered. The next moment, the ground began to crack. A series of extremely wide cracks began to spread from the feet of the two people to the surrounding areas.

"Ha, continue."The Storm is in chaos." Shaq jumped up and kicked out hundreds of vacuum slashes in an instant."Ha, crack, crack, crack." Whitebeard swung his sword and slashed out a huge sword energy with a high-speed vibration frequency.

Look at the other island. After several hours of fierce fighting, the disadvantage of the God of Death has appeared. Alice and others are suppressed by the opponent. After all, Alice and Ain are still young. Their strength has not been developed. Bell and Lacra are only ordinary vice admirals. How can they be the opponent of the captain under Whitebeard.

In addition to Hancock suppressing the two opponents, Luo and Kulik, Enel, and Tina are just equals. Van Oka's strength is completely in sniping. After being approached, he can only barely protect himself. Robin and Bepo are now at a disadvantage. Baby-5 is still a little weak and has been injured in many places.

Hancock looked very ugly when he saw this situation. If this goes on, after Alice and others are defeated, the situation on his side will be troublesome. Hancock's face darkened."Damn it. In this case, I have to go all out."Sweet and sweet wind"

Hancock made a heart shape with her hands in front of her, and waves of pink waves spread out. Marco and Thatch, who were the first to bear the brunt, changed their faces. They punched themselves in the chest without hesitation, diverting their attention.

""Fragrant Kick." Hancock took the opportunity to kick the two men out. Marco and Thatch blocked it with their armed color, one with their sword. But they also flew backwards.

Hancock immediately shouted to the other captains of Whitebeard,"Sweet Sweet Wind." Instantly, waves spread out

""Not good. Quickly divert your attention." Marco warned Hancock while rushing to him. Unfortunately, Marco was still a little late. Fossa and Buffalo Atmos just turned their heads to look at Hancock and were completely petrified. Their opponent Lakla was also petrified. But Bepo was fine.

Because all Bepo thought about was the mother bear. Naturally, he would not be petrified. Hancock waved his hand and Lakla was immediately unpetrified. He was stunned to find that his opponent did not destroy their stone statues after being petrified.

"Damn it. Hancock, your opponent is me."Marko kicked Hancock.

""Fragrant Kicks." Hancock and Marco started fighting again. Thatch also joined in. On the Death side, Bepo and Lakla immediately went to help Alice and others after they were free. This time the disadvantage was brought back. However, both sides tacitly agreed to toast the two petrified people. And they stayed away from the two people in the battle.

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