Following Shaq's loud shout, the knight's spear in the Thunder Emperor's right hand instantly transformed into a huge palm. The huge lightning palm, tens of meters high and hundreds of meters wide, slapped Doflamingo fiercely. The speed was incredibly fast. When

Doflamingo saw the palm coming down, the giant palm had already reached his head before he could react. In horror, Doflamingo stretched out his right hand and yelled,"Spider's Nest." A large number of lines gathered together to form a spider web."Boom"

With one move, a huge charred palm print immediately appeared on the ground."Cough cough" the smoke and dust dissipated. Doflamingo was seen coughing up blood from the corner of his mouth. His whole body was pitch black, and it was obvious that he was covered with armed color domineering to survive.

"Damn it. Let's die together."Doflamingo screamed crazily in his heart. He began to control the lines on the birdcage. Countless invisible silk threads immediately hung down to the ground. Doflamingo planned to use this trick to control the people on the island and even the crew of the god of death, and then use them to besiege Shak.

Unfortunately, under the voice of all things in the observation color, Doflamingo's purpose was known by Shak in advance.

Shak looked down on Doflamingo.

"A clown is a clown.

He is not presentable.

Do you think a mere birdcage can trap me? The Roar of the Thunder Emperor" The huge Thunder Emperor suddenly opened his mouth and"roared" at the sky.

A huge lightning beam rushed out of the mouth of the Thunder Emperor.

Directly blasted a gap in the birdcage in the sky.

Shak controlled the Thunder Emperor to turn around.

The lightning beam was like drawing a circle in the air.

The silk threads of the entire birdcage were immediately burned off.

The silk threads that formed the birdcage fell down one after another.

Doflamingo's face was scary black. His own trick was broken again. He thought to himself,"It seems that I can't escape death today. But even if I die, I will dig a piece of flesh from you. 16 Holy Bullets - God's Slaying" 16 strands of high-density armed-colored huge waves of white lines rose from the ground and pierced Hancock and others at a very fast speed.

Yes, Doflamingo knew that even if he used this move, he might not be able to hurt Shaq. So he directly changed the target of the attack to Hancock and others.

""Despicable clown. Who do you think I am? I am the woman of the Pirate Queen and the God of Death."Captive Arrow." Hancock immediately used her ultimate move. This time Hancock used all her strength. The number of arrows exceeded tens of thousands. In an instant, most of Doflamingo's ultimate wave white line turned into stone and fell powerlessly.

""Joker, you succeeded in irritating me." Seeing that Doflamingo did not attack him but attacked Hancock and the others, Shaq was immediately furious. He used"Lightning Release - Kirin" and a huge lightning Kirin came crashing down.

"Spider's Nest." Doflamingo used a strong defense again."Boom." A mushroom cloud rose. Doflamingo flew backwards with his body charred.

"Teleport."Shaq said silently in his heart and appeared behind Doflamingo."Six-style secret. Nine-fold dark power" Bang, this punch hit Doflamingo's back fiercely.

"" Crack. Ah." With the sound of broken bones, Doflamingo's body folded in half like a noodle and flew towards Law.

Law, who had recovered from his injuries, naturally did not show any courtesy. He knew that Shaq had deliberately hit Doflamingo, so he"slashed with a sword before he moved." A figure flashed. Doflamingo's head had been separated from his body. He died with a strong unwillingness.

"Dead." Cyrus said stupidly.

"died"Violet and Baby-5 were both slightly dazed. Such a powerful Doflamingo died just like that.

"Woo woo wooThe demon finally died.My people who were killed cannot be resurrected."King Kuli started to cry like a child. Violet and Cyrus tried to comfort him.

"Humph. Even if you die, you must make the final contribution to me. Devour it." Shaq took Doflamingo's body into the devouring space.

The next moment, Shaq's entire aura burst out involuntarily. As the energy in his body surged out, his aura became stronger and stronger."Everyone, step back quickly.Shaq is about to break through."Robin saw Shaq was surrounded by lightning and knew that Shaq was breaking through. He immediately reminded everyone to step back.

"ah"But before they could retreat far, Shaq's aura surged again. A hurricane swept out. Shaq's hair stood upside down. His body swelled more than twice. The veins on his body protruded one by one. Lightning and thunder made a crackling sound all over his body.

""Oh no! The ground is going to collapse." Kulik shouted, and everyone realized that countless cracks on the ground were expanding. If this continued, the entire King's Highland would collapse.

"Moon Step"Robin and the others jumped into the air and fled the scene using the Moon Step.

"Thunder beast." Enel roared and turned into a huge thunder beast. In an instant, he threw Lilith and Baby-5 onto his back and flew into the air.

King Kuli, Violet, and Cyrus and his daughter were caught by Kuli and others and taken into the air. Not long after they escaped."Peng"The entire King's Highlands collapsed due to the surging energy caused by Shaq's breakthrough.

Everyone was shocked to see this horrifying scene. When the smoke and dust had dispersed a lot, Shaq came out as if wearing a black armor. This was the domineering armor that could only be condensed when the Armament Haki broke through to a high level. Just when Shaq's physique broke through the marshal level, his Armament Haki also broke through at the same moment.

It can be said that this time Shaq's breakthrough strength increased by more than five times. If Shaq had only five points of confidence before when he wanted to challenge Whitebeard, then now his confidence is twelve points. He doesn't believe that Whitebeard, who is about to turn seventy, can remain in his peak state.

"My husband""Abnormal Shaq""captain""Congratulations to the head of the Death God for his breakthrough. The crew gathered around Shaq to congratulate him.

Shaq took back his Armament Haki armor, hugged the four Hancock girls one by one, and laughed,"Hahaha. The era of the Death God is coming."

"The head of the god of death." At this time, Violet came over."Thank you for saving my father and everyone else. I know that the reason why Doflamingo was able to ask for the support of Drought Jack this time was because he promised to give Kaido a devil fruit."

""Oh" Shaq was a little surprised."What kind of fruit can actually interest Kaido?"

"It is the Float-Float Fruit that belonged to the Golden Lion you killed some time ago. Doflamingo put it in the villa, and it should be buried under those rocks now. Violet pointed to the pile of ruins and said

"It's the Float-Float Fruit?" Shak's mind moved and he used his Observation Haki to sense over there. After a while, he sensed an exquisite small box. Shak punched the ground. The rocks in that area were blown up. A small box flew into the air.

The next moment, Shak teleported over and grabbed the box and then teleported back. Everyone excitedly looked at the box in Shak's hand. Shak smiled and thought to himself,"After all, this is the fruit that created a legendary figure like Golden Lion. Most people would be tempted."

""Crack!" Shaq exerted force on his hand and immediately crushed the box. Inside was a Superman fruit that looked like a cantaloupe.���"This is the Float-Float Fruit? Who wants it?" Shaq looked at the people on his ship, especially Nami, Alice, Kulik and others who had never taken the fruit.

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