On the cliff. Robin and the others stood on the edge of the cliff and looked down. None of them were nervous at all. Instead, they were watching the battle below with a smile. Nami said with an unhappy face,"What a pervert Shaq. Every battle is such a big scene. I almost got dust on my clothes just now.""

"That's right. A violent pervert. Nami-san. Don't pay attention to him anymore. Okay." Perona provoked

"I said, can you guys show some team spirit? The captain is fighting a super scary guy? Aren't you worried at all?"Ian was surprised

"What are you worried about? The captain will win anyway. Because he is the god of death."Bell obviously has a blind worship for Shaq.

Below the cliff, Jack and Shaq confronted each other for a while and rushed towards each other at the same time. Both of them tacitly did not use weapons. It was just a hard fight of physical strength and skills."Boom boom boom"The ground within a thousand-meter radius was turned into ruins by the fight between the two.

Two inhuman monsters. Both of them were so strong that it was outrageous. Shaq's body strength increased dramatically by swallowing space. He was just thinking of a fight to get familiar with the increased power. Jack on the opposite side was just enjoying the fun of fighting fist to fist

"Little ghost. Good physique. But unfortunately, I am the user of the animal-type mammoth fruit. Ha! Jack shouted and turned into a half-orc covered with long hair. His height reached eight meters. After the transformation, Jack's strength increased several times. He punched Shaq on the opposite side.

"wellCome on!" Shaq's eyes were filled with excitement. He punched out"Six Styles Mystery Nine Layers Dark Power""

""Bang." After a loud bang, Shaq was smashed to the ground. But when Jack raised his fist, he found that Shaq was not injured and was still energetic. It was just that the ground could not bear the force of the two.

"Hahaha. That's it. Again." Shaq laughed maniacally and rushed out of the ground and rushed towards Jack."Bang bang bang"The two of them started fighting fiercely again.

After hundreds of moves, Jack became impatient. He yelled"Mammoth Stomp" and stomped hard on the ground. The entire ground shook. Countless rocks popped out. These rocks seemed to have eyes and all smashed towards Shaq.

""Teleport" Shaq teleported and ignored these attacks. When he reappeared, he was already behind Jack. He punched Jack,"Six styles of secrets, nine levels of dark power."

Jack's eyes flashed with a look of conspiracy. He turned around and hit Shaq with a pair of huge hands,"I've seen through your moves a long time ago, kid. Go to hell, mammoth impact."

Jack didn't hold back at all with this move. He hit Shaq with all his strength."Bang" Shaq was like being hit by a train. The whole person flew backwards and hit the ground. The ground collapsed again, forming a human-shaped pit that was bottomless.

"Hahaha"Puff!" Jack laughed triumphantly, but the next moment the dark energy left by Shaq in his body exploded. A mouthful of blood spurted out. The injured Jack was still in disbelief."Damn kid. This ability is a bit similar to Whitebeard's Tremor-Tremor Fruit."

""Bang!" Shaq rushed out of the ground. He looked extremely embarrassed. There was a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth. He looked at Jack coldly,"It seems that the warm-up is over. Let's get serious now. Lightning secret method. Lightning stimulation. Chidori flow." Shaq was surrounded by lightning. Under the stimulation of the secret method, his strength and speed skyrocketed.

"Damn it. Warming up? Are you talking in your sleep? Go to hell."Jack was furious when he saw that Shaq was not seriously injured. His huge arm hit Shaq again.

Shaq raised his head. There was a cold light in his eyes."Talking in your sleep? Haha." He raised his fist and punched."Bang" Jack felt a pain in his arm. He couldn't help but step back a few steps."Tap, tap, tap" left one meter deep footprints on the ground.

"How is it possible? The power is several times stronger than before."Although Jack was not injured by the lightning on Shaq, his body was numb for a moment.

Just this one moment was enough. In a duel between masters, even a moment of numbness can be fatal. Shaq stomped his feet on the ground and rushed towards Jack. His fist hit Jack's face mercilessly."Bang" Jack's huge body flew out. The mask on his face also cracked.

But this is not over yet. Shaq teleported in front of Jack again, and his fist covered with armed color hit him at an extremely fast speed. Jack's body has not yet landed on the ground, and his hands instinctively crossed over his face."Bang bang bang" Shaq's fists hit Jack's arms at an extremely fast speed. One punch was faster than the other, and directly knocked Jack into the ground

"hatefulYou pissed me off, kid." Jack stood up and looked at Shak angrily."Fruit awakening. Mammoth transformation." The next moment, Jack, who was originally a half-orc, transformed again. His body grew to a huge mammoth, 50 meters tall and 60 meters long. The huge trunk lashed towards Shak like lightning.

"" Bang!" Shaq punched out. Unfortunately, Jack, who had transformed again, had his strength increased tenfold. Shaq was no match in this state and was severely sucked into the ground.

Jack did not stop. Instead, he raised his elephant leg and stomped down hard."Bang!" The ground of hundreds of meters collapsed."Boom boom boom!" There were more than a dozen stomps in a row. Jack's crazy anger dissipated a little. Jack in the mammoth state said,"Little boy. Now you know how powerful I am. But I will not be stingy with the dead. I will erect a tombstone for you, little boy. Hahahaha."

Just when Jack was smug and thought that Shaq had been stepped into a meat pie by him, a voice came from behind,"What are you laughing at, old man? Tell me about it?"

Jack's laughter stopped immediately. He turned his head and looked at Shaq with disbelief,"YouHow can it be possible to be alive?"

Shaq was indeed in a very miserable state. A huge bloodstain on his chest was still dripping blood. Just now, he was sucked into the ground by Jack and immediately left by teleportation. Otherwise, he might really be turned into a meat pie if he was trampled by Jack's huge power. Shaq stared at Jack, who had turned into a mammoth, with a frosty face."It seems that old man, you are really capable. Then I won't be polite. Thunder Emperor."

As Shaq fell, countless thunder and lightning gathered on Shaq. Gradually formed a hundred-meter-high thunder and lightning giant. Wearing a crown on his head and three pairs of wings behind his back. Holding a huge thunder and lightning knight gun in his hand. Jack looked at the Thunder Emperor created by Shak in shock."How could it be? Such a huge energy body. Damn. Mammoth impact"

Jack raised his limbs and rushed towards Shaq fiercely. The huge mammoth tusks were like two sharp knives that pierced into the thigh of the Thunder Emperor. The next moment"Ah"It was not Shaq who screamed, but Jack who launched the attack. At this moment, the huge mammoth had fallen to the ground and was convulsing. His body was charred and gave off a meaty smell. It was the 500 million volts of terrifying lightning from Shaq's Thunder Emperor that scorched his skin.

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