""What happened? How did Monet and Mahabais lose?" Doflamingo asked coldly.

Violet said solemnly,"Monet and Mahabais didn't even have a chance to fight. They were killed instantly by the sniper. The opponent only fired two shots to kill Monet and Mahabais."

"How is it possible?"Doflamingo opened his eyes wide in disbelief. You know, Monet is the user of the natural fruit Snow-Snow Fruit, and Mahabas also has the combat power of a lieutenant general. How could he be killed in an instant?

"HahahaNothing is impossible. You know, my captain of the 4th Division is a world-class sniper. During the Fishman Island, Whitebeard's captain of the 16th Division, Izo, was suppressed by him and automatically surrendered."Shaq smiled triumphantly.

"When did the head of the God of Death hide such a master? He was able to defeat Izo, one of Whitebeard's men. It seems that he is indeed a world-class sniper."Doflamingo said in a deep voice. The violent aura in his heart continued to swell.

When Kuliklakala and Van Oka walked to a cliff, Monet and Mahabais suddenly jumped down from the cliff. He was about to say a few words in the air. Only to hear two gunshots. The next moment, Monet and Mahabais' foreheads were pierced by bullets covered with armed color domineering. The two masters appeared without even saying a word and were shot in two seconds by Van Oka.

Van Oka blew the green smoke from the muzzle of the gun and said,"Stupid idiot. Since you dare to appear in front of me, it means that you are here for me to kill. This is fate."

"Hey, hey, hey. I say Fan Oka. Please leave one for me. How can I become famous and recruit subordinates if I continue like this? Bastard."When Kulik saw the enemy just now, he was still fantasizing that after defeating the enemy, his fame would immediately spread across the sea. Then his subordinates would come to him one after another. Such a beautiful dream was wiped out by Fan Oka in the next second. This made him jump with anger.

"A man should fight in an upright manner. Captain Van Oka, please show mercy next time. My fists are thirsty for blood," Lakla also looked dissatisfied. Van Oka didn't bother to pay attention to the two and just walked past them and continued to move forward.

On the other side, Robin, Nami, and Cyrus and his daughter also encountered enemies. Diamante with the Floating Fruit and Lao G, a master of Qigong. Cyrus immediately picked up his sword and rushed to fight with Diamante when he saw the murderer of his wife. Robin asked Nami to take Rebecca aside to protect her. He walked towards Lao G.

"You guys want to deal with the young master? I will never let you pass.G"Lao G made a move

""Flower-Flower Fruit. Hook. Bend the waist." Robin crossed his hands and used the power of the Flower-Flower Fruit. The next moment, four arms grew out of Lao G's body, grabbing his neck and bending down.

""Ka." Lao G was immediately folded in half by Robin. But the next moment, Lao G's whole body shook and his arms were immediately shattered. He quickly rushed towards Robin and punched Robin in the stomach.

""Shave. Storm Kick" Robin attacked Shaq's training and had completely mastered the Six Styles. He kicked at Rao G with a series of vacuum slashes. However, the opponent was also a master of physical skills. A series of Qi energy blasted out from his fists. For a while, the two fought evenly.

However, in addition to the Six Styles, Robin was also a supernatural power user. While Rao G was concentrating on the battle, several arms suddenly appeared on the ground and grabbed Rao G's feet.

""Oops." Lao G knew it was bad the moment his foot was grabbed. Sure enough, when he shook his arm apart, Robin had already appeared behind him."Gun pointing. Madara" Dozens of arm phantoms bombarded Lao G's back, directly blasting him dozens of meters away.

"Damn it. I must not fall. For the sake of the young master.GFighting fist."Lao G, with blood dripping from his back, used his ultimate move. The power that had been in his body for many years burst out. His whole body grew in size. He became a muscular man. His whole body was full of energy.

"The Flower-Flower Fruit. The giant's arm."Robin crossed his arms. Two giant arms immediately grew out of the ground and slapped Lao G hard.

"Boom"After Rao G's transformation, he became several times stronger. With two punches, he shattered Robin's giant arm. He rushed to Robin and used the"Seal of G."

Robin looked solemn. She decided to use the trick that Shaq taught her,"Flower-Flower Fruit. Hundred Flowers in Full Bloom. Armament Haki. Infinite Gun Finger." Suddenly, hundreds of arms appeared behind Robin. All the arms were instantly covered with Armament Haki. Countless arm phantoms appeared. It looked like the Thousand-armed Avalokitesvara.

"Boom."The two's special moves collided with each other. A mushroom cloud rose. When the smoke and dust cleared, Robin covered his stomach in embarrassment. A trickle of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. Lao G on the opposite side was even worse. There were blood holes all over his body. The most fatal thing was that there were blood holes on his forehead and throat. He fell down with lifeless eyes.

Cyrus on the other side was much more miserable. As a fighter, Cyrus's attacks almost had to be close to work. But Diamante's cloak was a fighting fish cloak that was harder than steel. And it could control metal to attack from a distance. Half an hour later. Cyrus was already covered with scars.

"Dad. Woo woo woo"Rebecca was not that strong when she was little. She was already crying loudly. Nami on the side was not good at comforting people. She kept saying don't worry, your dad will win. But on the battlefield, it seemed that Cyrus had no chance of winning.

Cyrus had been dodging Diamante's attacks and looking for opportunities. But Diamante didn't let Cyrus get close to her. Suddenly, two huge arms rose from the ground and slapped Diamante hard. It was Robin who had dealt with Lao G.

"This kind of attack also wants to defeat me. Too naive."Diamanti immediately���He swung dozens of sword qi at the victim's arm.

"Boom! Robin's giant arm was blown apart by the sword energy. But at this time, Cyrus finally seized the opportunity to get close to Diamante. He gathered all his energy and shouted,"Thunder Destruction Sword!""

"No"Diamante used his betta cloak to block in front of him in horror. But he was still broken by Cyrus's ultimate move and slashed hard on his body. He flew dozens of meters and fell to the ground and could not get up again. On the

King's Highland. After Violet reported the battle situation. Doflamingo was surprisingly not angry. But everyone knew that he was brewing a raging rage in his heart

"It seems my men are about to get here. Joker, you lose." Shaq smiled and drank the wine in the glass.

"Lose? HohohoThe head of the Death God seems to be too happy too early."Doflamingo showed a strange smile on his face.

At this time, all the members of the Death God who defeated their opponents had gathered at the steep slope below the King's Highland."Hey. Robin-san. Nami-san, you are here." Kulik greeted them.

"Kulik, Lakla, and Fan Oka. Didn't you encounter any enemies? How come there is no dust on your body?"Robin asked curiously.

Kulik looked at Fan Oka and said unhappily,"It's all because of Oka. He killed the enemy instantly. Lakla and I didn't have a chance to fight."

"Robin-san." At this time, the Alice sisters and Luo, Bell and Lilith also arrived. Everyone looked at the villa at the top of the steep slope.

Just when everyone was about to step onto the steep slope, the whole ground suddenly shook. A huge rock giant emerged from the ground. A sharp voice rang out,"Stop here. I will never let you go one step further."

Looking at this giant who was almost three hundred meters tall but made a voice like a child in the puberty period. Everyone was stunned,"HahahahaWhere did you come from, little brat? Get out of here now."

"Small"Little brat?" The sharp voice was angry.

He raised his fist which was more than 40 meters long and smashed it hard at the Death God crew.

Luo, Kulik and others were about to take action.

They heard a roar of"Thunder Beast Cannon" and a two-meter-long thunder ball in the sky slammed down on the head of the rock giant.

After a loud"bang", half of the rock giant's body disappeared.

Everyone looked up.

They saw a thunder beast with lightning wrapped around its body standing majestically in the air.

A beautiful woman was sitting on its back.

The thunder beast also held a strong old man in its claws.

It was Enel, Tina and King Riku who were rescued by them.

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