""Who are you?" Shaq pointed at the dark-skinned woman and shouted,"Where is Nico Robin?"

The woman opposite immediately crossed her hands in front of her chest when she heard the name."Flower-Flower Fruit. Hook Claw" Four arms suddenly grew out from behind Shaq's waist. Two of them hugged Shaq's head. Two hugged his waist. They were bent down hard.

Shaq felt the changes in his body. He shook it slightly. The four arms on his body were immediately shaken apart by Shaq. They turned into petals and finally disappeared.

"Are you Nico Robin?"Shaq looked at the woman in confusion. The image of the goddess in his mind collapsed instantly. He said with a look of disappointment,"How is it possible? How could Robin be so ugly? My love. Goodbye. Woo woo"Shaq cried out without caring about his image.

The woman opposite. Nico Robin blushed. Because Shaq just said that she was his love. Fortunately, Robin's face was dark at the moment and she couldn't see the blush at all."Death God ElsonJShaq, are you going to arrest me and collect the bounty?

Shaq ignored Robin. He just stepped out of his arms with a sad face.���A bounty was presented. There was a very cute girl on it. Short hair. Dark skin. Big eyes. Exactly what Nico Robin looked like when she was a child. Shaq gently stroked the little Robin in the photo on the bounty. Just as gently as he would to his lover.

Nico Robin on the opposite side was stunned when she saw Shaq take out her childhood bounty. Then when Shaq stroked the photo. Robin immediately trembled all over. It was as if Shaq was touching her. Then she yelled,"Dead pervert, go to hell. Flower-Flower Fruit, multiple claws."

Dozens of arms immediately grew out of Shaq's body. They grabbed Shaq's limbs and head and pulled them down hard. However, Robin's Flower-Flower Fruit was not highly developed. Her strength was not strong. Shaq shook off her arms again. Turning to look at Robin in confusion, she said,"Isn't this style wrong? How come she was so cute when she was a child but became ugly when she grew up? And when did you get a mole on your face?"

Nico Robin was angry and furious. She couldn't fight him and couldn't escape, so she just scolded him."You pervert, what do you want? Kill me if you want, don't insult me."

Shaq put Robin's bounty in his arms. Turning to Robin, he said,"Nicole Robin, I won't hurt you. Even though you are ugly now, you were my dream goddess before. I will let you go when we reach the next island."

Nicole Robin was stunned. Seeing that Shaq didn't want to lie, she suddenly felt a warm current flowing through her heart. After all, Shaq regarded her as his dream lover. That means Shaq will never hurt her. Nicole Robin hesitated and said,"Are you really going to let me go?"

"Of course. I, Shaq, the God of Death, cannot keep my word."Shaq said firmly

"Then should I stay on your ship?"Nico Robin suddenly asked. She had been hiding for more than ten years. She was afraid that others would betray her. She was tired of it. If she could find a true partner, Nico Robin would definitely join without hesitation. Because she really didn't want to hide herself all day and be betrayed by others or betray others.

""Hmm." Shaq looked at Nico Robin. He didn't expect Nico Robin to ask to join him."I will soon form a pirate group. If you are interested, you can join."

Nico Robin was not disgusted when she heard that Shaq was going to form a pirate group. Instead, she felt relieved. Since Shaq even told her about this, he would not sell her out to the navy.

"Thank you, Captain." Nico Robin smiled and

Shaq shuddered. How ugly it would be for Robin to smile."No thanks." Shaq turned his head away from her.

"Hehehe. This captain is quite interesting." Thinking in his heart, Robin said,"Captain. I will take you to Cell's treasure room. By the way, my name is Alice now. Please don't call me by my real name before you have formed a pirate group."

"Oh, let's go." Shaq followed Robin into the cabin. Soon he came out carrying a lot of treasure. At this time, Shaq's ship had already approached.

Several sailors saw the big package on Shaq's back and laughed happily,"Mr. Shaq, what a good harvest."

Shaq sent the treasure to the opposite ship, cut off Cell's head and kept it. Then he took Robin back to his ship. Pointing at Robin, he said,"This is Alice, the new chef."

Although several sailors were surprised that Shaq brought such an ugly guy with him, Shaq was the boss after all, so they did not dare to ask too much. They all said hello to Robin.

Two days later, Shaq converted all the treasures of Cell into Baileys and deposited them in the bank. He set out again. This time, Shaq did not bring ten sailors with him, because he told them that he was going to enter the Grand Line. The four sailors had families at home, so they would not take risks with Shaq.

After Shaq left four million Baileys for the four people, he set out alone with Robin, heading for the Grand Line. On the deck, Nico Robin lay leisurely on the beach chair, revealing her sexy figure. Only It's just that face is really not flattering. Now Robin has completely trusted Shaq.

Because if they want to capture Robin in exchange for the bounty, they can send Robin to the naval base on the previous island to collect the bounty. Since Shaq didn't do that, he will naturally not betray Robin. Nico Robin looked at Shaq who was swinging the sword non-stop. A faint smile appeared on his face.

Three days later, the two of them finally came to the entrance of the Grand Line. Upside Down Mountain. Legend has it that Upside Down Mountain is part of the Red Earth Continent. It is also the only entrance for the four seas to enter the Grand Line. Every sea area in the four seas has a river flowing upstream. As long as you rush over, you can enter the Grand Line.

"Shaq, we are about to enter the Grand Line. What is your dream?"Robin asked, fanning Shaq.

"Of course, to be the best in the world," Shaq replied without hesitation.

"The strongest in the world? Why not Pirate King? Aren't you going to form a pirate group?" Robin asked curiously.

"Only the strongest can better protect their companions. Look at the people in the Whitebeard Pirates. Who dares to kill them at will? So I want to become the strongest. Protect my companions."Shaq said firmly

"Protect your companions?" Robin was secretly happy. This was the captain she wanted. The ship gradually climbed up. Soon it finally reached the top. Shak and his companions finally saw the world behind the Upside-Down Mountain."Here I come, Great Channel." Shak shouted.

""Ah!" Robin screamed. His face turned pale. Because the whole ship suddenly fell down quickly. Although there was a river to cushion the fall from a height of several hundred meters, the river on this side of the Upside Down Mountain was flowing downwards. So the speed of the ship's fall was not slow at all.

Robin, in panic, suddenly hugged Shaq. With a loud"bang", the ship finally landed on the sea, splashing huge waves."Splash" a lot of seawater instantly fell on the deck, soaking the two like drowned chickens.

""Hahaha. It's awesome. It's more exciting than a roller coaster." Shaq laughed.

"Damn it. I was almost scared to death." Nico Robin said coquettishly

""You... How have you changed?" Shaq looked down and saw Robin's appearance and exclaimed in surprise. At this moment, Robin had completely turned into a stunning beauty. The mole on her face disappeared. Her dark skin was no longer so dark. It turned out that Robin's makeup was washed away by the sea water, revealing her original face. That beautiful face immediately made Shaq obsessed.

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