"Hahaha"Hearing Hody Jones invite Shaq, all the Death God crew members laughed loudly and looked at Hody Jones as if he were a clown.

"Idiot." Shak cursed and ignored him. He walked up to Shirahoshi and said,"Shirahoshi, your mother was not killed by humans. I know you saw it with your own eyes. Your mother, Princess Otohime, also asked you not to tell the truth. But now the murderer is about to attack your father and brother. Are you still going to hide it?"

"ButMother said that the truth cannot be told."Shirahoshi looked at Hodi Jones and shrank back in fear.

"What? The truth about my mother's murder? Shirahoshi, do you really know?" Shark Star hurriedly grabbed Shirahoshi's arm and said anxiously

"The truth about Princess Otohime's death. Shirahoshi, do you know?" Jinbei also looked at Shirahoshi expectantly. All the fishmen respected Princess Otohime very much. After Princess Otohime was killed, the fishmen's favorability towards humans could be said to have dropped to the freezing point.

Hodi Jones on the opposite side had cold sweats running down his face. If the truth was exposed, most of his fishmen would probably betray him. Because most of his fishmen hated humans because Princess Otohime was"killed" by humans. That's why they were deceived by Hodi Jones's sweet words.

"Neptune, you are the king of the fishmen, but you are on good terms with the human who killed Princess Otohime.

You are no longer worthy of being the king.

Today, I, Hodi Jones, will represent all the fishmen to eradicate these damned humans.

I will lead everyone to dominate the world.

Let all humans tremble for us fishmen.

Come out, brothers.

" Hodi Jones could no longer care about so much.

If he was identified by Shirahoshi, his plan would fail completely.

He had to strike first.

As long as he subdued Neptune, the entire Fishman Island would be his.

With a command from Hodi Jones, a large number of fishmen emerged from various places.

There were as many as 50,000 or 60,000 fishmen surrounding Shak, Neptune and others.

"When?"Neptune and the others were stunned. These were all the people of Fishman Island. They were Neptune's people. Now tens of thousands of people surrounded their king. This made Neptune sad and angry.

""What are you bastards doing? This is the king and several princes. Are you going to rebel?" Jinbei shouted angrily.

"Boss Jinbei. We just don't want to see these damn humans. So many of our compatriots have been captured by humans. Even Princess Otohime was assassinated by humans. We want to drive these damn humans out of Fishman Island."

"Yes. Drive the humans out of Fishman Island"A large group of fishmen looked at Shaq and his men with fierce eyes, as if they wanted to eat Shaq and his men.

"Damn it. These fishmen are just looking for death."Enelu was about to explode with murderous intent on his face. But Shaq waved his hand to stop him.

"Shirahoshi, are you still hesitating? Now you are the only one who can save your father and brother." Shaq stared at Shirahoshi, waiting for her decision.

At this time, Hodi Jones was afraid that Shirahoshi would tell the truth. He immediately waved his hand and said,"Brothers, you see, as the king of Fishman Island, Neptune is so close to humans. He has forgotten the shame that humans have brought to us. He has forgotten the hatred of the princess. But we can't forget. We must avenge those suffering fishmen. Kill those humans."

"Kill"A total of 50,000 to 60,000 fishmen rushed towards Shaq and others under the instigation of Hodi Jones.

"don't want"Shirahoshi screamed loudly."Mother was not killed by humans."

Unfortunately, Shirahoshi's voice seemed so weak under the roar of tens of thousands of people. Neptune, the three brothers of the Killing Star, and Jinbei were all sweating. The siege of tens of thousands of fishmen was no joke. Even a master like Jinbei might die on the spot. Hody Jones was very proud. He fantasized about killing Neptune and ascending the throne of fishmen to dominate the world.

At this moment.

Two domineering auras swept the whole scene.

Countless fishmen were shocked and fainted.

It was Shaq and Hancock who burst out with domineering auras.

More than half of the tens of thousands of fishmen were shocked and fainted.

But Shirahoshi, who was the most timid among Shaq, acted like nothing happened.

This made Shaq sigh,"It really deserves to be the ancient weapon sea king.

" The crazy fishmen suddenly quieted down.

They were all shocked by Shaq and Hancock's domineering auras.

Hody Jones and his subordinates were sweating.

I didn't expect Shaq to be so strong.

At this time, Shaq handed a Sky Island specialty megaphone to Shirahoshi and said,"Tell this great god the truth of that year."

Shirahoshi nodded with tears in his eyes. He picked up the megaphone and said loudly,"Everyone from Fishman Island. I am Shirahoshi. My mother was not killed by humans. She was assassinated by Hodi Jones. At that time, my mother did not let me tell everyone. She did not want the Mermaid Island to kill each other."

"Hodie Jones"Jinbei yelled angrily. His clothes fluttered without any wind. He was obviously extremely angry.

"Damn it. How dare you kill my favorite princess. Hodie Jones. Unforgivable."Neptune and the three princes' eyes turned red. They wanted to kill Hody Jones immediately.

After Shirahoshi revealed the truth, the fishmen on Fishman Island were shocked. It turned out that their beloved Princess Otohime was not killed by humans, but assassinated by the fishmen themselves. What an ironic truth. Many fishmen at the scene didn't even know that their weapons had fallen. They stared at Shirahoshi blankly.

"Bastard. Hodie Jones, why did you do this?"Jinbei clenched his fists. His eyes were fixed on Hodie Jones.

"Why? HahahahaWhy should we fishmen sign a bullshit peace treaty with inferior humans? Princess Otohime is too stupid. Only absolute power can lead the fishmen to the world. It's too late to say anything now. Jinbei, do you think you have won? It's ridiculous."Hody Jones took out a bag from his pocket. It contained the murderous drug. Contraband that can stimulate potential

"Damn it. I will never forgive you. Hodi Jones."Jinbei was furious and was about to attack.

"Compared to this, Jinbei, you should worry about whether Fishman Island will be destroyed."Shaq said, pointing to the sky.

"What's going on? It's getting dark?" The fishmen looked up at the sky.

"Oh. What is that?"

"Noah. How is it possible? How did Noah end up here?"

"It's over, Fishman Island is over." The fishmen looked at the huge ship Noah that was gradually rushing towards Fishman Island. Despair filled the hearts of all the fishmen.

Even the villain Hodi Jones was terrified. The chance of surviving the huge Noah was almost zero. He secretly hated Vander Decken in his heart. He wanted to drag him along with him before he died. Of course, he knew that this was the last blow of Vander Decken's ability to target the people.

"Brother Shaq, please save us all."Shirahoshi looked at Shak helplessly. She hoped that Shak could rescue everyone. After all, just now in the palace, Shak boasted that he was omnipotent. Shirahoshi believed it without a doubt.

Shak smiled gently and said,"Since it is Shirahoshi's request, how can I refuse as a brother? Just watch how I destroy that big ship."

Jinbei was surprised when he heard Shak's words,"Master of Death. How can we break this huge ship?""

""Haha." Shaq looked at Noah who was falling with disdain. The crew members of the Grim Reaper looked at Shaq with crazy admiration. Even the newcomer Ain was curious.

"The Thunder Fruit awakens."Thunder Emperor" Under the gaze of countless people. Shaq roared. Lightning and thunder flashed on his body. Countless electric currents gathered and gradually formed a human-shaped lightning. Then the human-shaped lightning grew rapidly. It grew to about a hundred meters. There were three pairs of wings behind him. He wore a crown on his head. In his right hand, he held a huge knight's gun of a hundred meters. He was majestic.

The fishmen of Fishman Island were all dumbfounded. It was the first time they saw such a huge body. And it was all formed by lightning. The crew members who came in behind the Death Pirates were also shocked. Such a powerful lightning giant. No wonder he was able to break into the Navy Headquarters alone, kill the Golden Lion, and then retreat safely. This power might destroy Fishman Island in just a few moves.

"It's amazing." White Star on the side looked at Shaq on the giant's shoulder with admiration.

"Very strong"Jinbei felt powerless at this moment. Neptune and the three princes had already turned their heads into mush and said they could not understand.

""Thunder Emperor Knight Spear. Kill." Shaq shouted. The Thunder Giant immediately raised the Knight Spear and made a throwing motion.

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