"Didn't you just refuse to join the God of Death? Then you'll be a prisoner." Shaq continued to tease Perona

"No. I don't want to be a prisoner. You pervert, I don't want to be a prisoner." Perona acted like a little girl.

""Captain, I don't want to disturb you, but I think you should solve the current crisis first?" Van Okas pointed to a rock not far away.

Shak and Perona looked in the direction Van Oka pointed. Shak showed a surprised expression. He had retracted his observation Haki after discovering Van Oka. He did not check other places on the island. Unexpectedly, there was another person on the island. And someone Shak was very familiar with.

Perona's face changed wildly,"How is it possible? How could he be here? Admiral Aokiji of the Navy."

Yes. There was a person lying and sleeping on the rock. It was Admiral Aokiji. However, Perona was the only one who was shocked among the three people. Shak and Van Oka both seemed indifferent. Or they didn't care at all.

"Didn't you two hear what they were saying? That's the admiral of the navy. We are pirates. This is terrible. We are going to be arrested and thrown into prison. Woohoo!"Perona squatted on the ground in despair. After a while, she jumped up and said,"That's right. He's sleeping. Let's not wake him up. Let's run quickly.""

""Hey. Isn't this Aokiji? Hello." Shaq greeted loudly

"oh"Perona was about to run away when she was startled by Shaq's voice."Don't be so loud, idiot. Shh..."Shaq and Van Oka both found Perona's behavior funny.

""Hmm." At this time, Aokiji stretched and took off the bags under his eyes. He was surprised to see Shaq and the other two. At the same time, he cursed in his heart,"Oh no. I accidentally fell asleep. I didn't expect to run into this killer. No. I have to fool him first."

Aokiji waved and said,"Hey. Hello. Isn't this Mr. Shaq? How did you get here? Isn't Robin with you?" Aokiji pretended to look around. In fact, he was looking for an escape route to see if he was surrounded. He was not sure that he could deal with Shaq alone.

"Hey, what's going on? Perona was confused by what the two said. When the navy encounters pirates, shouldn't they start a big fight immediately? Why are the two people greeting each other like friends?

Shaq smiled and said,"I am robbing Gekko Moriah. The battle just ended. Robin is counting the spoils up there? Do you want me to call her over to say hello to you?"

Aokiji then realized that the big ship in the distance was Gekko Moriah's terrifying sailboat? This means that Gekko Moriah has been dealt with by Shaq. Aokiji thought that Moriah was unlucky. He smiled and said,"Haha. Since Mr. Shaq is robbing, I won't bother you. Say hello to Robin for me. Bye."

Shaq waved and said,"Bye."This time I will consider it as your reward for letting Robin go. Be careful next time."Shaq smiled. But Aokiji knew that if he hadn't let Robin go when he was a child, it would have been difficult for him to leave today. Aokiji got on his bike without hesitation and left. A frozen path appeared on the sea.

"This thisWhy?" Perona said she couldn't understand.

Fan Oka looked at Perona curiously and said,"Miss Prisoner. You don't know the captain, do you?"

"Who wants to know him? A pervert."Perona stared at Shaq with gritted teeth.

"You haven't read a newspaper in half a year, have you? Our captain is the most famous pirate on the sea in the past six months. Two of the three admirals of the navy were defeated by the captain. The legendary pirate Shiki the Golden Lion was even chased by the captain to the navy headquarters. The captain killed the Golden Lion in front of tens of thousands of navy officers and several admirals and left safely."Fan Oka's eyes were full of admiration.

"No way? Is this pervert so powerful?" Perona's eyes widened in shock. So cute.

Shaq reached out and touched Perona's head despite Perona's objection."HahahahaPerona is a super homebody. She probably won't leave her room for a year or two. So it's normal for me not to know."

"You are the stay-at-home girl. Your whole family is a stay-at-home girl. Three months ago, someone went to the beach and caught two dolphins and made them into zombies."Perona seemed to say that she had only not been out for three months. But Shaq and Van Oka laughed.

At this time, the Death Ship came over. They had sorted out the harvest and came to pick up Shaq. When Shaq saw a large number of corpses, his eyes lit up slightly. This is the nutrient to enhance strength. Shaq waved his hand and wanted to collect these corpses into the devouring space. But he found that these people were not taken in.

Shaq frowned slightly. He thought to himself,"It seems that these people have been dead for a long time. They can only move after being made into zombies. The energy in their bodies has long been dissipated."

Shaq walked in front of Moria again.

He found that Moria was not dead yet.

He just fainted.

Shaq directly pulled out the thunder knife and chopped off Moria's head.

He was merciless.

Perona was frightened by Shaq's cruelty again and dared not speak.

He put Moria's body into the devouring space.

The next moment Shaq felt a warm current burst out.

The strength of his body increased rapidly.

It was more than the growth when he devoured thousands of people before.

This is the spirit of the strong.

Shaq felt that he could fight Akainu with his physical strength and physical skills.

After the group got on the boat, Shaq introduced Van Oka and Perona to everyone. This time Perona did not refute or protest. Because she knew how powerful Shaq was, she accepted to join the God of Death.

This night was another night of banquet. In order to let Perona and Van Oka integrate into the crew. Everyone admired Van Oka's sniping ability. They didn't hate Perona's cuteness and naturalness. So the two quickly integrated into the crew.

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