"Damn it. Let me go, you pervert." Perona was caught by Shaq and immediately punched and kicked Shaq. She was just as fierce as a tigress. But her punches and kicks on Shaq were like giving him a massage. It didn't cause any damage.

"Bastard. The Death God Shak is going too far. I am one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea."Shadow Horn Spear" Moonlight Moriah attacked in anger. A black shadow spear suddenly shot towards Shak on the ground.

Shak glanced at it indifferently. Then he ignored the Shadow Horn Spear. Lightning flashed in his hand. Perona suddenly felt sore all over. She couldn't raise a single bit of strength. Seeing that the Shadow Horn Spear was about to attack Shak. At this moment, a figure with a knife blocked in front of Shak. With a wave of the long knife,"Dang", the

Shadow Horn Spear was immediately dispersed. Luo looked at Moriah coldly,"Moonlight Moriah. You are not qualified to fight the head of the Death God. Your opponent is me"

"Doctor Death. Trafalgar Law. Don't think you are great just because you defeated that rubbish Crocodile. Scatter the bats."Moria's body turned into countless bats and surrounded Law.

"Hahaha. Luo has already fought with Moonlight Moria. We can't fall behind. Brothers."Kulik waved his hand and led the crew to rush towards the other side's zombie brothers.

"Evil spirits retreat"Nami suddenly threw out a big bag

"Flowers and fruits. Hundreds of flowers bloom."Countless arms immediately grew out of the big bag, holding the salt in the bag and quickly throwing it at the zombies. The zombies' weaknesses were of course taught to them by Shaq.

"Oh no! It's salt! Everyone, run!"Zombies screamed and fell to the ground as soon as they touched the salt. Shadows flew to the horizon in search of their masters.

""Assholes. How could you possibly know the zombies' weaknesses?" Perona shouted. Although she had no strength left, she continued to curse Shaq.

""You disobedient little brat." Shaq slapped Perona's pig.

"ahThis is a pervert. Help!"Perona exclaimed loudly

"Still yelling?"After more than ten slaps, Perona was almost going crazy. She didn't expect Shaq to hit her there. And he didn't show any mercy at all, making Perona scream in pain every time.

"Humph. Be honest or I'll smash your pigu." Shaq threatened fiercely

"hateful"Perona cursed in her heart. But she didn't dare to say it out loud. She turned her head away and ignored Shaq. She cursed Shaq secretly for being transformed into a zombie by her great master, Gekko Moria.

"Hohoho"At this time, a skinny zombie walked out of the cabin. He swung his sword at the salt bag in the air. A huge sword energy instantly destroyed the salt bag and all the salt inside was carried out of the boat and fell into the sea.

Robin narrowed his eyes slightly. He said solemnly,"This swordsman. Although he has been made into a zombie, this swordsman is definitely him. Dragon Slayer Sword Master Ryuma"

"HohohoBeautiful lady. May I see your panties, please?"The body of the Longma zombie is the shadow of Brook. So his catchphrase is the same as Brook's.

"Who wants to show it to you? Pervert."Nami yelled

"Dragon Slayer? Sounds like he's very powerful. Then let Master Enelu be your opponent."Enelu transformed into a thunder beast and rushed towards the dragon horse zombie

"Hehe. Swordsman Ryoma? But since he has become a zombie, it is very frustrating for Enelu's lightning."Shaq smiled and said

"Doctor Death. Go to hell. Shadow Box" Moriah turned into a large number of shadows and surrounded Luo in a shadow box.

"It's just a trick."One sword flow kills the god with one sword" Luo raised the long sword in his hand and swung it down."Puff" Moria's shadow box was cut open like tofu."Draw the sword and slash" dozens of sword qi passed by

"ah"Moriyai immediately turned into a shadow and fled. Not far away, he turned back into his original form, but there were several knife wounds on his chest. It was obvious that he was injured by Luo's knife.

"Damn Trafalgar Law. Let me show you my ultimate trick. Shadow gathering place."With Moria's roar, the minions and zombies on the ship immediately fell to the ground. Moria drew the shadows into his body. Moonlight Moria's body grew rapidly."Fiftyone hundredfive hundredEight hundred" Soon Moria absorbed eight hundred shadows.

The seven-meter-tall giant turned into a twenty-meter-tall giant. The strength increased by more than ten times. Moria punched Luo and said,"Go to hell!""

"Well. It has become a giant. Armament color. Cut it in two with one sword. The sword in Luo's hand immediately turned black. A fist slashed towards Moria. After a loud"bang", a big hole immediately appeared on the deck. Luo was hit by Moria's punch and fell under the overtime.

"HahahaThis is the invincible power of my Moonlight Moriah.

Doctor Death died in my hands.

"Moriah laughed loudly.

Although Moriah's fist was also scarred by Luo's knife, Moriah was very happy to"defeat" Luo.

But at this time, Luo's voice sounded again.

"Not bad power.

But it's still a little bit short.

Moriah, you are worse than Crocodile.

" A figure flashed.

Luo had jumped out of the pit.

Although he looked very embarrassed, Luo did not suffer any serious damage.

A trace of disdain flashed in his eyes

"How is it possible? The power of 800 people. Since the power of 800 people didn't kill you, I don't believe it."Moliai angrily punched Luo again.

""Shave" Luo dodged Moria's fist and said,"Your power has increased. But your speed has slowed down. And you can't transform into an element. Instead, you are weaker. What a rubbish trick!""

"go���"Moriah was enraged by Law.

He punched at Law fiercely with both fists.

One punch after another.

But Law dodged Moriah's fists every time like a loach.

After Moriah swung his fists hundreds of times.

A cold light flashed in Law's eyes and he secretly said,"You are out of tricks.

Then go to hell.

Shave, Armament Haki.

" The Ghost Cry on Law's hand was covered with Armament Haki.

The Navy Six Styles Shaved and flashed quickly.

"One Sword Style, Strike Before Moving" The next moment countless Laws were shaking.

These were all illusions.

Blade lights flashed on Moriah.

The next second Law appeared behind Moriah and slowly put the long sword into the scabbard

""Ding" was accompanied by a crisp sound."Puff, puff"ah"Moonlight Moria screamed loudly. Countless blood flowers suddenly burst out of his body. Horrible knife marks crisscrossed

"Nomy shadowThe power of the old man"Amid screams, shadows escaped from Moria's wounds and flew into the sky, returning to their master. Moria's figure also quickly shrank and finally returned to seven meters tall. He fell to the ground helplessly.

""Lightning Release. Chidori Sharp Spear" With Enelu's roar, a lightning blade quickly pierced through the chest of the Ryoma zombie. A shadow flew out of the Ryoma zombie's body.

"Hahaha. Luo, you defeated another Shichibukai. If you keep going like this, you will become the Shichibukai killer. You defeated two Shichibukai in a row."Kulik laughed.

""The Seven Warlords Killer?" Shaq nodded and thought to himself,"That's true. There are only seven Seven Warlords in total. One was put into bed. Two were defeated by Law. Should Law kill the remaining four one by one?"

""My fellow men, go find Moria's treasure. Quickly." After dealing with Moria's men, Nami immediately gave orders. The first thing they did was to find Moria's treasure.

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