The pirates who were originally beside Bruce saw Shaq kill Bruce in one second. They all scattered as if they had seen a ghost. The pirate Golden Lion was surprised that Shaq suddenly appeared beside him. But soon Dr. Indigo explained,"Master Tito, this kid has the ability of the Thunder Fruit. So he is incredibly fast. Even Kizaru and Akainu, two of the three admirals, are no match for him. Only you can kill him here.""

"What a pity. It would be great if I could have subordinates like him." Golden Lion thought secretly.

After Shaq killed Bruce and cut him into dozens of pieces, he felt extremely relaxed. The obsession with this body finally dissipated. Shaq smiled and said,"An old thing who is about to go into the coffin. He just likes to whine. If I had that time, I would have cut my enemies into pieces. Idiot."

After hearing what Shaq said, Golden Lion felt like he was surrounded by a volcano. His anger was rising. He hated it most when people said he was old. And a mere junior dared to scold him. This was intolerable."Kid. You will pay for what you said. Lion Power - Earth Roll"

The two swords on the feet of Golden Lion swung. The next moment, a lot of soil rolled up on the ground. Forming a large lion roaring and rushing towards Shaq. He didn't care that there were his own subordinates around Shaq. It can be seen how angry Golden Lion was. Being humiliated by Shaq again and again. How could Golden Lion tolerate it?

""One-sword style. Killing God with one sword" Shak quickly drew out the Thunder Blade Lei Wan. He slashed at the Golden Lion's Lion Power. A two-meter-high half-moon-shaped sword energy immediately slashed at the Golden Lion's attacking lion."Boom" The two attacks collided and exploded. The huge sword energy aftermath blew away the weak pirates around. Some of them flew directly outside the island and fell from thousands of meters in the air.


"Run. We can't get close to this level of battle."

"That little brat was able to withstand Master Tidu's special move."The next moment, the area around Shaq and Golden Lion suddenly became empty. No one dared to approach within a thousand meters.

Golden Lion's face showed a surprised expression,"I didn't expect that you, little brat, are actually a great swordsman. Such a monster. I will give you another chance. Become my subordinate. Otherwise, you will stay here forever today."

Shaq laughed loudly,"HahahahaIs there something wrong with your brain? You, an old immortal, can make me surrender? I am the God of Death. Today, I will teach you a lesson. If you show off, you will be struck by lightning. Look."

Shaq pointed to the sky. A large dark cloud covered the entire Feikong Island. Lightning flashed in the dark cloud. It was Shaq's ultimate move, Thunder. The golden lion looked up at the huge cloud with an ugly expression."Crackle" thunder sounded.

Shaq pointed to the dark cloud and said"Thunder." Countless lightning fell instantly."Boom boom boom""There is no doubt that lightning is faster than the speed of sound.

"No. Run"

"It hurts. Damn the lightning."

"Help!"Golden Lion's men immediately fled from the lightning and screamed for their parents. Some of them were already hit by lightning and were lying on the ground, puffing smoke.

Golden Lion was indeed a great pirate who almost forced Roger to his death. He was extremely powerful. The dense lightning did not even touch Golden Lion. However, seeing his men being ravaged by lightning, Golden Lion was extremely angry."Lion's power. Gosho Jijuan"

With a roar from Golden Lion, a huge tornado took shape. The tornado soared into the sky. Instantly, it rolled up the dark clouds that Shak had summoned. The dark clouds in the sky all dissipated as the tornado swept by. Golden Lion's men cheered immediately.

However, Shak's move also directly eliminated half of Golden Lion's minions. Hancock waved her hand on the Death Ship,"Warriors of the Kingdom of Women. It's time for us to take action. Go up"

"Long live His Majesty." Thirty national defenders and the three Hancock sisters immediately jumped onto the flying island and rushed towards the Golden Lion's men. Each soldier was proficient in domineering. The killing power was extremely strong. As soon as they rushed into the crowd, the Golden Lion's men fell down.

Enelu jumped and transformed into a thunder beast."You bastards. Master Enelu is here. Thunder speed!" Enelu rushed to the opposite side like a train. He plowed a deep ditch along the way.

"It's time for us to go up too. Brothers, let's see who can chop the most."Kill!" Kulik roared and led the crew to charge into the Flying Island. Luo was very sharp-eyed and went straight to find Dr. Indigo. Robintina also found their opponents. A melee immediately broke out on the Flying Island. Although the Golden Lion had an absolute advantage in numbers, Shaq brought with him warriors with extraordinary skills. There was no difference at all. For a while, the battle became stalemate.

On the main battlefield, Shaq saw that his thunder shield was broken by the Golden Lion. He thought to himself,"The clouds are too low. This place is originally high in the sky. Otherwise, the Golden Lion's tornado will definitely not reach the clouds. Miscalculated. Cut"

""Little devil. Go to hell. Lion-Thousand Bone Cutting" Countless slashes immediately rushed towards Shak. Shak smiled disdainfully and said"Teleport. Thousand Birds Flow." Shak, who was covered in lightning, appeared behind the golden lion the next moment and slashed down

""Looking for death." The Golden Lion immediately sensed when Shaq appeared behind him. He raised his foot to meet Shaq's attack. With a loud"bang", an invisible energy wave spread out. Shaq was thrown backwards. He thought to himself,"As expected of a marshal-level strength. He is several times stronger than me!""

""Ao!" The Golden Lion was not having a good time either. Shaq's whole body, including the lightning sword, was carrying a strong electric current. He used the famous sword on his feet to chop Shaq away. But the lightning on it also passed to him through the famous sword, the dead wood.

The Golden Lion's hair and beard were curled up by the lightning. Especially between his legs, it was almost broken by the lightning. Who asked the Golden Lion to use the sword under his feet to block the attack? Of course, the lightning first hit the vital parts of his legs. The Golden Lion gnashed his teeth as if he wanted to eat Shaq.

"HahahaI said you were struck by lightning for showing off. You deserve it. Next time I'll just roast your dick. Teleport and draw your sword to slash." Shaq laughed arrogantly and teleported in front of the golden lion again. Dozens of sword lights surrounded the golden lion.

"Armament Haki."This time, the golden lion was not careless. He covered his whole body with it. He turned into a black man. Armament Haki blocked 99% of the power of lightning. He slashed at Shaq's sword light one by one."Ding Ding Dang Dang"

Golden Lion and Shaq were just like phantoms. They were so fast that people could only see two blurry figures and countless sword lights. The sword energy stretched over a thousand meters where the two fought. An unlucky pirate was blasted into this thousand-meter area and was torn into pieces by countless sword energy. For a moment, all the two sides in the battle tacitly stayed away from the battlefield of these two monsters.

Ten minutes later, Golden Lion and Shaq separated again. Shaq's clothes had turned into strips of cloth. There were more than a dozen knife wounds on his body. Although they were not deep, they looked very scary. On the other side, Golden Lion had only two knife wounds on his body. And they were all minor wounds. But his image was tragic. The whole person was charred and smoking. Most of his hair, which was not much to begin with, was burned. It looked very funny.

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