"Is she really a Devil Fruit user?"When Lilith's hand emitted green light just now, Shaq guessed that Lilith might be a Devil Fruit user.

"Change the taste? The flavor fruit. Looks like we'll have a treat in the future. You can have any flavor you want, hahaha." Kulik laughed.

"Welcome to join the Death Pirates. From now on, we are partners."Shaq stretched out his left hand

"ThanksThank you, Captain, for taking me in."Lilith was so moved that she almost cried. What a simple girl. She is so happy to be a pirate.

""Young ones, let's have a party. Welcome our new partner." Shaq raised his hand and said loudly

"oh"Everyone cheered

"I want something spicy.""I want something sour. Thank you Lilith""Dessert Dessert"Everyone immediately surrounded Lilith. For the sake of the food, everyone told Lilith their requests. Soon the girl integrated into the group.

Marine Headquarters. Sengoku looked at Akainu who was wrapped in bandages. Then he looked at Garp who also had a bandage on his right hand. His face was particularly ugly."Has it grown to this point? Garp can't even catch you. It seems that another Four Emperors is about to be born.""

""Crack." Garp bit off a donut."Oh. Compared to this little guy, he killed several Celestial Dragons this time. You should think about how to explain it to the higher-ups, Zhan Guo."

""Crack." Zhan Guo seemed to have turned into a statue and shattered."Asshole Death God. I cannot coexist with you."

"He only has a mouth that can talk. How is he now? Mummy."Kizaru said with disdain. The last time he was injured, Akainu also despised him like this.

"Yellow Monkey. Do you want to die?"Akainu's eyes were red and he was furious.


"Death God Elson J.


Extremely evil.

Killed four world nobles.

Bounty of 800 million berries.

Death Doctor Trafalgar Law.

Extremely evil.

Participated in killing world nobles.

Bounty of 350 million berries.

Thunder Beast Enelu.

Extremely evil.

Participated in killing world nobles.

Bounty of 300 million berries.

Devil's Child Nico Robin.

Extremely evil.

Participated in killing world nobles.

Bounty of 200 million berries.

HelotinaThe bounty is 200 million berries.

The bounty for Kulik the boatman is 100 million berries.


In the new world, Whitebeard was speechless for a long time holding the bounty. Finally, he laughed out loud,"KuhahahahaIt was a big fuss. The Death God Imp is getting more and more interesting. I really want to meet this imp. He actually managed to escape from Garp."

"Dad, I'm more interested in this. The admiral of the navy bombed innocent residents. He went crazy and killed his subordinates. Phoenix Marco held a piece of news. There was a photo of Akainu being pressed into the ground by Shaq with only his two feet exposed.

"KuhahahaThat red dog should have been taught a lesson long ago. It's what he deserves. The boys are having a party."

Malinfando. Akainu vomited blood on the spot when he saw his own photo. Sengoku's face was livid."Sakaski. Give me an explanation. Did you kill those soldiers?"

"HohohoSuch an embarrassing photo was exposed. I'm afraid it's murder to silence the witness."Kizaru added without hesitation.

""Puff." Akainu spurted blood again.

Red Hair and Rayleigh were drinking and watching the news. Especially the ugly photo of Akainu. They burst out laughing on the spot."Hahaha. The little Death God is really amazing. Now Red Dog dare not see anyone."

"Cheers. For the red dog"

The world is going crazy about the news of the death god Shaq and Akainu. Our protagonist is fighting a pirate group in the sea. In order to train his men, Shaq decided to go to Amazon Lily from the sea. At the same time, he also wanted to test the new evolutionary ability of space.

"Captain, the Badlo Pirates have been completely wiped out. The bodies have been collected. Kulik walked up to Shaq and reported.

"After all, he is just a small fry. He can't even practice. Forget it. Let's go and take a look." Shaq and Kulik jumped onto the ship of the Badro Pirates.

Dozens of pirates' bodies were piled up on the deck. Shaq walked up to the bodies. He thought to himself,"Swallow."I saw a corpse disappear in front of me immediately. It appeared in the new space in Shak's mind. There was only a high altar for sacrifice in Shak's new space. As soon as the corpse of the pirate appeared on the altar, it was immediately ignited by the flame of nothingness.

As the corpse of the pirate was burned to ashes, Shak immediately felt that his strength had increased slightly. And the injury on his right hand recovered a lot. Yes, this is the ability of the new space. Swallow and then turn it into one's own strength to heal oneself and strengthen strength.

Shak was immediately delighted when he felt that his arm had recovered a little."Swallow" This time Shak took all the corpses of the pirates into the swallowing space. A warm current flowed through his body. Shak's right hand gradually recovered. Finally, it was intact. The strength was also increased by about half a percent.

Don't underestimate this level. Shak is now a peak general. With a full burst, he can even fight against a junior marshal. This ten percent of strength is equivalent to the full strength of an ordinary major general.

"Darling, what do you want these bodies for?" Robin asked curiously.

"Hehe. You will know after you take a look. Bang! The next moment, Shaq broke the bandage on his right hand with force, revealing his intact right hand.

"No. Your wound is not healed yet."Robin shouted hurriedly

"Don't worry, honey. Look, isn't it healed now?" Shaq waved his arm and said,"Rob. Come and have a look."

Rob came over and took Shaq's arm and took a closer look. He was immediately shocked and said,"How is it possible? The arm of the Grim Reaper is completely healed. It's a miracle."

Shaq smiled evilly,"HahahahaI am the god of death. Of course, a minor injury will heal immediately."Shaq's nose was almost upturned. With such a supernatural power, he was simply immortal. As long as there was a corpse, Shaq would recover immediately no matter what damage he suffered. At this moment, Shaq was truly not afraid of anyone.

A powerful domineering aura swept out. Fearless and self-centered. Shaq's domineering aura actually broke through and reached an advanced level. Now if he were to compete with Garp in domineering aura, he would not be much inferior.

"So strong." All the crew members and officers looked at Shaq in shock. As for the beautiful chef who had just joined, she had fainted gloriously.

"Let's go ahead, guys. Let's turn this world upside down." Shaq was full of pride


Since Shaq's battle with Garp, he has finally broken through the bottleneck of his physical strength despite the danger of his death.

He has successfully advanced.

The space in his mind has evolved again.

The storage space has increased from 10 cubic meters to 100 cubic meters.

The practice space has not changed.

As for the addition of a swallowing space, this is Shaq's biggest gain.

Swallowing the essence, energy and spirit to enhance one's own strength is just like the Beiming Divine Art of absorbing energy in the martial arts world.

And there are no side effects.

Now Shaq has the capital to conquer the world.

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