"boom"The Vacuum Slash in the air blasted away several fireballs and then disappeared. The remaining fireballs continued to blast down mercilessly. And although the fireballs that were shattered by the Vacuum Slash were blasted away, they turned into many small fireballs that continued to fall. The Death Ship was in danger.

Robin and the other two were temporarily held back by two vice admirals. It was difficult to rescue them for a while. The Death Ship was about to be hit by the fireball. Suddenly, a voice rang out,"Kankan Fruit. Absolute Black Prison." Two pitch-black steel bars were seen quickly shuttling around the Death Ship. The entire Death Ship was surrounded by circles and circles without a single loophole.

It was like a pitch-black steel giant egg floating in the air."Boom boom boom"The fireballs hit the steel dome, knocking the entire dome down."Flower-Flower Fruit. Giant's arms."

Two huge arms suddenly rose from the ground and held up the steel dome. The steel bars surrounding the Death Ship disappeared after the rain of fireballs passed, revealing Kulik and others who were still in fear.

But they finally survived the crisis.���Ke and the others breathed a sigh of relief."Bang bang." At this time, the two vice admirals were also knocked down by Enelu and Luo. Several people arrived at the Death God safely.

"HelotinaDamn bitch. Have you fallen to the point of becoming a pirate? Go to hell."Akainu wanted to kill the members of the Death Pirates, but was saved by Tina. He was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He raised his fist and was about to launch another meteor volcano.

"Red Dog. Do you know that you hate your mother so much?"Shaq teleported in front of Akainu."Six-style secret. Nine-fold dark power." He punched Akainu.

"Young man, you are not allowed to attack the navy in front of me."Garp's figure appeared beside Akainu and his dark iron fist hit Shaq's fist."Boom!"Shaq felt as if he was hit by a plane and flew backwards. He crashed into dozens of trees and finally stood firm. A trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

""Mind your own business." Akainu snorted arrogantly. It was obviously impossible to intercept the Death. Because in a short time, the Death flew up to a height of thousands of meters and rushed out of Shampoo Land.

"So strong."Shaq felt that his internal organs were seriously injured. This is the combat power of the marshal level. And it is the top marshal level. It is completely different from the top prize like Akainu. There is a world of difference.

"Ahem. Vice Admiral Garp is indeed a master who almost forced the Pirate King to lose his life. Hahaha. Come again."Shaq laughed wildly and rushed towards Garp. Lightning flashed all over his body. The whole person was covered with armed color.

"Six styles of secret nine levels of dark power." Shaq roared and blasted towards Garp's head.

""Iron Fist." Garp was not to be outdone and punched back."Bang!" A huge sound was heard, and a strong aftermath spread out. Akainu, who was already seriously injured, was knocked back more than ten steps by the aftermath."Puff!" Another mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Lord Akainu, let's go to the side and rest first."At this time, Vice Admiral Dexa ran over and helped Akainu to rest. Away from the battlefield between Shaq and Garp

"Boom boom boom"Shaq and Garp were fighting fiercely. Shaq was blown away every time. But Shaq would rush towards Garp without hesitation every time. He completely abandoned the advantage of the natural fruit. It was a complete physical confrontation.

Shaq felt that his body was about to fall apart."Almost. Almost." Shaq felt that his physique was about to break through the limit. But it was still almost there.

So Shaq rushed towards Garp again and again without fear of death."Bang." Shaq was blown away by Garp's punch again. Garp suddenly frowned. He raised his right foot and stomped it hard on the ground."Bang", the whole ground sank more than ten meters. Shaq looked at Garp in surprise and said,"I didn't expect you to find out. And you transferred my dark energy to the ground. You are worthy of being Vice Admiral Garp."

"HahahaYoung man, your attack is somewhat similar to Whitebeard's Tremor-Tremor Fruit. But the power is too small. It's more like tickling me, hahahaha"Garp laughed out loud.

Shaq's face turned ugly.

He didn't expect Garp's strength to be so abnormal.

He was not hurt at all.

Akainu on the other side was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

Garp said that Shaq's attack was just like tickling.

But he was defeated by Shaq.

Although his strength was not normal because of anger.

But Shaq's fist did cause him serious injuries.

Does n't this mean that Akainu is not even as strong as tickling? Akainu cursed with a dark face,"Damn old man.

One day I will prove that your era is over.


"Vice Admiral Garp, be careful next time. I'm going to go all out."A determined light flashed in Shaq's eyes. He silently said,"Lightning stimulates potential to explode." Shaq was surrounded by lightning."Shua" Shaq appeared in front of Garp and punched him.

"Oh. The speed has increased, boy."Garp's hair stood up as he attacked. Apparently, Garp also increased the power of his attack."Boom!"

"Has your strength increased three times? That's a good trick, young man. But are you going to use this little bit of strength to give me a massage?"The iron fists of Karp and Shaq collided and doubled again."Bang" Shaq retreated a dozen steps

"Come again." Shaq rushed forward again, punching Cap. Although Shaq was already covered in wounds, the fighting spirit in his eyes was even stronger.

"It's been a long time since I had such a good fight."Young man." Garp laughed and fought with Shaq fist to fist. Except for his dirty clothes, Garp was getting more and more energetic. He was a monster.

"thisAre they still human?"Dexa and another vice admiral helped Akainu retreat thousands of meters away from the battlefield.

The ground was breaking. The space around the two men was distorted. It can be seen that the battle was fierce. Of course, only Shaq suffered."Come again. Cannon and punch combo"

"Hahaha. Iron Fist of Love."Kapu laughed and threw one punch after another. Finally, he broke through Shaq's fist curtain and hit Shaq hard. After a dozen punches, Shaq was knocked into the ground.

"puff"Shaq spat out three mouthfuls of blood. The crazy fighting spirit in his eyes faded a little."No. One more. Karp." Shaq rushed out of the pit and punched Karp

""Young man. This is the first time I have seen such a tenacious young man. So as a sign of respect, please take my full-strength punch." Garp was immediately surrounded by a black gas. The black gas transformed into a black armor. This is a sign of the advanced development of the armed color. Condensed armor."Bang" punched towards Shaq

""Crack.""Pang" Shak's right hand twisted. The whole person flew backwards quickly."Puff""A large mouthful of blood spurted out, plowing a thousand-meter-long trench on the ground.

"Hahaha. Finally a breakthrough. Puff."Shaq laughed in his heart. But a mouthful of blood spurted out. There were some fragments. It was obvious that his internal organs were damaged.

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