"Lost. Hahahaha"Although he lost, Shaq was very happy. Because his strength has improved. He broke through the great swordsman in kendo. Under the pressure of Mihawk, he broke through.

"Stop laughing, you bastard." At this time, Nami and Law also rushed to Shak. Nami held Shak's other arm with a worried look on her face.

Law raised his hand and was about to treat Shak. But was stopped by Shak."It's just a minor injury. I'll do it myself. Life is returned." The next moment, the scars on Shak's body slowly healed. Soon, the wounds were completely invisible.

Mihawk and others looked at Shak's changes and their eyes lit up. They secretly said,"What a strong physical skill. This is the secret of the Navy's Six Styles. It seems that only a few people in the Navy, such as Garp and Sengoku, have mastered this move."

"call"The members of the Death Pirates all breathed a sigh of relief

"It's time to go. Otherwise, the troublesome navy will come."Rayleigh waved his arm, signaling everyone to leave quickly.

Mihawk looked at Shaq and said,"Find a good knife. We will fight again next time."

"Ha haNext���We must fight to our heart's content." Shaq could not help but feel the desire to fight. This time, both of them suppressed their strength. Moreover, Shaq's sword could not withstand his sword energy at all. That was why they were not satisfied.

"Let's go." Everyone followed Rayleigh's footsteps and quickly left the scene. Soon the navy arrived at the scene. Vice Admiral Xi Zhi-Dekesa looked at the scene with horror on his face.

"Report. No prisoners found."The navy looked around but did not see the two people mentioned by the nobles.

"Two sword masters? This strength must be that of a great swordsman. Who is it? Could it be Hawkeye?"Dexa's guess was quite accurate. But after all, no one was seen. Dexa had no choice but to report to the headquarters.

And Sengoku was now worried about the Death Pirates. So he ignored him. He just told him to investigate thoroughly and then there was no further news. But if he knew that one of the two great swordsmen was Shaq, he would probably immediately summon the three admirals to lead a team to encircle and suppress Shaq.

Aunt Xia's extortion. Red Hair and Shaq drank wine in big gulps. Their crew members also found their opponents and started fighting. As for Rayleigh, he had long disappeared. Hawkeye left a sentence saying that he was bored and went out to hunt pirates. He ran away.

Only Red Hair and Shaq were left drinking in the bar. Red Hair looked at Shaq with beauties on his left and right. He burst into tears with envy on the spot,"Woo wooI envy Shanks so much. He actually has two beautiful women accompanying him all the time."

Ben Beckman covered his face and said secretly,"Captain, it's too embarrassing. You are one of the Four Emperors."

Shanks knew Shanks' personality. He was as thick-skinned as Luffy. He was not surprised. But his subordinates were different. Seeing the red-haired boy's childlike personality, they opened their eyes wide in surprise. Especially Tina

"Is this the Navy's enemy? He looks like a child. Are all the Four Emperors like this?"Tina immediately thought that Whitebeard was acting like a child. Her hair stood on end.

"Shanks, you used to be an apprentice crew member of the Pirate King Roger. Do you have any news about the Supreme Sword? Ordinary swords simply cannot withstand my sword intent."Shaq knew that Shanks was knowledgeable. So he planned to ask him.

Shanks thought for a while and laughed,"HahahahaI don't know about this either. I have only seen two supreme swords. One is Mihawk's Black Blade Night. The other is the first generation of Kitetsu in Mary Geoise. I have never seen the others."

Shaq was a little disappointed. But sometimes this thing depends on fate. It is fate that you can meet it. Ben Beckman looked at the red hair and said,"Captain. Didn't you see the information I gave you yesterday?"

"What information?" Shanks asked in confusion.

"Is that the one I gave you before I went to bed last night?" Beckman's head was filled with black lines.

"Oh. I remember now."Shanks suddenly realized,"Hahaha. I thought it was toilet paper. It was used to wipe my pigu. Hahaha"

"Stop it, you stupid captain." Ben Beckman punched Shanks on the head. A bump appeared immediately.

Shanks covered his head in grievance. He looked pitiful."But I had a stomachache and forgot to bring tissue."

"Well"The red-haired crew members immediately covered their faces. They wanted to stay away from Shanks and pretend not to know him.

"Hahaha"The crew of the Death God laughed. They felt that the Four Emperors were not that scary after all. The crews on both sides suddenly closed the distance and boasted to each other.

"Ahem. Death boy. It's like this. Actually, a supreme sword has been born recently. And it's in Shampoo. Speaking of which, this sword is just right for you."Beckman said with a smile

"Really?" Shak suddenly became excited."Where?"

Beckman said with a smile,"I got the news yesterday. The Vinsmoke Auction House in District 19 will auction a supreme sword. The Thunder Blade Lei Wan."

Shak was delighted. Hearing this name, he knew it matched his Thunder Fruit. He thought to himself,"I must get this sword!""

"Auction house? I wonder if there are any mother bears."Beppo is caught in a fantasy

"Vinsmoke Auction House."The long knife in Luo's hand was trembling slightly. A trace of murderous intent spread. Shaq glanced at him and immediately withdrew his murderous intent.

"Auction house? They should be auctioning slaves."Tina felt a little sad. Why would they auction off other people as slaves? This was a knot in Tina's heart. As a navy officer, she couldn't and didn't dare to control it. Now that she has become a pirate, it is even more impossible for her to control it.

""Huh? How come I don't know?" The red-haired man suddenly appeared and asked curiously.

"You big idiot. I've given you all the information and you still have the nerve to ask."Beckman roared. Shanks jumped aside in shock.

Shaq said calmly,"When does the auction start?"

"Tomorrow at twelve o'clock noon." Beckman replied

"I owe you a favor." Shaq said seriously. Then he turned and said,"Dear, you take people to do some shopping. Luo and Enel also go. Protect Robin. Nami, you and Kulik go check the ship. Make sure there will be no problems with tomorrow's voyage. Tina and Alice go with me to explore the way."


Redhead and the others watched Shaq and the others leave. Beckman laughed and said,"Haha. It seems that something big is going to happen in Shampoo tomorrow."

Redhead waved his hand and said,"It would be better if the whole world is turned upside down. Let's continue drinking. By the way, I forgot to ask Shaq about the skills of picking up girls. What a loss."Everyone was in a state of confusion. As for the proprietress Xia Qi, she was smoking in silence. No one knew what she was thinking.

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