"Bastard. Storm Leg Crescent Slash."Kulik saw Enelu being hit into the ground. He immediately launched more than a dozen vacuum slashes at Kizaru on the opposite side.

The powerful vacuum slashes went straight through Kizaru's body. The next moment Kizaru's body turned into a ball of golden light and disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already behind Kulik. He kicked Kulik."ROOM"Kizaru kicked down but missed. It turned out that Kulik was pulled behind by Luo using his ability.

"Thank you. Luo." Kulik was still a little frightened. He didn't expect Kizaru to be so fast. He was almost kicked. At this time, Enelu also jumped out from the ground and stood with Luo and the others. He stared at Kizaru vigilantly. There was blood on the corner of his mouth. It was obvious that he was kicked by Kizaru's flash just now.

Unlike the nervousness of Luo and the others, Kizaru still looked cynical."It's so scary. Are we going to be besieged? I'm scared to death."

The next moment,"Pirates of the Death Pirates. Put down your weapons and surrender. You have been surrounded." Countless navy surrounded from outside the city wall. The two leaders were navy officers at the level of vice admiral. In addition, there was a colonel Tina with the strength of a vice admiral. Plus three major generals and thousands of soldiers. For a time, the Death Pirates were surrounded.

"Phew. Fortunately, I have a lot of people."Kizaru pretended to be relieved.

"Luo. We seem to be surrounded. What should we do?"Nami is still a girl after all. It is inevitable that she will be nervous when surrounded by so many navy.

"There is no other way. We should be able to get through this by waiting for the captain to come out."Luo has a deep understanding of Shak's strength. When they were on Sky Island, they all fought against Shak and were still beaten to death.

"Ala, Ala. It seems that you still don't want to give up resistance. This is difficult." Kizaru looked embarrassed."Flash Kick." The next moment Kizaru raised his right foot and quickly kicked out hundreds of flash bombs.

"Not good."Law, Enel and the others' faces suddenly changed. Although they, the cadres, could avoid it. But the crew behind them did not have their strength. But it was impossible for them to give up the crew behind them. After all, the relationship has been very deep in the past two years.

Just when Law was about to open his aura to intercept these flash kicks."Flower-Flower Fruit. Triple Sky Gate," three walls made of petals quickly rose in front of them."Boom boom boom" the three walls were dispersed by the flash kick. But Kizaru's flash kick also dissipated. Kizaru narrowed his eyes slightly,"Flower-Flower Fruit. Devil's Son Nico Robin?"

Suddenly a low voice came from behind Kizaru,"Bullying my little brother when I'm not around? Kizaru, you are getting more and more wretched as you get older."

"How is it possible? He appeared behind me without any breath. Damn, I was careless."Kizaru was shocked and immediately transformed into an element."Draw the sword and slash!" A light shout came,

"Oh. As expected of the Navy's top fighter. He can dodge in this situation."Shaq walked towards Law and the others with a faint smile. Robin followed behind him. Law and Enel took the initiative to separate a path for Shaq to walk to the opposite side of the Navy.

"Ala, it's very dangerous. Is this the God of Death Elson J. Shaq? He is really amazing."Kizaru has revealed his figure in front of the navy. Although he has transformed into an element just now, his clothes on the chest were still cut by Shaq. If Shaq hadn't deliberately warned him at the beginning, Kizaru would have been injured.

The two parties confronted each other outside the royal city. Cobra and his group, who were hiding on the wall watching the show, also observed the tense atmosphere attentively. Cobra just begged in his heart that the battle between the two parties would not accidentally hurt his people. It must be said that whether it is Cobra, Princess Vivi or Belgaka, they all truly love this country.

"Yellow Monkey Borsalino. The Navy's top fighter. There are also two vice admirals and thousands of naval elites. It seems that the Navy thinks highly of me."Shaq looked at the opposite navy with disdain. It was as if thousands of pigs were standing opposite him.

"Pirate Elson J. Shaq. Don't you know the current situation? You don't have any chance. Just surrender!" A vice admiral shouted loudly.

"Tina was very angry. She was surrounded but still so arrogant. It seems that the Death God Shaq is no better than this. Tina in a navy uniform looked heroic. She was definitely a top beauty.

Shaq certainly wouldn't be unable to move when seeing a beauty. He smiled disdainfully,"Haha. Surrounded? Are you sure. Overlord color" The next moment, a powerful momentum instantly pressed towards the opposite navy

"Not good. Conqueror's Haki. This was the first time Kizaru's face changed since he appeared here. A drop of cold sweat flowed down his face involuntarily.

"thisThe two vice admirals and Tina looked livid.

"Bang Bang Bang"Thousands of marines fell down in rows like wheat. A second later, there were no more than 30 marines left standing. Each of them was stronger than a brigadier general. Or they had great potential.

"HahahaMarines. Although the characters are equal, my lovely subordinates have just fought a battle. For fairness. 50 million volt thunder dragon."As soon as Shaq finished speaking, a tens of meters long thunder dragon condensed around him. It roared and rushed towards the marines who were still standing on the opposite side.

"thisDamn it. Eight-foot mirror."Kizaru's heart almost jumped out of his chest in shock. He didn't expect that the god of death Shak was actually the owner of the Conqueror's Haki. He didn't expect that the other party could easily summon such powerful lightning. Kizaru guessed in an instant that Shak might be the ability user of the Thunder Fruit, which is known as the strongest natural fruit.

A huge piece of light was formed. Blocking the way of Thunder Dragon. Shak smiled lightly and waved his hand. Thunder Dragon actually turned around halfway and bypassed the Eight-foot Mirror. Continue to attack Kizaru and others

"How is it possible? It can actually turn."Kizaru" held the lightsaber made of light and slashed at the Thunder Dragon fiercely.

Shaq didn't care at all. He waved his hand and said"Thunder Wolf Pack." The next moment, hundreds of giant wolves made of lightning roared and rushed to the opposite side. All beasts were running. Kizaru was temporarily restrained by the Thunder Dragon again. The remaining marines could only bite the bullet and take this move.

"Lanjiao""Double Blade Reverse Slash""The cage of the Kankan fruit."For a moment, the navy was thrown into confusion by the Thunder Wolf Pack. Many of the weaker navy were injured.

""Kid Death. It seems that I can't hold back any longer." Kizaru finally decided to show his true strength to fight Shaq. As long as he could take down Shaq, the rest of the Death Pirates would be no problem. The next moment, Kizaru turned into a light spot and disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Shaq.

"Ding! Shaq's long sword covered with Armament Haki clashed with Kizaru's Ame-no-Ken."Dear, the navy over there is in your hands.""

"Of course." Robin replied

"The navy looked at the old man's gun."

"The members of the Death Pirates excitedly rushed towards the navy on the opposite side.

"Damn pirates. Prepare to die, come on!" The navy also faced the Death Pirates fearlessly. For a moment, the two sides clashed fiercely. Each side found an opponent to fight.

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