Marine Headquarters, Marinford. Admiral Sengoku was looking at the report in his hand. His braided beard was shaking. He looked very angry. Kizaru was leaning lazily on the chair."Crunch, crunch" Garp was eating donuts. The curly-haired man with bags under his eyes was Admiral Aokiji Kuzan. The old lady with glasses was Vice Admiral Tsuru, the Navy Staff Officer.

""Pa!" Zhan Guo slapped the table and yelled at Garp,"Garp, you old bastard, can you stop making noise? It's so annoying."

"Click, click"Garp showed no intention of stopping.

The black lines on Sengoku's forehead became more and more. Finally,"Garp. Go to hell." A huge golden palm slapped Garp hard,"bang", Garp was slammed into the ground.

Kizaru on the side was still motionless. Aokiji took off the eye mask in a daze, took a look, and then put it on again to sleep. Obviously, they were all used to it. Only Vice Admiral Tsuru covered his forehead with one hand and thought to himself,"Here we go again. How can these two old guys, who are more than a hundred years old in total, act like children?"

""Crack" the golden arm shattered the next moment. Garp stood up with a frown on his face. The only thing on his body was a little wrinkled. He glared at Zhan Guo with a cold face and said,"Asshole. Did you know that I'm about to break the record of eating two thousand donuts in ten minutes? Zhan Guo, do you want to fight?"

"Fight me. Today I must deal with you, an old man who is not doing his job properly."A golden Buddha shadow slowly condensed behind Sengoku. And Garp did not give in. Visible gas appeared on his body. It was the performance of the advanced level of Armament Haki. Armament Haki can already transform into entity.

"Enough. Do you two want to tear this place down? We are discussing how to deal with the Shinigami gang. I am not asking you to fight."At this time, only Vice Admiral Tsuru dared to criticize Sengoku and Garp.

"Humph." Garp and Sengoku snorted coldly and turned away.

Sengoku had a headache looking at the report on the table.

He didn't expect that the Death God Pirates had grown to this point in two years.

"The elite vice admiral-level Death Doctor Trafalgar.


Enel, a mythical beast with the ability of the Thunder Beast Fruit, who is at least a vice admiral.

Nico Robin, the son of the devil, whose strength is comparable to that of a vice admiral.

There is also a white bear Bepo, who is at least a major admiral.

And Kulik, the descendant of the big talker Rolando, who is at least a major admiral.

Nami, a girl under fifteen years old with the strength of a colonel.

Eleven crew members who are at least colonels.


Sengoku obviously judged the strength of the Death God Pirates from the report. It's a pity that the Death Gods didn't fight with all their strength in the battle of G8 Fortress. If Sengoku knew, he would probably have a bigger headache.

"The Death God Pirates have grown to a point where they can no longer be ignored. Order the people below to keep a close eye on them and report immediately if they find anything. Kizaru, you go there immediately. You must arrest the Death God Pirates."Zhan Guo said solemnly.

"Yes" A navy officer quickly issued an order

"Ala, it seems that we really have to go this time. This guy is really scary. He even dares to rob a navy fortress."Kizaru said scary, but his face still had that wretched expression.

The next day, in the New World Whitebeard Pirates, the three-meter-tall Whitebeard was almost seventy years old. But his aura made people dare not look directly at him, holding the new navy bounty list in his hand and laughing"KuhahahaAfter two years of hiding, he finally reappeared. And as soon as he appeared, he slapped the navy. This kid is just what I like. Let's have a party."

Diamond Joz and Phoenix Marco on the side were also surprised. The Shinigami gang that killed the Celestial Dragons two years ago appeared again. And they were even more powerful. They took down the Navy G8 Fortress with one move. The two suddenly looked forward to meeting this newcomer.

The Red Hair Pirates, Shanks also held the bounty list and smiled awkwardly,"Ahahaha. I didn't expect that I was wrong. This kid actually knows how to hide his edge. After two years of immersion, I guess he feels that he is no longer afraid of the Navy Admirals. Interesting little guy. Beckman, do you think we haven't been to the first half of the Grand Line for a long time?"

Ben Beckman smiled slightly,"Indeed. This guy will definitely be a top figure once he enters the New World. It would be nice to meet him."

""Let's go. Let's go to the front half of the Great Shout." Shanks waved his hand. On this day, the Four Emperors Shanks came to the front half of the Great Shout, and both the navy and the pirates were on edge.

In the Dressrosa Palace, Doflamingo held the bounty list in his hand with an uncertain expression on his face,"Death God Elson J.


Bounty of 250 million berries.

No matter life or death.

Death Doctor Trafalgar.

Law defeated Vice Admiral Jonathan of the G8 Fortress, bounty of 200 million berries.

Thunder Beast Enel, the user of the Thunder Beast Fruit.

He broke through the G8 Fortress and defeated Major General Mimura Kojiro.

Bounty of 180 million berries.

Devil's Son Nico Robin bounty of 160 million berries.

Boatman Kulik bounty of 80 million berries.

White Bear Bepo bounty of 70 million berries.

Navigator Nami bounty of 30 million berries.

Crew member Rick bounty of 10 million berries.


Looking at this long bounty list, Doflamingo can feel that the strength of the Death Pirates is not inferior to his Don Quixote family. Even ordinary crew members have a bounty of 10 million Baileys. This shows how powerful the Death Pirates are.

"Luo. It seems that you have grown up. But it is not easy to get my head."Doflamingo laughed morbidly.

Amazon - Lily Country. Pirate Queen Boa Hancock was dazed holding the bounty in her hand."It's been two years. Why do I always remember you? Death God Elson J. Shaq. What kind of man are you?"

On Xihai Meisha Island, Ichiro Mimura and Meili looked at the bounty and said,"HahahahaKojiro was taught a lesson by Little Shaq. You can rest assured now, everyone says Little Shaq will be fine."

Meili was still worried and said,"But now Little Shaq's bounty is higher. Isn't it more dangerous?"

"How is it possible? He is my disciple. Nothing will happen to him. Believe in little Shaq." Ichiro Mimura has full confidence in Shaq.

On the other side, Shaq and others also saw the bounty on the news. Shaq stood at the bow with the bounty on his face."Congratulations guys, you all have been rewarded."

"oh"You know, if pirates are rewarded, it means that the navy recognizes their strength. I didn't expect that they would become famous.

"soThe party is about to begin. Don’t go home until you are drunk today." Shaq shouted.

"Long Live the Captain"For a moment, the entire Death Ship was filled with the sounds of drinking and playing rock-paper-scissors.

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