Just as Luo was about to take action."A roar was heard. A flash of lightning was seen. Enelu had appeared between the two men. The huge wolf mouth opened and said,"Luo, can you give this guy to me? This guy seems to be the strongest here."

Luo frowned. He said,"This is my prey. Enelu. There is a major general over there. Leave it to you." Luo did not give in at all. And pointed to Kojiro Mimura who was not far away.

Enelu looked in the direction Luo pointed. He saw a major general holding a long sword was also looking at him. And he was full of fighting spirit. He looked no worse than Jonathan. He didn't care about it immediately."That major general. Come on. Let me show you how powerful Master Enelu is."

"Oh. He's an interesting guy."Miura Kojiro bent down slightly. He held the hilt of the sword with his right hand."Draw the sword and slash" and dozens of sword qi slashed towards Enelu in an instant.

""Shua" Enelu flashed past. He avoided the sword energy effortlessly."Swish kick" Enelu used all four limbs to kick out hundreds of vacuum slashes to attack���Kojiro Mura

""Before the strike, the sword is used." The figure of Kojiro Mimura shook. He transformed into dozens of figures. Each figure slashed out several sword qi. They offset Eneel's vacuum slash.

Eneel narrowed his eyes slightly. He thought to himself,"How come this guy's sword skills are exactly the same as the teacher's?" Eneel secretly glanced at Shak who was still standing on the bow. The next moment, Shak's voice rang in his mind,"That should be my senior brother. My teacher's son. Be gentle."

This is the ultimate expression of the practice of Observation Haki.

Listen to the voices of all things.

At the same time, you can also convey your own voice to the hearts of others.

Shaq's Observation Haki can be said to be comparable to Roger's back then.

Conqueror Haki and Armament Haki are slightly worse.

As for why Observation Haki can be improved so quickly.

It is because Shaq's Thunder Fruit distributes countless ions around.

Through the mysterious electric waves, it can feel the voices of all things.

And to improve Armament Haki to the extreme, the physical strength needs to reach a terrifying level. Conqueror Haki is linked to the size of the spirit. Even the Pirate King Roger and Garp have not reached the extreme.

On the bow. Shaq hugged Robin on the left and Nami on the right. From time to time, he took advantage of a little. But the two women were attracted by the battlefield. They did not notice Shaq's small movements

""Look. Shaq is a pervert. I want to go down and play too." Nami finally couldn't help but speak. Although Robin didn't say anything, her eager eyes betrayed her.

Shaq was secretly thinking in her heart. Unexpectedly, the two women wanted to go to the battlefield. Shaq pretended to be worried and said,"It's very dangerous over there. I will feel bad if you get hurt."

Nami rolled her eyes and whispered in Shaq's ear,"If you don't agree, I will tell Sister Robin that you touched my pig."

Shaq immediately broke out in a cold sweat. He said loudly,"Although it is very dangerous, as a member of the Death Pirates, how can you not experience battles? You see, Nami, I'll leave that major to you."

""Yeah. That's great." Nami cheered and jumped over to the Navy Lieutenant Commander Drake who was fighting with a crew member.

Poor Drake had just been teased by the crew member like a cat playing with a mouse for a long time, and his whole body was almost broken. At this time, Nami rushed over and said,"Rick, this guy taught me. Go find someone else to play with." Nami shouted at the crew member Rick.

"Nami, the big sister. But I haven't had enough fun yet. Rick seemed a little reluctant.

"Hmm. Rick, are you itching for trouble?"Nami immediately bared her teeth and yelled

"No, no, noBig sister Nami, I'll leave this guy to you." He immediately thought of the horror of Nami and ran away. It's not that he couldn't beat Nami. It's that he didn't dare. Everyone knows that Shaq dotes on Nami as much as Robin. If you offend Nami, you will definitely be electrocuted to death by Shaq.

Drake was surprised for a while. Then he saw Nami rushing over excitedly. He thought. I can't beat that big guy, can't I deal with a little girl like you? Thinking of this, he raised his knife and chopped at Nami.

"Peng Peng Peng"The next moment, Nami rushed to Drake at an extremely fast speed."Razor Fist." Nami's little arm immediately transformed into dozens of phantoms, and in an instant, Drake was blasted away.

""Dear, I want to fight too." Robin couldn't help but speak. She wanted to test her own strength.

Shaq smiled and said,"Okay. Aren't there a group of people coming over there? Leave it to you."

Robin looked in the direction Shaq pointed. She saw a female navy and a group of navy logistics personnel holding kitchen knives and shovels coming to support. Robin immediately used the Flower-Flower Fruit to create a bridge. Then she walked leisurely to the navy fortress opposite.

"Honey, that female marine is quite capable. Be careful." Shaq said softly.

"Don't worry.

"Robin smiled and walked across the bridge built by the Flower-Flower Fruit.

The next moment, the bridge disappeared automatically.

Robin had already stopped in front of the female navy and smiled,"This road is blocked.

" The female navy was Jessica, the wife of Vice Admiral Jonathan.

Because she saw that Jonathan and his men were beaten and had no power to fight back, she rushed up with the logistics personnel to support the navy.

Jessica looked at Robin with a serious face,"Son of the Devil.

The great pirate Nico Robin with a bounty of 80 million Baileys"

"Not bad. Navy ladies, if you want to get through, you have to defeat me." Robin said, crossing her arms,"The Hana-Hana Fruit. Multiple hooks." The next moment, several arms grew out of the group of logistics personnel, and"crackling", the necks of the logistics personnel were broken by the arms of the Hana-Hana Fruit.

"Bastard. Go to hell."Jessica was shocked and immediately surrounded by black gas. It was the performance of the primary level of Armament Haki. After her arms were shaken off, Jessica rushed towards Robin angrily and punched Robin.

""Shave!" Robin whispered. His figure disappeared in front of Jessica and appeared behind her the next moment."Gun pointing" dozens of phantoms attacked Jessica's back.

"Don't look down on others." Jessica also used razor to avoid Robin's attack."Storm Kick""Boom boom boom" the two started a fierce battle. However, Jessica was obviously more defensive than offensive. She was suppressed by Robin. I believe she will be defeated soon.

The battle between Law and Jonathan was the most intense. No one dared to approach within dozens of meters. Law did not use the surgery fruit. Instead, he used Jonathan to test his six styles and domineering. The two fought fist to fist and foot to foot.

"Bang."This was the eighth time Jonathan was blasted away by Law. Fortunately, he had the Armament Haki defense. Otherwise, he would have been seriously injured. On the other hand, Law was at ease.

"Damn pirates." Jonathan smiled bitterly in his heart. How could these guys be so powerful? The ordinary crew members were at least as strong as colonels. The other crew members were no weaker than major generals. Even that little girl of fourteen or fifteen years old could beat her deputy. There was also an unknown death god who hadn't made a move yet. Jonathan knew he was doomed today.

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