Until Shaq hugged the shy Robin and walked out of the hall. Law, Kulik and others came over to congratulate him. Robin was so embarrassed that she didn't dare to look up.

Shaq looked at his crew members.

Doctor Law.

Boatman Kulik.



And eleven younger brothers.

Including Robin, Nami and himself.

Eighteen people.

Suddenly, he was full of heroic spirit.

He waved his hand and said,"Starting tomorrow, we will start a long-term special training.

When we sail to the Grand Line again, it will be the time for us to become famous in the sea.

At that time, I will let the whole world know the reputation of our Death Pirates.

The Death will stand at the top of the world.

Let everyone tremble when they hear the Death.


"Long live the death. Long live the captain."All the crew members cheered for a while.

The next day, Shaq and his men began a hellish special training. Shaq got a design of the"Noah's Ark" from Ganfor. I think the spaceship that Enel got in the original book was also from Ganfor. So Shaq immediately ordered Ganfor to gather people to start making the"Noah's Ark". This is a spaceship. With it, it is an extra guarantee in the Grand Line.

Shaq used the Thunder Fruit to develop a physical training technique that can improve the physique.

In fact, it is to bombard the body with lightning.

Enhance the body's resistance and recovery.

However, the control strength must be careful.

At least Enel's lightning is not at that level.

Only Shaq can do it.

This time, the people of the Death Pirates are in trouble.

After the training every day, they are electrocuted to death.

Then they sleep and continue the next day.

But the effect is also very obvious.

Everyone can feel that they are making progress every day.

Even little Nami is no exception, and they are all greeted by Shaq's Thunder Fruit. Shak also passed on the six extension skills and the secret life he developed to everyone.

Two years passed in a flash. In a spacious open space in Arpaiado, Shak and the crew were practicing hard. Suddenly, Ganfor ran over and respectfully said to Shak,"Lord Death. Noah's Ark has been completed."

"Oh, that's great. Let's go check out our new Death."Shaq said excitedly. After two years, we can finally go out to sea again.

"oh"The crew cheered excitedly. The crazy training in the past two years almost drove them crazy. Thinking that they would be able to go out to sea again after the Ark was built, everyone was excited.

A group of people followed Ganfor to the White Sea.

The strength of everyone in the past two years can be said to have changed dramatically.

First of all, Shaq.

His swordsmanship has reached the top swordsmanship.

He has mastered the three-color domineering.

Although the body's power cannot be accurately measured, Shaq believes that it will definitely not be less than 8,000 power.

It is definitely stronger than the top vice admiral.

The 18-year-old Shaq is already 1.

9 meters tall.

Although it is not considered tall in the pirate world, it is extremely strong.

It can be said that Shaq can definitely kill Vice Admiral Kurison in seconds.

This is not counting the thunder fruit.

You must know that Shaq's thunder fruit has now developed a trick of 500 million volts.

Next is Law. Law's surgery fruit can cover a range of 100 meters. It is no worse than when he was a Shichibukai in the original work. After Shaq's training, the kendo has reached the level of a primary swordsmanship. He has mastered six styles. And he has mastered Armament Haki and Observation Haki. Besides Shaq, Law is the strongest.

Next is Enel. He has only been training for two years. So he is a little bit worse than Law. But he can also master Six Styles and Two Colors of Haki. The lightning power of Thunder Beast has been developed to 80 million volts. It has only been two years. Kulik and others are envious and jealous for a while.

Robin has also mastered Two Colors of Haki and Six Styles. The Flower-Flower Fruit has been developed well. Her strength is only slightly worse than Shaq two years ago.

Bepo and Kulik are similar to Robin. But both of them are masters of physical skills. So they are particularly attentive to Six Styles. They have successfully practiced Shaq's extended skills and ultimate moves. Both of them have only mastered Armament Haki. But their strength is not worse than Robin at all. In other words, they are completely at the level of vice admiral.

Nami is a little bit worse. She has only mastered the Shaved Moon Step and Gun Finger in Six Styles. As for Haki, she has mastered Observation Haki. She is barely at the level of brigadier general. It is similar to the eleven crew members on the ship.

Twelve of the eighteen people are brigadier generals. Three ordinary lieutenant generals. Two top lieutenant generals. One Shaq has never seen an admiral, but his confidence is definitely not inferior to that of an admiral. Such strength will definitely terrify the navy.

A group of people came to the White Sea. Looking at the new Death ship docked on the seashore. Sixty meters long. Twenty meters high. A little bigger than the original Death ship. There is still a Death sculpture on the bow. The cabin space is much larger. And it uses electricity as energy. It can fly at high altitudes. The outer shell is made of steel. Very hard. It is not even afraid of shells. The shells in this world are originally small in power.

""Little ones, bring our supplies up. We'll set out tomorrow to return to the Grand Line. We'll have a party tonight." Shaq shouted.

"yeahLong Live the Captain"

"Treasure. You guys, carry my treasure onto the ship." Nami has grown into a big loli. At the age of fourteen, Nami already looks like a stunning beauty. Her strength and height have grown a lot. The only thing that has not changed is her greed and stinginess.

That night, everyone reveled with excitement until dawn. That night, Ganfor was so excited that he did not sleep all night. After being enslaved by the"devil" for two years, he was finally going to be liberated. That night, Enel became a charger and did not sleep all night to charge the Ark.

The next day, Shak and others commanded the people of Gaya Island to move countless supplies into the new Death God. In the past two years, Gaya Island has paid a large number of shells to Shak every year. Sound shells, fire shells, etc. for daily life. Slashing shells, row shells, laser shells for combat. These are all prepared for future subordinates.���After loading and unloading the supplies

, Shaq yelled,"Let's go, guys.""

"oh"Everyone roared with excitement. Only Eneel lay on the ground, raising his hands with difficulty. After staying up all night to charge the Death, Eneel was almost exhausted.

The Death slowly rose. Flying beyond the White Sea. Then slowly descending. Everyone looked at the distant sky island excitedly. Then they shouted loudly,"We will be back."

Ganfor and others who were cheering on the White Sea of Arpaiado were so scared that they broke out in cold sweats. They secretly cursed Shaq to fall to his death. Unfortunately, this was impossible. Shaq and his party landed steadily. Finally, they saw the sea below. A familiar sea. This was Shaq and his party's journey, the Grand Line. They were finally back.

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