In the next three months, Shak worked hard to train himself. Due to the existence of the practice space, Shak's swordsmanship and physical strength have both grown significantly. First of all, swordsmanship. He has already started to practice sword skills. As long as he masters one sword skill, he will be an intermediate swordsman. And Shak has already mastered the key points. He is almost able to use it continuously.

After three months of continuous breakthroughs in physical strength, it is more than twice that of when he just broke through the primary swordsman. Now he can run around the island in two hours with a 200-jin iron block on his back. That's why he has time to learn sword skills.

Before breaking through the primary swordsman, Shak could punch out a maximum of 200 jin of force.

According to the calculation of Tao power, it is 2.

After breaking through the primary swordsman, it is five points of Tao power.

And five points of Tao power is nineteen points of Tao power for the primary swordsman.

Breaking through twenty points and being able to use one sword skill is an intermediate swordsman.

Breaking through one hundred points of Tao power and being able to use ordinary sword skills ten times in a row is an advanced swordsman.

Breaking through five hundred points of Tao power and successfully comprehending the sword energy is a top swordsman.

At this moment, Shak's Tao power is about fifteen points. Kendo is almost at the point of mastering the basic sword skills. Three months of training has improved several times more than Shaq had in the previous three years.

""Draw the sword and slash." On the beach, Shak kept drawing and sheathing the sword. He was practicing the most basic sword skill, the draw and slash. This move requires speed, accuracy and ruthlessness. There can be no hesitation when drawing the sword. Shak has repeated this action thousands of times. Jason was also practicing at the side. Both of them were sweating profusely, but they had no intention of stopping.

In his mind, the figure in the practice space also repeated the action of drawing and sheathing the sword. In reality, Shak closed his eyes and carefully felt every action and detail of the figure in the space. Suddenly, he took a step forward with his left foot. Holding the hilt of the sword with his right hand, he quickly drew the sword and slashed forward."Puff" only a bang was heard as the wooden sword cut through the air.

Shak kept the action and stopped. Jason on the side opened his mouth in surprise. He exclaimed in surprise,"Oh my God. Shak, you actually mastered the draw and slash. Great. As long as your strength is improved, you can break through the intermediate swordsman."

Shaq opened his eyes, and was overjoyed. He had already mastered the sword skills. As long as his strength was improved, he would be an intermediate swordsman. Although it would be more and more difficult to improve his strength later on, Shaq, who had a practice space, believed that he could definitely stand at the top of the world.

""Jason, I finally mastered the sword-drawing slash." Shaq said happily

"Congratulations, Shaq."Jason was a little disappointed. Because he had practiced for a whole year but still couldn't master the skill of the sword-drawing slash. In fact, Shaq had only practiced the sword-drawing slash for two months. Although Jason was not jealous of Shaq, he was envious.

Seeing Jason's disappointed look, Shaq suddenly walked up to Jason and said,"Jason, don't give up. I will teach you. Come and do it again as I say."

Shaq began to instruct and comfort Jason. Before, it was Jason who encouraged and comforted Shaq. But now it was the other way around. But Jason didn't care. He practiced the techniques and movements according to what Shaq said. Gradually, he found that practicing according to what Shaq said was much easier and smoother. Jason immediately started to practice happily.

Half a month passed."Shaq. Shaq. I finally mastered the sword-drawing slash. Thank you, Shaq." Jason excitedly pulled Shaq.

Shaq said happily,"Congratulations, Jason. You have been strong enough for a long time. Now you are an intermediate swordsman."

"Aren't you the same? Shaq. Now your strength is no worse than mine."Jason laughed and said,"Did you take some magic medicine recently? How come your strength and swordsmanship have improved so quickly?"

"I call this accumulation of experience a breakthrough." Shaq naturally wouldn't tell Jason about the practice space.

"Hey, Shaq. We are already intermediate swordsmen now. How about we celebrate later? I'll treat you." Jason pulled Shaq into the village. He said,"Also, we need to prepare a knife. Wooden swords are no longer suitable for us. Let's go to Uncle Mark to buy a knife."

Shaq nodded. He also wanted a real sword to practice kendo. The two came to the blacksmith shop in the village. This is the only place on the island that sells real swords. Although the quality is not very good. But it is a real sword after all. It is not comparable to wooden swords.

""Uncle Mark, I have reached the intermediate swordsman level today. I want to buy two knives." Jason shouted as he entered the store. He showed off his achievements. A two-meter-tall bearded man was pounding iron blocks with his bare chest. He stopped when he saw the two people coming in."Oh. It's Jason and Shaq. Have you reached the intermediate swordsman level? Not bad. You can choose two knives and I'll give you a 50% discount today."

The villagers on the island are very simple. This is the world of One Piece. The villagers on ordinary islands are very united and simple. Jason was not polite. He took Shaq and started to choose. There were dozens of samurai swords on the weapon rack. Shaq chose a samurai sword that was four fingers wide and one meter and two long. Jason chose a sword that looked like a knight's sword.

Mark only charged them two thousand Baileys. It was already very cheap. If it were normal, two thousand Baileys would not be enough to buy a knife. Even if the knife was very bad. The two excitedly came to the only bar in the village. When the two walked into the bar, everyone inside looked over.

The two ignored these eyes and walked to the counter and sat down."Uncle Baruch. Give us a barbecue. Two glasses of rum." Jason shouted.

A middle-aged uncle with a cigarette in his mouth inside the counter had a scar on his face. It was the bar owner Baruch. Baruch stretched out his hand and held Jason's little head and rubbed it hard, saying,"Little Jason, you want to drink at the age of thirteen. Your mother will spank you when she finds out. I'll give you two glasses of juice. It's my treat."

"Tsk. I am not a child anymore. Today is the day when Wu and Shaq become intermediate swordsmen. You won't even give us a glass of wine. What a stingy guy." Jason pouted. But he took the juice handed to him by Baruch. He took a sip and said with enjoyment,"It's delicious."

After all, Shaq is an adult soul. He took the juice and took a sip and said,"Thank you, Uncle Baruch"

"Have you heard? The Navy is recruiting the Seven Warlords of the Sea"

"What are the Seven Warlords of the Sea?"

"The Shichibukai are legal pirates. They can rob passing passenger ships without being hunted down by the navy. They just need to hand over a portion of their income to the navy."

"Damn it. Is this world crazy? Even pirates are legal. What on earth is the World Government doing?"

Shaq was listening on the side. He thought to himself,"They have already started recruiting the Seven Warlords of the Sea. This means Hancock will soon become world-famous. I really want to meet you soon. My beloved Empress."

After eating the barbecue, the two returned to the gym.

Shaq told Ichiro Mimura that he had broken through to the intermediate swordsman level.

Ichiro Mimura was very happy.

He took the two to the gymnasium and asked them to practice.

After seeing that the two had indeed mastered the sword-drawing slash, he encouraged them,"You are good.

From now on, you will have to rely on yourselves.

After you reach the intermediate swordsman level, I can only teach you some sword skills.

Whether you can learn it depends on your own efforts and talents.


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