Shaq ignored the strange looks from the residents. Instead, he closed his eyes and used his Observation Haki to the fullest extent, directly covering half of the Bika. He heard many sounds, such as hawking, loud laughter, etc., and finally located a group of sounds.

"Kill this monster"

"What a monster. I can't die even with this."

"Bang Bang Bang"There was a sound of hitting and smashing bodies, accompanied by a groan of pain.

Shaq was sure that this was definitely a scene of Enel being bullied.

Without hesitation, Shaq silently chanted"Shave and Flash" and turned into a shadow and rushed to the source of the sound.

But a minute later, he arrived at the entrance of a dirty alley.

Shaq looked into the alley.

He saw five or six children aged seven or eight, led by two young men, punching and kicking a figure curled up in the corner.

This was a boy who was so thin that he would fall down if the wind blew. He looked about seventeen or eighteen years old. He had long earlobes and a pair of eyes full of anger, hatred and helplessness. It was Enel when he was a teenager.

Shaq did not stop them. Because Enel himself did not resist. Since he had no determination to resist, Shaq would be a waste even if he saved him. Shaq jumped onto a tree. He did not jump down the tree until those people were tired of beating him and left the scene. He came to Enel, picked him up and left the town quickly. Arrive at the edge of the forest on the island and put Enelu down

"All devil fruits originally grew on trees. It's just that the fruits have strange shapes. Eneel got the thunder fruit in Bica. He must have gotten it by chance when he was collecting wild fruits when he was extremely hungry. In other words, it seems that if I want to find the thunder fruit, I must look for it in the woods."Shaq did not help Eneel to heal. Instead, he plunged into the forest.

After wandering in the forest for an hour, he did not find any trace of the devil fruit. Shaq returned to the outside of the forest disappointed. At this time, Eneel had woken up. He lay on the ground and wanted to get up, but his injuries were agitated.

At this time, Shaq came over and looked at Eneel quietly. He had no intention of helping. Eneel looked at Shaq with his empty eyes."Did you save me? You have no wings like me. Are you one of my people?"

Shaq nodded."Why don't you resist? I am a human from Qinghai. People there don't have wings."

"Really? Are they all humans without wings?"Enel's eyes regained some spirit. That was a look of longing. At least now he knew that he was not a monster.

"Why don't you resist?" Shaq asked again.

"Resistance will only lead to more beatings." Enelu said lifelessly.

"Do you want to resist? Do you want to have power?"Shaq induced,"Just think about the future God of Sky Island, the captain behind him called out. Shaq felt a sense of accomplishment.

"Can I have power?" Enelu was obviously a little unconvinced.

"As long as you work hard, you will get strength. Believe me, you will get strength. So, Enelu, what is your choice?" Shaq said with a serious face.

"I want power. I want revenge." After a brief thought, Enelu immediately said firmly.

"HahahaSo from now on I will be your teacher. The teacher who will give you strength."Shaq squatted down and helped Enelu up.

"Teacher?"Suddenly, Enel's stomach growled. He must be starving. Enel looked at Shaq pitifully. He pointed to a place and said,"Teacher. Can you help me pick a fruit to eat?"

Shaq wanted to laugh. The future God of Sky Island was almost starved to death. He looked in the direction that Enel pointed. The next moment, the expression on Shaq's face froze. On a big tree at the edge of the white sea, there was a pineapple-like fruit hanging secretly. The fruit was covered with threads. The threads looked like lightning. This was the thunder fruit that Shaq had been looking for.

"What the hell is this? I looked around but couldn't find it.

Enel saw it just after he woke up.

What a fate.

" Shaq thought to himself.

He stood up and walked towards the tree.

He jumped high and reached the tree, picking the thunder fruit casually.

Just when Shaq was about to come down, he suddenly felt that there was a fruit growing on the top of the tree blocked by the leaves.

And it was a devil fruit.

Shaq looked at the banana-like devil fruit and said to himself,"Damn.

Buy one get one free.

This deal is very cost-effective.

It's a pity that it's an animal-type.


After picking the two devil fruits, Shaq quickly jumped down from the tree and walked in front of Enel. Shaq put the thunder fruit into the storage space. He handed the banana-like fruit to Enel and said,"Enelu, this is a devil fruit. After eating it, your strength will increase more than ten times. But it also has many disadvantages. It is afraid of sea water and seastone. Are you sure you want to eat it?"

Enelu only heard that it can increase his strength by more than ten times. He didn't pay attention to what Shaq said later. He stared at the 'banana' in Shaq's hand with starlight in his eyes and said,"Teacher, I want to eat it."

Shaq threw the devil fruit to Enelu, and as for the thunder fruit, of course he kept it for himself. The fruit known as the strongest natural fruit must be used by himself. And Shaq has a practice space, so he can definitely develop the thunder fruit to the extreme.

"Well"Enel tried hard to suppress his nausea and swallowed all the devil fruits in his hand. He swallowed all the devil fruits that tasted worse than shit. It was obvious that Enel was eager for power.

Shaq said with a frown on his face,"Asshole. You ate it before I finished talking. Don't you know that you can gain power from a devil fruit by taking a bite? Idiot. Why did I accept such a stupid apprentice."

Enel fell to the ground. He kept retching. The taste was really uncomfortable. He was dumbfounded when he heard Shaq's words. It was too late to regret. He could only blame himself for being too anxious.

It took a long time for Enel to recover. Shaq said lightly,"Do you feel the power in your body? That's an animal-type fruit. Transform and show me."

Enel closed his eyes. His mind automatically emerged with how to use the power of the devil fruit simply. The next moment, Enel began to change. His thin body gradually swelled up."Crackling..."There was a flash of lightning and thunder. Shaq was surprised. Soon,

Enelu disappeared. In front of him was a beast with lightning wrapped around its body. This beast looked like a wolf. But there was a single horn on its forehead. It was the legendary Thunder God's mount, the Thunder Beast.

"It's actually a mythical beast type Thunder Beast. Holy shit."Shaq was a little speechless. Enel's luck is too good. He can easily find the Thunder Fruit. After Shaq took the Thunder Fruit for himself, he got the mythical beast type Thunder Beast Fruit which is no worse than the Thunder Fruit.

""Teacher, how did I become a monster?" Enelu walked towards Shaq in panic.

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