"You are looking for death, little brat." Seeing the heavy losses of the navy, Vice Admiral Kurison was extremely angry. He quickly rushed towards Shaq."Gun pointed. Spot" Dozens of phantom arms attacked Shaq at once.

"Damn it. I've used up too much energy." After Shaq used that ultimate move, he felt that half of his energy was used up. Facing Curryson's full-strength attack, he could only barely resist. He had no chance to fight back.

"Puff"Shaq's chest was pierced by the gun. He flew backwards. He landed on the deck, blood already flowing from the corner of his mouth. He thought to himself,"Damn it. I have to be more careful. Otherwise, I might get killed.""

"Sinner. You have no way out. Die." Lieutenant General Kurison's face was full of frost."Shave" he rushed towards Shaq quickly, wanting to take the opportunity to kill Shaq.

A cold light flashed in Shaq's eyes."Shave. Flash continuously" Four Shaqs appeared on the deck at once. Of course, this was caused by the afterimage."Kill. Fight before moving" The afterimages of the four Shaqs blasted out several sword qi respectively

"What a fast speed. Lieutenant General Kurison was amazed.��Thinking that the opponent's six styles were actually more sophisticated than his. Fortunately, Kurison was stronger in terms of Taoism."

"Boom boom boom"Kurrison completely blocked Shaq's attack. But Shaq's target was not him. While Kurrison was resisting the sword energy, Shaq rushed towards the Celestial Dragon.

The four Celestial Dragon guards immediately stood in front of the Celestial Dragon. When Bex saw Shaq rushing over, he shouted in panic,"Lieutenant General Kurrison, come and save me!""

"Not good. The little devil's target is the Celestial Dragon."Lieutenant General Kurison immediately used"Shave" to quickly rush towards the Celestial Dragon.

"Draw the sword and slash." Shaq drew and sheathed the sword dozens of times in an instant."Puff puff puff"The colonel-level guard didn't even have time to react before he fell down, holding his neck. The remaining sword energy continued to bombard the Tianlong people.

"No." The Celestial Dragon screamed in fear."Shave!" Lieutenant General Kurison arrived and immediately grabbed one of the Celestial Dragon's hands to dodge the sword energy. But a sword energy still slashed through the Celestial Dragon's arm."Puff."

A fat arm flew high."Ah"The screams of the Celestial Dragons resounded throughout the warship. Shaq took the opportunity to jump into the air."Moon Step." Standing in the air, he directed his sword towards the warship below."One Sword Flow Cuts in All Directions." Countless sword qi bombarded Vice Admiral Kurison and the Celestial Dragons.

"Damn kid."Kulison had a Tianlong in his hand and didn't dare to take it head-on. He quickly avoided the sword energy and retreated far away."Bang, boom, boom" the sword energy hit the deck. A big hole was blasted out of the bow of the warship. Seawater immediately poured into the warship

""Moon Step" Shaq did not stop. He ran quickly towards the Death.

"Don't even think about running away. Sinner." Lieutenant General Kurison handed the Celestial Dragon to two medical soldiers and immediately chased after Shaq with the Moon Step.

""Puff" On the Death. Shaq spat out blood as soon as he landed on the deck. The several hideous blood holes on his chest looked very scary.

"Shaq. How are you? Robin anxiously hugged Shaq's body, which was about to fall. He checked Shaq's injuries with a look of pity on his face.

""Ro. Bepo. Stop that vice admiral." Shaq shouted."Nami, full speed ahead."

"You can't escape, sinner."Cullisson had already caught up with the Death. But when he was about to fall, a semi-transparent space suddenly covered him."ROOM"Luo opened the operating space and surrounded the entire deck. Kurison sensed danger and quickly jumped out of the operating space.

"Flower-Flower Fruit. Giant's Arm."A huge hand quickly formed. It slapped Vice Admiral Kurison who had not yet stood firm."Mist Kick" Kurison immediately kicked out more than a dozen vacuum slashes, breaking the huge arm apart.

""Storm Kick","Storm Kick","Sword Slash". At this time, Bepo, Luo and Shaq immediately launched an attack. Hundreds of vacuum slashes and sword energy bombarded Lieutenant General Kurison.

"Damn it," Boom boom. Although Vice Admiral Kurison blocked most of the attacks, he was still knocked down into the sea by more than a dozen attacks. Fortunately, he was not a fruit ability user. Kurison, who was blasted into the sea, quickly rushed out of the sea. Watching the Death Ship going away, he did not chase it.

Because there were at least two strong men on the ship who were no worse than the major general. There was also a Shaq. He was not sure that he could win alone. And protecting the Tianlong people was the most important thing. Kurison, with a gloomy face, shouted,"Death God Elson J Shaq. And the son of the devil Nico Robin. I will never let you go."

Just now, after Robin used the Flower-Flower Fruit, he knew that Robin was on the ship. The devil fruit ability could never be repeated. So Kurison was sure that Robin was on the ship.

On the Death Ship, Robin looked very ugly. His identity was finally exposed. Luo Zheng was about to use his ability to slice Shaq for treatment. Shaq waved his hand and said,"No need. Let you see this. Six-style secret. Life return."

The next moment, under the surprised gaze of Robin and the others, the blood hole on Shaq's chest quickly disappeared, and new granulation tissue grew rapidly. Finally, the wound disappeared. Shaq's face was just a little pale. He had used up most of his energy.

""How amazing." Several people thought at the same time. It turns out that the Six Styles Secret is so magical. At this moment, even little Nami was looking forward to it. She vowed to practice it well. This is a life-saving trick. As long as they meet the requirements, Shaq will definitely teach them.

"Robin, help me prepare some sea king meat. I need to replenish my energy. This move is very physically demanding."Shaq felt his stomach growling. All the strong men in the original book have amazing appetites. This is the reason. A large amount of meat can replenish the energy needed by the body.

""Okay." Robin didn't say anything. He went straight to the kitchen to prepare meat for Shaq.

"Death is in charge. Did you kill any of the Celestial Dragons?" Luo couldn't help asking. If the Celestial Dragons were killed, they would really be on the run.

"No. He was saved by that lieutenant general. I just cut off his arm."Shaq grinned.

"Celestial Dragons? They seem to be world nobles."Nami asked curiously.

"It seems that we are going to be in trouble next. What is the head of the Death God going to do?"Luo said calmly

""Nami. How far are we from Gaya Island?" Shaq asked. He had handed the record pointer to Nami. So now Nami was the one who decided the direction of the voyage.

"Oh. It will take two more days to get to Gaya Island. Even at the fastest speed, it will take a day and a half."Nami looked at the record pointer on her hand and said

"Go full speed ahead. Enter the sky island before the navy finds us. Then wait until we finish our training. Humph. What about the navy?"Shaq said coldly

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