The Death has been back in Dressrosa for several days. The island has now been hoisted with the flag of the Death Pirates. Under the protection of the Death Pirates. King Kulik and his men cleared the King's Highlands and built a huge palace for the Death Pirates. This is the temporary headquarters of the Death Pirates.

Originally, the people of Dressrosa were just grateful to Shaq for saving them.

Later, they saw on the news that Shaq and Whitebeard fought for a day and a night and ended in a tie.

Suddenly, the people of Dressrosa cheered.

In this era of great pirates, there is a master who can fight the Four Emperors to protect them, and ordinary pirates dare not provoke.

The newly built palace is called the Death Palace.

It can accommodate thousands of people.

Many houses have been built around it.

Because the Death Pirates now have too many subordinates.

There is an island floating in the air.

It is the island controlled by Kulik.

Inside the Death Palace, Shaq and the cadres are holding a meeting, planning to go out and occupy several nearby islands. At this time."Shaq Shaq is a pervert. Come and see." Nami rushed into the meeting room with a happy look

"Nami, what are you so happy about?" Robin asked in confusion.

"Look? Whitebeard and Kaido are at war."Nami shook the newspaper she had just received.

""Oh." Shaq took the newspaper and read it."Hahahaha. Kaido, the idiot, went to challenge Whitebeard, but was beaten half to death by Whitebeard with three punches. If he hadn't been rescued by his men, there would have been one less emperor. As expected, Whitebeard has recovered his strength from more than a decade ago."

"Let me see." Robin snatched the newspaper and chuckled."Kaido is so unlucky. Whitebeard has almost recovered to his peak condition after being treated by Law and Mansherry. Now the Whitebeard Pirates have all gone out to rob Kaido of dozens of islands."

"It seems that Whitebeard has listened to me. He has also returned our favor. Kaido has been restrained by him. The pressure on our side is much less. We will start to implement the plan tomorrow. All the surrounding islands will be included in the territory of the God of Death. Those who resist will be killed without mercy."Shaq's eyes flashed with a cold light. This is the first step of his plan and he will not allow anyone to stop it.

""Understood." Rokulik and other cadres nodded seriously.

On the streets of Dressrosa, the buildings that were originally heavily damaged have gradually recovered under the efforts of the Death Pirates, the original residents and the dwarfs. On the streets, the dwarfs and humans live in peace. People are all smiling. At this time, a group of pirates entered the city.

"WowThe Dwarfs. How rare! They actually live in peace with humans. Dressrosa has completely changed."It was Red-Haired Shanks who spoke. After they intercepted Kaido, they gave way only after seeing that Whitebeard and Shaq had ended the war.

""Big sister, how much is this fruit?" Ben Beckman picked up an apple and asked the stall owner.

"Are you from the Death Pirates? Then you don’t need to pay. The Death God saved all of us." The fruit seller said with a smile

"Oh. Shaq is really capable? He is so popular. Hahaha"The red-haired man laughed heartily.

"Aren't you from the Death Pirates?" The lady buying fruit asked in surprise

"We are pirates. But we are not the pirates of the Death Pirates."Ben Beckman smiled and paid the money.

"Aren't you afraid? We are pirates."Laqilu was surprised.

"This is the island protected by the God of Death. Even Whitebeard couldn't defeat the man. What pirate dares to cause trouble here?"The eldest sister said proudly

"Look. That's notFour Emperors Red Hair Shanks?"At this time, the pirates of the Death Pirates who were helping to build the house recognized Shanks' identity

"What? The Four EmperorsBrothers, send a signal quickly."A pirate quickly threw away the wood in his hand and took out his weapon. The surrounding pirates also surrounded him.

In less than ten minutes, Shanks and his dozen men were surrounded by thousands of pirates. The pirates of the Death Pirates regarded Shaq as a god. Not only were they not afraid, but they surrounded him and wanted to fight with Shanks and his men. A firework spread in the air.

"Alas, we are surrounded?" Shanks touched his hair and smiled foolishly.

"They are really united. They didn't run away when they heard the Four Emperors were coming. Shaq's prestige is really great."Ben Beckman smiled and said

"What's going on? Who sent the distress signal?"At this time, a loud voice sounded. Kulik floated down from the sky.

"Who dares to cause trouble here? Master Enelu is here."Lightning flashed. A huge thunder beast also flew over from midair.

"HuhIsn't this Shanks? Long time no see." Kulik spotted Shanks and his group. He then landed in front of Shanks and asked,"Are you here to look for the captain?"

"Tsk. I thought there was someone causing trouble. Turns out it was you guys." Enelu changed back to his normal self and fell down.

""Hey. Long time no see." Shanks waved and said hello

"Enelu, you are being arrogant again. I will get you drunk today." Lakilu hooked Enelu's shoulders.

"Damn it, your whole family is arrogant. Bastard."Enel is furious."Today, I will make you drunk for three days and three nights."

"Hahaha. Isn't this Shanks? Come on. I'll be waiting for you in the Death Temple." At this time, the voice of Shanks rang out throughout Dressrosa.

"Is this the Four Emperors Shanks? I didn't expect that the God of Death and the Four Emperors Red Hair are friends"

"Lord Death is really powerful. He knows two of the Four Emperors. Hahahaha."The people were excited. The Death Pirates were no worse than the Four Emperors. And there was another friend of the Four Emperors. Who would dare to go wild in Dressrosa?

"WowWhat a beautiful temple. Beckman, how about we build one when we get back? Shanks was like a country bumpkin coming to the city. He was envious of the grandeur of the Death Temple.

"Captain. We have no money."Beckman immediately cut Shanks' dream off with one blow

"Welcome, Shanks."Shaq and his subordinates were already waiting in the banquet hall. They had prepared a banquet.

""Shaq, I'm here to see you. It's delicious. What kind of wine is this?" Shanks sat down casually and drank a glass of wine, and then his eyes sparkled. This was the strongest wine he had ever drunk.

"This is the king's wine that I created myself. How is it? Ordinary people can't drink it."Shaq shamelessly said that Soju was the wine he invented.

"Really, Captain. Why didn't you bring it out before?"Kulik also tasted it and immediately fell in love with this strong drink. This is the wine that men drink.

"Delicious. So refreshing."For a moment, both the red-haired men and the crew of the Grim Reaper were amazed.

Shak had brewed some liquor a long time ago. It was just stored away. He took it out now just to make money with liquor in the future. Shak smiled mysteriously and said,"Come out over there. It's very rude to enter someone else's territory casually."

""Shua." The next moment, a young man and a young girl jumped in from the window.

"The staff officer of the Revolutionary Army. Sabo. What are you doing here?"Shaq recognized this person immediately. It was Luffy's brother. The staff officer of the Revolutionary Army. Sabo, who had not yet recovered his memory. And the girl Kerla. At this time, Sabo was only seventeen years old. But he was already an outstanding cadre in the Revolutionary Army.

"The head of the Death God. The Four Emperors Red-Haired Shanks. I didn't expect that the two of them were actually good friends. If the navy knew about this, they would probably be scared again."Sabo spoke in a completely adult tone.

"Mom. These are things for the future. Two revolutionaries. Let's have a drink." Shanks said with his tongue rolled. Beckman and others immediately covered their faces and walked away. They looked like they didn't know him.

"So what are you two doing here?" Shaq said with a wicked smile,"Is it that Long wants to recruit me?"

"It's not a solicitation. Mr. Long knows that this is impossible. But if we want to cooperate, I wonder if the head of the God of Death is interested?" Sabo and Kerla found a seat and sat down.

"Cooperation? We are pirates. It seems that there is nothing worth cooperating with revolutionaries."Shaq said lightly

"We, the Revolutionary Army, will do our utmost to help you become the Pirate King. When the time comes, you will help us, the Revolutionary Army, to contain the Navy."Sabo threw out the bait.

"One Piece? Hahahaha"Shaq laughed."I'm not interested in that kind of stuff. Brother Sabo, your bait is not to my liking."

"Not the Pirate King?"Everyone was stunned by Shaq's words. Countless pirates went out to sea to become the Pirate King. For the treasure left by Roger. But Shaq was dismissive of it.

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