"Shaq. Shaq"Get up. Otherwise, you will be punished by the master again." An anxious voice came into Yang Jie's mind. Then Yang Jie felt someone shaking his body. Yang Jie sat up angrily.

""That bastard dared to disturb my date with the Empress." Yang Jie roared, and turned around to teach the guy who dared to disturb his dream of dating the Empress a lesson. But when Yang Jie saw the person in front of him clearly, he was stunned.

He saw a boy of twelve or thirteen years old looking at him with worry. But the key is that Yang Jie didn't know this boy at all. Shocked Yang Jie roared,"Who are you? How could you just break into someone else's house? Do you believe it or not, I will call the police to arrest you?" The boy opposite looked at Yang Jie puzzledly and said,"Shaq. What's wrong with you? Are you sick? I'm Jason. And what is the police?"

At this time, Yang Jie also felt something was wrong. He looked around. He was surprised to find that this was not his home at all. Instead, it looked like a spacious dormitory. And what's the matter with the tatami on the floor?"Um. My head hurts." Yang Jie raised his hand and touched the back of his head. But he found that his hand suddenly became smaller. What happened? Suddenly, Yang Jie's eyes went black and he fainted

"Shakshak"Jason saw Shaq fainted and shouted anxiously. But Yang Jie could no longer hear him.

At this time, Yang Jie was shocked. Yes, the memory of another person appeared in his mind."Pirate King GolDRogerThe Four EmperorsThe world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk"Yang Jie finally realized that he had traveled through time. And he traveled to his favorite One Piece world.

Yang Jie's body is called Elson.JShaq. (He will be called Shaq from now on) is the child of an ordinary fisherman on the island. Two years ago, he encountered the Bruce Pirates when he went out to sea to fish. As a result, he was killed by the evil pirates. So Shaq vowed to become stronger in order to avenge his parents. He knelt in front of the Sanmura Gym on the island for three days. Finally, he moved the gym owner Sanmura Ichiro. He allowed Shaq to join the gym to learn kendo.

Unfortunately, Shaq's qualifications are too ordinary.

He only learned the basics of kendo in three years.

Not to mention killing Bruce to avenge his parents.

Even the minions on the pirate ship can easily kill him.

In order to improve his strength, Shaq thought of improving his strength in battle.

So he ran to the forest on the island alone to fight with wild beasts.

As a result, he was hit by a large wild boar and rolled down the steep slope.

He fainted when he returned to the dormitory in a daze.

The unlucky Shaq didn't have time to take revenge before his body was occupied by Yang Jie.

From Shaq's memory, he knew where he was now. This is the West Sea. The island is called Meisha Island. One Piece GolDRoger has been executed for twelve years. That means there are only ten years left before the plot begins. Shaq is very excited. Because the Pirate World is one of Shaq's favorite anime in his previous life. Especially there are many beauties in it. Among them, the Pirate Queen Boya. Hancock is his dream goddess for many years.

As a otaku, Shaq also fantasized about traveling to the Pirate World one day. In the Pirate World, he took the risk to pick up girls. Hancock on the left hand and Nico Robin on the right hand. Nami is lying on his chest. There are also a group of younger brothers serving behind him. Now that he has really traveled to the Pirate World. Shaq's otaku heart is ready to move. He smiled obscenely in his heart,"Guhehehe. Hancock. Robin. Brother is here. Wait for me to favor you."

It was evening when Shaq woke up again. At this time, there was a group of teenagers in the room. These people were students of the Mimura Gym. There was also a middle-aged man in his forties. He had a square face, short hair and thick eyebrows. His expression was very serious. It was the owner of the gym, Ichiro Mimura.

Seeing Shaq wake up, Ichiro Mimura breathed a sigh of relief. Ichiro Mimura was quite fond of this hardworking student. Although his aptitude was a little lacking. But he had always seen Shaq's efforts in the past three years."Shaq. You're awake. Doctor Lucius has just examined you. There is no physical injury. It's just that your head was hit and you need to rest for a few days. You don't have to go to class these days. Start exercising when you are well."

Shaq had a very good impression of Ichiro Mimura in his memory. He also took good care of him. He didn't even charge him any tuition. Shaq was still a little confused at the moment. He forced a smile and said,"I'm sorry to worry about you, Master. I'm fine."

"Well. That's good. Have a good rest. Don't make too much noise. Let Shaq have a good rest for a few days."Ichiro Mimura instructed the students around him.

""Yes, Master." More than a dozen students responded in unison.

After Ichiro Mimura left the dormitory, Jason, as Shaq's good friend, immediately stepped forward and said,"Shaq, are you okay? You scared me to death this morning. How did you get hurt? Is it serious?"

Seeing Jason's caring look, Shaq's heart suddenly warmed. In his previous life, as an orphan and a otaku, Shaq basically had no friends. Suddenly having a friend who cared about him made Shaq feel warm in his heart. He smiled and said,"I'm fine. Thank you, Jason.""

"That's good. Have a good rest." Jason patted his chest and said.

As for the other teenagers, they came over one by one and told Shaq to have a good rest. Shaq usually worked hard to practice kendo. He wanted to avenge his parents. He didn't communicate much with other people. Only his childhood playmate Jason was close to him. The others were classmates.

After eating the dinner Jason brought him, Shaq began to think about what to do in the future. First of all, it is necessary to work hard to improve his strength. Whether it is to avenge his parents or to pursue the beauties in the world of pirates, it is absolutely impossible without strength.

"Shouldn't every time traveler have a golden finger?"Shaq had read a lot of fan fiction on Faloo in his previous life. The protagonists who traveled to another world either had their grandfather with them or had a system with them. In the end, they became the world's number one with countless beauties around them.

So Shaq silently said in his heart,"The system is on."One minutefive minutesNot a hair. Shaq once again thought to himself,"Is Grandpa here?""Transformation""Open Sesame"Shaq spent the whole night silently thinking about the possible cheat codes.

Unfortunately, the reality is too harsh. In the morning, Shaq looked at the ceiling with a pair of panda eyes. He felt depressed. There is no cheat code. With his ordinary qualifications, it is undoubtedly a pipe dream to become a strong man. Shaq mourned in his heart,"Goodbye. My queen. Goodbye, lovely Robin." Have fun reading books on May Day! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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