One Man’s Power

Vol 4 Chapter 37: Genius without 1

Yellow River organizes provincial and municipal top-secret archives: Heiji hunting mission (military mission)

Degree of danger: danger level.

Related Persons: Tang Hong (only internal members of the Yellow River Organization are recorded)

Brief description of the incident: code snow, hunting down a dangerous god, flying type, heyday, during which eight conventional gods appeared, the second dangerous **** appeared, the military intercepted with artillery, fired short-range missiles, interception failed, Tang Hong Restraint the second dangerous **** alone.

Processing staff: Tang Hong.

Casualties: Tang Hong.

Follow-up supplement: two dangerous gods killed, four conventional gods killed.

Follow-up records: First, it is suspected that Tang Hong's own talent has a peculiar effect of mitigating the damage of God's breath; second, it is suspected that the second dangerous **** is greatly weakened, weakening 32.94%, to the nearest two decimal places (black Confidential; Black Confidential; Limited to consultant level)


The day has not yet fully dawned.

It was just early in the morning.

Dr. Sang, dressed in a special plane provided by the military, arrived directly at the Heiji Division, accompanied by a large number of assistants.

Get off the plane.

However, he was told that he could not go directly to the location of the Type 19 extraordinary equipment.

"Hurry up."

Dr. Sang clutched messy hair and stomped his right foot severely: "Go to the headquarters of Dahua Organization."

After the lightning strike, the nineteen types of equipment nationwide were frequently moved and ranked as top-level top secrets.

In order to avoid a series of unexpected situations such as the leakage of information transmission process, including the government military has no right to know the location of the type 19 equipment, only the local agency knows the real-time location and is responsible for transporting the wounded. It must be said that the efficiency is extremely high.

In every divine battle, a golden red is waiting near the battlefield.

The rescue rate has greatly increased.

and so……

Even the Central Research Institute and even Dr. Sang, who wanted to visit the 19th-type extraordinary equipment, had to pass the approval of the rice flower organization and set off from the headquarters to the nursing home.

"Are you here? Can you hurry up?"

Dr. Sang sat in the helicopter cabin and couldn't help urging.


The group arrived at the headquarters of Dahua.

"Where is the person?"

Dr. Sang's eyes were all red. He broke into the consultant office of the headquarters, dragged the collar of a burly man in formal clothes, jumped his feet, and the spittle splattered: "Where is Tang Hongren, hasn't the treatment process started yet? But I can tell you that there is a slight difference in this matter, you are sinners, sinners of all humanity! "

The new dress I bought yesterday ...

And it's a famous brand ...

Famous brand, famous brand. As a tall and strong man at the consultant level, he pulled the collar and evened without revealing it, saying, "Tang Hong has been sober and refused the treatment process. Dr. Sang must be assured."

Although I was told by phone, I was a little worried, unsafe, really unsafe.

Failed to see Tang Hong the first time ...

Dr. Sang is extremely nervous ...

At this time, after confirming in person, Dr. Sang was relieved: "That's good, that's good."


Wait a second, it seems like something is wrong.


Dr. Sang lowered his head and frowned, and groaned slightly, seeing that the burly man was a little frowned. Did he do something wrong, think back carefully, it seems that there is no.

"You just said ..."

Dr. Sang slowly raised his head, staring at the strong man, as if mad cow panted, "Did Tang Hong refuse? Sounds like you still want to start the nineteen-type device without permission?"

The burly man stared, scratched his head, and looked at the sky. Have I ever said that, no?

"Just go through the process."

The strong man recalled and explained, stabilizing Dr. Sang, who was about to explode like a gunpowder barrel: "Three hours ago, the wounded Tang Hong was sent to the location of Type 19 equipment. There must be procedures and procedures for admission. Now the management is extremely strict ... "

After listening.

Dr. Sang said angrily: "Hurry up and arrange a car for me."

"There is only one special car, and we will return to the wounded and return immediately." The burly man smiled bitterly, and encountered a tendon of research like Dr. Sang, not to mention his partition counselor, who was the Holy One first. Dr. Sang dared to pounce on him.

As for how long it can be ...

This will vary from person to person, according to local conditions ...

After half an hour, the special car returned to the headquarters and transported a group of Dr. Sang to the sanatorium.


District nursing home.

Nineteen extraordinary equipment, running as usual, quiet in the morning.

In a bright ward.

The beautiful woman Zhu Guo, code-named Dragon Fruit, is being treated with a nineteen type device.

At the bedside, there is a notebook, which is mainly used for the internal communication of the nursing home. It is connected to the wireless local area network and connects to the hunter's communication.

The pale face of Wind Hunter appeared on the screen, and his expression was strange: "I folded my two legs before I came to the treatment. Fruits ... your injuries don't seem to be so serious."

The wind hunter was a little confused.

Isn't it ... Zhu Guo ... It seems that the surface injuries are not obvious, but the internal injuries are very serious and fatal internal injuries?

Zhu Guo's eyes were watery and bright, and he pointed to the wound on his face: "If you see it, it's serious. It may leave scars."

All the flesh-wound wounds disappeared.

The redness of the white skin can be broken, Zhu Guo is very satisfied.


The wind hunter grinned his teeth, and turned into a sigh of breath in his chest.

"Just that little injury? As for it."

"Anyway, the nineteen-type device runs every day, and it is not a waste of resources." Zhu Guo glanced at the eye communication screen, stood up slowly, and shook his body, shaking a lot of divine infusion tubes, and the wind hunter's eyes on the screen Staring round.

I'm jealous.

The healing process is so fast ... The wind hunter feels that his healing process will take at least one week.

Suddenly, his ears seemed to be listening.


The wind hunter looked surprised: "I seem to hear Dr. Sang's voice, the Central Research Institute."

"... Dr. Sang?" Zhu Guozhen frowned and wondered.

"Yes, I won't hear it wrong. I remember Dr. Sang's unique voice." The wind hunter smiled a little reservedly: "We've met in the emperor before, and probably came to visit me and Tang Hong."

Zhu Guo was surprised: "Visit you and Tang Hong? I didn't expect you to have a relationship with that person."

The consultant level, although powerful, does not mean that the friendship is vast.

In particular, people like Dr. Sang are not strong enough and high enough to be able to meet.

"Ha ha."

But don't look down on me ... the wind hunter hasn't said it yet.

Footsteps sounded at the door.

It sounded like a hurry, even Zhu Guo from another ward was watching through the newsletter. She had never seen Dr. Sang.

"Dr. Sang, this ward wind hunter ..."

"Where is the person?"

"The wind hunter is inside, you ..."

"I ask you where Tang Hong is. I beg you to take me there, okay." The unusually simple voice of the conversation passed into the room. As the footsteps went away, the air suddenly quieted.

No sound at all.


The medical monitoring instrument beeps with a very regular sound.

"That one……"

The wind hunter thought for a long time: "The weather is really good today."

"Well." Zhu Guo nodded.

At the same time.

Another room.

Dr. Sang stared at Tang Hong lying on the bed, wrapped in layers of medical gauze, like giant cocoons and lying on the bed like a mummy, probably with his eyes closed.

Several medical instruments, monitoring the vital signs of Tang Hong in all directions, are getting stronger.

‘Dangerous God suddenly weakens, what ’s going on? ’

Dr. Sang stood by the bed, watching Tang Hong, and quietly swallowed.

After investigation, the danger **** weakened, probably related to missile detonation, mercury weapons, and the weather environment at that time.

This situation is critical.

If it can be cracked, the extraordinary person will be much easier to face the deities: "However, after a dozen experiments with the first generation of mercury weapons, the conventional gods have a poor effect and have a weak rib effect. After the high temperature and temperature, the mercury is incorporated. Yes. "

"This time ..."

"Send me over ..."

"The main thing is to understand the principle of diminishing divine power."

However, Dr. Sang is more interested in Tang Hong.

Weakening the deities, talking better than nothing, can't change the final victory or defeat ... After all, these are just slaves, the real body of the deities, and the structure is different in all aspects.

"Let people collect the data first."

"Research tomorrow."

Dr. Sang's attention refocused on Tang Hong.

He reached out and seemed to want to touch it. After all, he didn't dare to touch it. After watching it several times, he trot and recorded the real-time data.

‘It ’s extremely efficient to practice extraordinary warfare alone. ’

‘One person joins the battle, facing the deities ~ ~ Not only can it break out of power, but it can also increase the divine breath and immunity. This talent is really terrifying. ’

It turned out that Dr. Sang did not guess wrong.

As Tang Hong became stronger, his horrific talent gradually emerged-the extraordinary world, the strongest talent ever!

‘I ’m not completely immune to the breath ...’

‘But it reduces the damage ...’

‘Oh, that ’s amazing. Would you like to get some blood for a test ... Forget it, hold back, it ’s not time yet. ’

Dr. Sand silently told himself not to worry.

Then I asked medical personnel to collect the stretcher, the gauze used, all the blood stains and even the crumbs of the muscles and bones ...

Unmatched satisfaction ...

Too happy……

After finishing this, Dr. Sang ran back to Tang Hong's room and helped Fuyin frame glasses: "This, this is--"

"A big improvement in physical fitness?"

"Sure enough, sure enough, he is a peerless genius. This **** battle, such a serious injury, not only did not kill him, but forced his potential out ... From these data, it is estimated that there is one Human factors push the limits. "


Stand up?

How did such a fantasy plot happen?

Dr. Sang held his silver-rimmed glasses in a shocked and murmured murmur ... Suddenly, the sound of gauze bursting, Tang Hong sat up as usual, yawned, and stretched his waist.

"I don't have a human element that pushes the limits."

"Oh, that's not scientific ..."

"It's two."

Dr. Sang slowly turned his head, his face dull.


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