One Eyed Monster

Chapter 1905: tutor

At this moment, the great tutor Guzan is meditating.

He is already very old, and without the energy of his youth, he will feel exhausted after releasing the energy for a while.

But the change of this mountain has always made him unable to relax.

Even he, who has experienced so many wars, has no way to figure out what these changes are. Even with his own experience and knowledge, he can't figure out what caused these changes.

The disappearing Gulu Mountain is constantly changing in front of him, and every change will make him feel very sad.

They tried their best, everyone played their limits, but it didn't help. The mountain still didn't stop disappearing, and it still gradually lost its original appearance in front of them in a very strange posture.

His stone house has been broken again and again, and it has been rebuilt again and again, which made him feel exhausted again and again.

No matter who it is, there is no way to understand these things that are happening in front of them, and they can persist here, which is a miracle.

Meditation at this moment was of no avail, because there was no knowledge of these changes in his mind.

He is old after all, but where is the younger generation.

Guzan can't seem to see the road ahead. He knows that this is not the world's problem, it's just his own problem. He is too old to get out of this mountain.

I am already old, and I have no chance to see how those younger generations perceive the world.

The disappearance of Gulu Mountain seemed to tell him that he should also say goodbye to the world.

It seems that all these are his own changes, the changes of the whole mountain reflect his own changes, nothing can stop him from aging, and nothing can stop him from leaving.

Although a little unwilling, this is a fact after all, and nothing can be changed.

He didn't want to just disarm and surrender, at least he wanted to know if he still had a chance to see which direction the world would go.

The young man has returned, and he learned the news. This is why he now mended the stone house and meditated.

He wants to talk to these young people more, he wants to tell these young people, don't choose the wrong path anyway.

If possible, he hopes these young people can take him to see the direction of the world. He really wanted to know this, really wanted to know.

A feeling of despair began to spread over him, which unconsciously encroached on his whole person. Not only is he getting older and feels that his life has come to an end, but also because these changes are all foreign to him.

This kind of strangeness made him continue to question whether his persistence over the years was correct. He began to wonder if he had taken the wrong path and why the final change was completely different from what he knew.

Is it true that I have been eliminated by this world, or really abandoned by this world...

Such thoughts are really scary, but he can't help but think of it, not knowing what happened to him.

All the reasons are classified as old and about to leave the world, but the real reason is that I feel helpless.

This kind of helplessness is very fatal. It has never appeared on him before. The unknown of the future and the lack of the present made him extremely tired.

Even more frightening is that he also caused these guardians to fall into this kind of exhaustion.

Because he is unfamiliar, because he doesn't understand, he doesn't know whether what he is doing now is right or wrong, whether it is right or wrong to insist on guarding now...

This problem bothered him and prevented him from cheering up.

The sense of responsibility weighed on him and made him a little breathless, not only because he was old, but also because he was responsible to people like Kevin.

He is a mentor and the spiritual sustenance of all of them. Whenever encountering anything, these vulnerable people must consult him. After all, he is the oldest person among all.

He has rich experience and the most prestige, and it is only natural for people to find him. And he has always done his best, he must think carefully about everything, because he knows what he represents.

The instructor is not so easy to do, he must know right and wrong in everything, without any sway. Every decision must be made decisively, without any muddle-headedness.

Fairness, justice, and honesty are the principles he has always adhered to.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt that these principles were suddenly not enough.

He also became confused. A person who was about to enter the realm of Yongning became confused. This was a very serious matter.

It is his mission to protect this mountain, but when the mystery of Gulu Mountain is picked up by the black crow, is it necessary to continue to protect this mountain, or is it really necessary to prevent this mountain from disappearing?

Those reasons for guarding seem reasonable, but is it really impossible to survive without this mountain range?

These questions suddenly popped up in his mind, and he was a little caught off guard.

If he is not a great mentor, maybe he will not be as tired as he is now. At that time, he could choose to be a bad old man and let the world change.

But if he is a great mentor, he must be responsible and have an explanation to everyone. After all, all his decisions are affecting others.

Others are struggling under his influence, which makes him more sensitive. If you make a mistake in your judgment, everyone is the one who suffers.

This made his old man more restless.

Meditating is just to calm the uneasy beating in his heart. For a long time, he has been thinking about whether his judgment is wrong.

He felt that his cognition was out of touch with the changes in this world, especially the changes in Gulu Mountain. This disconnect was a cliff-like disconnect, and he could not see any direction or connection.

What went He didn't know and couldn't figure it out.

The only thing I can think of is that I am getting older and older, and many things can't keep up.

But as a mentor, he has no way to shirk his responsibilities. He can only shoulder all these responsibilities on himself.

It is really not easy for an old man to bear so many things.

The great tutor himself did not know that, in fact, each of his students was helping him share the burden. Although the effect was not obvious, everyone was working hard.

Many things are the mystery of the authorities. The great mentor does not want the guardians to bear too much, and the guardians do not want the great mentor to bear too much.

Each of them is silently undertaking, but this kind of unknown makes them feel at a loss...

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