One Eyed Monster

Chapter 1381: Vibration (below)

The words of Igor moved Princess Juliet.

If Hisuo were there, he would definitely be able to analyze where these alchemists had gone.

A lot of things happened these days, some are dominated by them, and some they have some understanding, but it is not necessarily a coincidence. Many things are so mysterious.

"Hisso still needs to stay with Bigas for a while. The time that belonged to them is not long." Princess Juliet said.

Igor is not too clear about this kind of thing, after all, he hasn't experienced love before, and by the time he has experienced this time, he will be as reasonable as Princess Juliet.

Of course Igor may have to go through a period of time before he meets his love.

But even if Igor hadn't experienced love, he was still very moved by the affairs of Hisoso and Bigas. He felt that it was not easy for these two people to get to this point...

However, this is not the time to think about Hiso and Bigas, because in this short period of time, one thing happened one after another.

These things are simply a big storm in Simbal, but because they have prepared in advance, they can still adapt.

Princess Juliet played a very important role in this operation. Without her plants, their information would not be shared so quickly, and the Dark Pavilion would not participate in this operation.

The addition of the dark pavilion made the whole operation a fish in water.

The Conn family, the dark pavilion, and other organizations directly changed the entire Bas Street in Simbal. The Kang En family spent most of the main force finally extinguishing the arrogance of the alchemy workshop, and the addition of the dark pavilion made the strangeness of the palace decrypted.

The mystery of the palace is not a secret in the first place, Igor and the others have heard about it for a long time, and Princess Julit knows it better.

The Spirit Devourer occupied the entire palace of the Jade Blood Guards, and His Majesty the King was also taken by others. However, the Kane family had firm perseverance. He was still very strong to survive and gave it to his brother in a special way. Charles related information. Princess Juliet also learned about the King's situation from her brother Charles.

And just now, there was a news that excited Princess Juliet from the Dark Pavilion.

That is, they took the entire palace!

The people in the dark pavilion quietly took down the palace, which means that King Harry Kane is safe and sound.

But what Princess Juliet is worried about is the situation of those blue blood guards and those innocent people. After all, those people were soldiers guarding the king, and it was not their fault that they were swallowed by the devouring spirit.

These blue blood guards only came into contact with things they were not familiar with at this inappropriate time.

They may all resist themselves, but not everyone can defeat these devourers like King Kane. These devourers are of the elite level, and they all stand out after being selected in the critical.

Although these blue-blooded guards should be strong, they still have no way to deal with areas they are not familiar with.

There may have been some determined people who have made some progress in the process of resistance, but after all, there are still shackles and they cannot completely break free.

This is a difficult thing to say clearly.

Princess Juliet is still worried about this, she has a kind heart after all.

Igor is not too keen on this news, because he is not a politician, and his analysis of the general situation is not so thorough. He can only see some appearances, even if he can see deep things, he cannot Linking these things together, because his experience is only a child, so he can't see that far... This is a difficult thing to explain.

But Igor could still see the sadness on Princess Juliet's face.

So Igor asked: "What the **** is going on, your Majesty is safe, shouldn't you be happy? Why are you still having a face in distress!"

"I'm just worried about those Jade Blood League guards. They were used by others, and it was the most embarrassing way. They themselves didn't know what they did..."

Princess Juliet's narration was very detailed, and Igor understood it in no time. It turns out that Princess Juliet is very worried about those who are occupied by the devourers.

"How are those people now? Have they been hurt?" Igor asked, but he felt that these high-ranking fighters would not be easily hurt by hunters.

Igor's guess is not wrong. Indeed, the Dark Pavilion has no way to subdue the Blue Blood Alliance Guards, and they can only temporarily guard this group of people who are no longer themselves...

"At the moment, the hidden pavilion has controlled them somewhere in the palace." Princess Juliet replied, her meaning is also very obvious, that is, she is not clear about the situation of these people temporarily.

"Oh, if so, then we can also try to get them to find themselves." Igor said lightly, as simple as drinking tea and eating.

"Is there such a chance?" Princess Juliet obviously had some doubts about Igor's words.

"Yes, I have fought with the Devourer in the borderline, and I have also met their puppet masters, animal trainers and clowns. I have little experience in expelling the Devourer." Igor became proud and seemed to be in Ju There is always an inexplicable sense of accomplishment in front of Princess Lit to show off.

"If so, we should rush to the palace now, there are many people waiting for us!" Princess Juliet said quickly.

"Don't worry, Your Royal Highness, I haven't finished my words You say it, hurry up."

"I know how to expel those devouring spirits. It's not a difficult thing to have Cardi next to me for this kind of thing. But now that Cardi is not with us, this matter is a bit tricky. And, you know, I still can’t condense my entire spiritual power. I need more and more energy to replenish.”

"You mean, you need a lot of helpers."

"Yes, the more the better, and it is best to be sorcerers, because after driving out those spirit devourers, we must rescue these weak-willed fighters." Igor said, he looks like he is now A commander.

"Don't worry about this, there are sorcerers. We are going to enter the palace now, and the Conn family is about to create another big event." Princess Juliet smiled, he had certain expectations for the future.

Before long, a piece of news began to circulate throughout Simbal.

People from the Kang En family suddenly appeared and headed towards the palace. These sorcerers are obviously also involved in the struggle for power. Does the Kane Palace exist in name only? 14

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