One Eyed Monster

Chapter 1350: 1 echo 0 respond

The smile on Princess Juliet's face gradually unfolded, as if all the previous fatigue had disappeared. She met her relatives and her brother.

"My dear sister, it's been hard for you to fight alone these days."

"Brother, we are only serving the entire empire, so that the empire can maintain its stability. I can only do that."

"Now, this country will no longer be stable."

"Brother, are you ready in Breustan? Did you really decide to do this!" Princess Julie asked, and she was still very worried about the brother's decision.

The members of the Kane family did not stay where they were. When something unusual happened in the palace, they started investigating. After confirming the abnormality in the palace, they started their own actions. Saving the king and saving the kingdom is a procedure in their eyes.

This is not only a family relationship, but also a responsibility. They know that their relatives will not do such irresponsible things, and they also know that their relatives will never abandon their blood relatives.

Blood is thicker than water. People of the Kane clan never abandon their clan.

Whether it's Princess Juliet or Prince Charles, they don't think about their loved ones all the time.

"Brother, the enemy we are facing is far stronger than we imagined. This enemy is not an ordinary enemy..."

"I know, Juliet, I didn't come here unprepared, no matter what method I want to enter the palace." Prince Charles said, his tone was categorical.

"I hope everything goes well for us." Princess Juliet said, obviously she was still a little worried.

"My dear sister, this time, I am not here alone." Prince Charles comforted himself when he saw his sister's appearance.

"I know brother, you sent a letter to notify all families in advance, but did you know that the Alchemy Workshop can control the entire Mailbird system."

"I know this naturally, my dear sister, you can't treat your brother as a fool, they don't understand me, you shouldn't!"

"Brother, I know, I know you deliberately made this cynical appearance, your ability is much higher than me and Harry, this is undeniable..."

"My dear sister, this time I came with the hidden pavilion. I come to you. No one knows. We will sneak into the palace quietly. I will also rescue Harry quietly. This country needs him. !"

"The dark pavilion, my brother, you can actually bring the entire dark pavilion here!" Princess Juliet was obviously surprised. He never thought that his brother could move the entire dark pavilion here.

Everyone knows that the hidden pavilion is under Brustein's control, but no one would have thought that the person who really controls the hidden pavilion is Prince Charles. Now even Princess Juliet was very surprised.

"The look in your eyes showed me what you looked like when you were a kid. This look always allows me to move on. You are always more curious about all kinds of things than me!"

Princess Juliet laughed. His brother's words reminded him of his past. The good times are always short, and the members of their royal family are even rarer. The rare rest time when they were young always contained their fond memories.

"Brother, at that time you always liked to hide. When you finally grew up, you still chose to go away. Really, I now understand that you are such an excellent hunter."

Prince Charles sighed softly: "This time from now on, this will not be a secret."

The two brothers and sisters looked at each other. They hadn't seen each other for many years. Their appearances had changed. Prince Charles was no longer young, and Princess Juliet was no longer squeamish. They are all thinking about one thing now, and that is to save their loved ones.

"My brother, he used his way to get in touch with me, it was still our childhood game."

"Brother Harry didn't contact me, and I can guess the reason. He was afraid of getting rid of the grass."

"Yes, after all, everyone here is even the attacker."

"Not all, brother!"

"The current alchemy workshop is different from the past. The dark pavilion has fought against them, and the other powers of Beth Street are not their opponents at all." Charles said, he is quite familiar with the whole situation.

"Brother, we are not alone now. The Conn family and Bestal will stand by our side."

"What I have won is Rostov of Ronatus and the entire North Bank!"

"Don't forget that we still have a hidden pavilion!"

The two brothers and sisters started to plan and began to list their allies.

"Brother, we also have two special friends!"

"Special friend?" Prince Charles was very curious. Who is so special?

"These are two teenagers. Their appearance has solved a lot of mysteries for us. Now I will tell you slowly."

The process of narration was long. Since Princess Juliet met Igor and Cardi, she knew that these two teenagers would play a very important role in various events in the future.

The two teenagers could see the spiritual power running on her plants, and they could use the characteristics of these plants unlimitedly. They knew a lot of things, had fought with the enemy many times, and knew the enemy very well.

Although the narrative is very long, Prince Charles is not tired at all. He has also heard the names of these two teenagers before.

Igor and Cardi.

Rhone often mentioned these two teenagers, but unexpectedly, these two teenagers were still active in Simbal.

"Unexpectedly, they moved so fast!"

"Brother, you know them too!" Princess Juliet was She originally thought that these two new friends had met her brother long ago.

"I've just heard that those things about Gulu Mountain seem to have something to do with them, and Kuitulan also had contact with them."

"Now, they are in action!" Princess Juliet said.

"Are they going to the palace?" Prince Charles was very curious.

"No, my brother! They lost to save Hisoso."

Regarding the palace, Princess Juliet has always been very cautious. She felt that they could not just give up the Anshebi Blood Guards. Every eroded soul was innocent and she wanted to save them.

"I know your concerns, but Harry is fighting alone, I can't just sit back and watch like this!" Prince Charles also has his own ideas.

"Then brother, do you really want to wave the flag and shout?"

"No, even if I didn't shout the slogan, I would say everything, because we are always on the righteous side!"

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