One Eyed Monster

Chapter 1301: grave

There are only four cemeteries in Simbal. These cemeteries are on the outskirts of Simbal. Among the four tombs, two are cemeteries, one is a private cemetery, and one is a royal cemetery.

The cemetery is a place that everyone knows. Behind Simbal, on both sides of the Weishan, one east and the other west, are buried all kinds of Simbal who went to Yongning.

The private cemetery is the private cemetery of some ancient families. Only a few people know this cemetery. Because all the big families have their own secrets, they don’t want to be known by too many people when they have exhausted their graves. Some families hope After they went to the realm of Yongning, they were no longer disturbed. This cemetery is located on the east side of Simbal, on the edge of the Southern Star River. These families hope that the water of the male Star River can take away the sadness of the dead and wash their souls...

The royal family cemetery is a secret place. Few people know the location of this cemetery because members of the Kane family are buried in this cemetery. The cemetery of the Kane family is naturally kept secret, and no one wants the hard-working king to be disturbed even after his death.

The Kang En family is the only family that knows that there are tombs everywhere, because they have spirit guards. The guardians not only guard the secrets, they also guard the cemeteries of the royal family and the cemeteries of the ancient families.

They want to guard these undead from being disturbed by others, and guard the only peace after their death.

The cemetery of the Kane royal family only knows where the guardians of the Kangen family are. This secret has not reached the level of thunder and lightning in the secret level of the Kangen family, so the Kangen elders who are in charge of the guards still know this secret.

The cemetery of the Kane royal family is on the west side of Simbal, at the foot of the Beth Mountain, which is connected to the Beth Mountain, hidden and steep. To the southwest is Bestal, the place where the Kane Empire originated, the old capital. This cemetery looks out to the southwest, which echoes the ancestors.

The whole cemetery was in a peaceful atmosphere, it was quiet and misty, just like the realm of Yongning, without any noise and disputes.

The Kang En family carefully analyzed these cemeteries, and they felt that the most likely to be targeted by the enemy was the royal cemetery.

Igor also felt that this speculation was reasonable, and he tried to deduct it, and the result also pointed to the royal family's cemetery.

The reason is simple, because there are traitors who are guardians among this enemy. There is no doubt about it. Although the **** of death no longer exists in their impression, Willim also died, but the enemy has occupied Willim’s memory. For the royal family Things in the cemetery are naturally clear.

In addition, only the royal family cemetery will make them act, because the royal family members are buried in the royal family cemetery. The secrets or memories of these royal family members are worth fighting for by these spirits.

Of course, this is just speculation and deduction, and it is still unknown whether this is the case.

After obtaining the consent of Princess Juliet, the Conn family began to investigate the entire royal family's cemetery...

Of course, they did not forget the other cemeteries, it was just a matter of the distribution of the number of people.

This process made Igor deeply feel the heritage of the ancient family. Even though they have been separated from the entire family in name, these people still act with a strong family style.

They were still vigorous and vigorous, and people from all walks of life followed the instructions to explore the cemeteries. These people are the top intelligence collectors in the family, and they know what is most important in Simbal. Time is more important to them, and they performed their tasks quickly.

With the help of Princess Juliet’s plant Igor, they quickly received a reply.

The first information to be returned was the Southern Star River on the east side of Simbal. The intelligence collectors here said it was quiet and there was no movement, except for the rustling water of Southern Star.

This information is reasonable, because Will Conen and the others decided that the place where the vision occurred should be in the royal family's cemetery, they continued to wait patiently.

After a while, another message came back along with the rustling of those plants, which came from the direction of the royal cemetery.

They have been waiting for this information, and they think they are about to start!

However, the moment they got the information, they were dumbfounded. Neither Igor nor Will Conn can believe this information, they think it must be the intelligence collectors who did not observe carefully...

Because the content of that message is that there is nothing unusual here!

This is impossible. After several deductions, the conclusion reached is that it is in the royal family's cemetery. How could there be no abnormality! Igor didn't believe it.

However, the intelligence collectors dispatched to the foot of the Beth Mountain are the elite of the family, and there will not be so many mistakes. So Wil Conn's brows are frowning now, he thinks things are different from what they predicted!

What are these conditions! Igor's head is big, and he feels like he wants to go there to see what happened.

"There are still two cemeteries that haven't sent back information!" Wil Conn said, his heart was rolling, and the whole person's mood was not very good. Because the remaining two cemeteries are the two most ordinary cemeteries, cemeteries, and places that everyone knows.

The number of intelligence collectors who went to the two cemeteries was only two, and now it seems that it is a bit small.

If the conflict really happened in that place, then the whole thing would be trickier...

But if a vision really happened in that place, it would be impossible for Simbal to move a little bit. People go to these two cemeteries almost every day, so how could there be no sound?

Could it be that the other party can use a concealed way to block the entire information. Or is it that the other party made everyone who got there lose the ability to speak?

Regardless of the possibility, it seems that the results are not very good.

"Go to Quanweishan!" Wil Conen said decisively, without any hesitation in his tone.

"Don't wait anymore, maybe news from the other two places will come in a while!" the person below asked in a surprised voice.

"Don't wait, tell everyone to circle Weishan, the two cemeteries, one east and one west, we are divided into two groups, and there may be cases where the fireworks are empty!"

"Yes!" After a while, the entire Conn family was divided into two groups, and they did not hesitate to carry out Wil Kahn's orders.

The destination is a cemetery around Weishan.

They don't know whether Wil Conn's gambling is right or not, but as far as the current situation is concerned, things may really happen in the cemetery, because the more public things are, the more complicated they are, and secrets are sometimes less complicated. Monster with one eye

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