Ten years after the natural disaster, the population of Blue Star dropped by 92%. The surviving humans, like other creatures on Blue Star, struggle to survive in the new environment of Blue Star.

Humans, who have dominated Blue Star for thousands of years, are indeed inferior to the rapidly evolving large beasts in terms of physical fitness, but humans still have an advantage that other creatures cannot match - creativity.

Ten years after the natural disaster, humans built bases, discovered safe food for human consumption, and developed new medical technologies. Nutrient solution that can quickly replenish physical strength is a very important one.

Nutrient solutions can be divided into three categories according to their effectiveness in replenishing physical strength: ordinary nutrient solutions, special nutrient solutions and elemental stimulating solutions.

Ordinary nutrient solution is made from nutrients extracted from green vegetables or meats whose phosphorus content is less than 5‰ and the ethyl content does not exceed 5. It can quickly replenish physical strength and is a must-have for evolvers when they go out to perform long-distance or long-term missions.

Super nutrient solution is made from nutrients extracted from green vegetables or meats whose phosphorus content is less than 5‰ and the ethyl content is between 5 and 10. It not only replenishes energy faster and more fully, but also speeds up the body's ability to repair damage.

Yi element stimulating liquid is made from nutrients extracted from green vegetables or meats whose iodine content is less than 5‰ and the iodine content is more than 10. Not only can it quickly replenish physical strength and repair damage, it can also allow the evolver to double his combat power in a short period of time.

The difference between the three is fully reflected in the selling price:

The price of a 15ml bottle of ordinary nutrient solution is between 200-400 points, and the price of a 15ml bottle of premium nutrient solution is between 2000-4000 points. Although Yi element stimulating liquid has certain side effects, it is still a very sought-after rare material. The starting price is 10,000 points for 10ml. Whether you can buy it depends on your luck.

After years of cultivation, Team Agni has developed several high-yi element vegetables with yi element content ranging from 5 to 7. Among them, the most stable one is green light spinach. Relying on these high-quality green vegetables, they have been able to mass-produce super nutrient solutions.

The special nutrient solution that can be purchased at Huisan Base is produced by Team Agni. The price is 2,000 points for 15 ml. It is said that this is a "preferential price" that only the nine bases in Huicheng enjoy. Relying on the special nutrient solution, Liehuo made a lot of money.

The "treasure of the mountain" of Team Agni is the green light spinach with an iridium content of 9, which has been carefully cultivated for many years.

Not to mention 10,000 pills, it was impossible to take out even one pill, so Shan Ying became so angry that his face changed, and he turned around and left.

Xia Qing, of course did it on purpose.

She stood in the territory, quietly watching the Fire Team's helicopter, which was obviously two sizes larger than the Sufeng Team, take off and fly away from the territory.

Although Xia Qing's face was expressionless, Huo Feng knew that she was angry. Not to mention Xia Qing, even Huo Feng, who had never had any dealings with Sick Wolf, wanted to kill Shan Ying with a gun when he saw Shan Ying's condescending face.

Xiao Jiang was very worried, "The second child is not outstanding in all aspects and is not worthy of a special trip. Sister Qing, it could not be that the camera on the evolved water rat that invaded that night saw the Queen and thought that the Queen Is it Sick Wolf Lao Er?”

On the night when Territory No. 9 broke through the iron mesh wall of Territory Three and allowed the evolved water rats to invade Territory Three to take water samples, it was the wolf who sensed something was wrong and led Xia Qing, Er Yong, and Xiao Jiang to find the water rats.

Xiao Jiang clearly saw that Xia Qing and the alpha wolf were both very weak that night. Both of them had trembling legs when they walked. However, the alpha wolf was short and had short legs, so the trembling was not as obvious as Xia Qing's.

"No." Xia Qing was very sure.

The alpha wolf was very cautious. It hid in the grass beside the reservoir and did not show up. Xiaojiang and Eryong caught the water mouse and removed and put away the weak current commander on the water mouse before it got up and left. So Xia Qing was very sure that the equipment on the two water rats did not capture the wolf.

Hu Feng also agreed with Xia Qing's point of view, "If Shan Ying saw the Wolf Queen, she would not have this attitude, nor would she only offer 20,000 points."

Guan Tong also felt that Shan Ying did not see the alpha wolf, "The boss exchanged an evolved cat no bigger than a palm with Territory No. 7, and spent more than 20,000 points in supplies. If she really saw the alpha wolf, she would have to say less. The price is 200,000.”

Xiao Jiang breathed a sigh of relief and muttered, "Have you ever felt that the way a single screener looks at people is so penetrating?"

Hu Hufeng sneered, "The look in her eyes impressed me so much. Do you know why you find it so perplexing? Because when she looks at you, she doesn't treat you as a similar person at all, but as an 'experimental subject' whom she can manipulate." Experimental subjects of life and death, dissection and transformation at will.”

"Holy shit! Is Shan Ying one of those people who crawled out from under the ground? Don't scare me, boss!"

Xiaojiang is only twenty-two years old this year and joined the Blue Dragon Team at Huisan Base, but he often hears the senior members of the Blue Dragon Team talking about Hui Yi's underground experiment, and every time he hears it, he gets chills all over.

Seeing Xia Qing's calm face, Hu Feng knew that she had heard about the underground experiments at Hui Yi Base, and solemnly reminded everyone present, "Under no circumstances should you be alone with someone like Shan Ying. Although she has great combat power, Not high, but she is more dangerous than the advanced evolvers because they have a lot of hard-to-prevent medicines. Xia Qing, do you want me to report this to the captain and ask him to send more people to guard territory three?"

Xia Qing shook her head calmly, "No, I have a way to deal with her."

"That's it, this is the first batch of vermicompost produced in the greenhouse in our territory. You can keep it for use. If it's not enough, tell me again." Huzi Feng felt relieved when he saw that Xia Qing didn't become flustered just because he met Dan Ying. , leading the team to leave Territory No. 3 from the north gate.

After the Bearded Front team left, the sick wolf who was feeding fish in the greenhouse came out and rubbed Xia Qing's leg with his body.

Xia Qing raised his hand and rubbed the increasingly thick hair on the sick wolf's neck, and asked slowly, "Second brother, are you full of fish?"

When the sick wolf heard Xia Qing ask about the fish, he raised his head and laughed at her, feeling very good. Xia Qing took off her protective mask, bent down and touched the wolf with her forehead, which had clean eyes and full of trust in her, "Go and play, I'll continue digging trenches to protect you from the cold."

Hearing that Xia Qing was going to continue digging ditches to protect against the cold, the sick wolf immediately climbed onto the mini-tiller and sat in its exclusive position.

After Xia Qing opened up the micro-tiller and dug two shovels, the sheep boss also came down from the hillside, got into the cover of the micro-tiller, and sat in its exclusive position to chew cud.

Xia Qing sat between a wolf and a sheep, driving a mini-cultivator to dig the last cold-proof ditch in the wheat field, stuffing it with leaves and filling it up. Xia Qing then entered the greenhouse, took off her protective gear and wiped the sweat from her face. Zhang San called.

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