Not everyone can be as generous as Blue Star’s high-quality idols, selling high-quality seeds to fans by the pound.

Green light seeds, especially high-quality green light seeds with stability for three generations and above, are sold or exchanged on a "grain" or "piece" basis.

Also, many people are reluctant to sell green light seeds in large quantities. Because large sales will lead to an increase in seed supply, the price of green light seeds of this variety will decrease after changing the relationship between supply and demand.

For example, Xia Qing’s green light eggs sell for as high as 750 points each. Green soybeans, which can be used as seeds and have three generations of stability, have a public price of 20 points each. So last time Xia Qing used ten Green Lantern eggs in exchange for 350 Green Lantern soybeans from Territory 9.

The evolved soybean seeds are twice as big as those before the natural disaster, but there are still about 1,200 grains per kilogram, which means that the price of one kilogram of soybean seeds is 42,000 points, and five kilograms is 210,000 points.

The idol said that in addition to five pounds of green light soybean seeds, he also needed several rare herbs. Since it is rare, the price of each herb must be in the tens of thousands. In other words, because Territory No. 9 sent two water rats to invade Territory No. 3, Xia Qing must be compensated at least 250,000 points this time.

250,000 points was the total price paid by Xia Qing to build the subway network wall.

To be honest, Xia Qing felt that the idol wanted too much, and she was timid. She was afraid that Territory Nine and the Fire Team behind Territory Nine would cause trouble for her because of the 250,000 points.

But Xia Qing agreed to the idol's request without hesitation, "Okay, I'll listen to you. Wait until I grow the green soybeans, make tofu and other soy products, and send them to you to try."

Xia Qing was indeed timid, worried about offending the Fire Team and getting retaliated against. But as Zhang San's biggest fan, she was even more afraid that the petty idol would be unhappy and block her.

Idols are always right.

What if the idol doesn’t think carefully and makes a mistake? Please go back to the previous line.

When Zhang San heard Xia Qing's reply, his tone became kind, "Okay, let's do this. Next time I will ask Ji Li to send you some medicinal powder. You can sprinkle it regularly on the grass wall of the territory, which can effectively prevent small Reptiles enter your territory through a wall of grass."

There are indeed benefits to following your idols closely! Xia Qing suddenly felt that her body was not so painful anymore, "Thank you, third brother. I'm really upset about disturbing your rest so late. It's too late tonight. I'll send you three kilograms of pecans tomorrow."

Zhang San was in a better mood and told Xia Qing, "Don't let people from Territory No. 9 take soil samples in your territory. The area in your territory where spinach originally grew belongs to Gaoyi element soil and is of good quality. If you let They know they're going to dig up the entire soil layer."

After finishing speaking, Zhang San yawned again, "It was also when I conducted soil testing last winter that the sampling density was set unreasonably and the soil was not found. Otherwise, I would have chosen land No. 3."

Xia Qing rejoiced for a while and asked sincerely, "Third brother, do you still need the soil where spinach grows? I will dig it out and bring it to you tomorrow."

Zhang San smiled, "No, just keep growing spinach and soybeans. Gaoyi elemental soil can be synthesized in the laboratory."

Taking advantage of his idol's good mood, Xia Qing asked another question that he was very concerned about, "Third brother, are there many Gao Yi elemental soil plots in our territory? Isn't it just mine?"

"How can it be just one piece? The same is true for the green alfalfa growing area in Territory No. 4. There are also other territories, but it's just a small problem." After Zhang San finished speaking, he yawned again, "Go to bed, and we'll talk about it tomorrow if you have anything to do. ”

After hanging up the phone and seeing off the people in Territory No. 7, Xia Qing couldn't walk anymore. He turned on the language function of the camera in the yard and called his companions, "Boss, boss, I'm tired, come and pick me up. Boss... "

When Xia Qing shouted for the third time, the alpha wolf came with the sheep boss. The sheep boss had recovered his physical strength and was full of energy after sleeping for more than two hours.

"The Queen is here too? Thanks to you tonight, I was able to catch the intruder. Thank you, Your Majesty. The Queen is the most powerful evolved wolf of Blue Star and the king of Blue Star's evolved wolf clan..." Xia Qing took off the With the protective mask on, he climbed up the sheep boss's back, hugged his neck, and buried his face between its two huge spiral horns. The rainbow fart fell asleep before the rainbow fart hit him.

The sheep boss wearing night vision goggles shook his head uncomfortably and carried Xia Qing home. The alpha wolf picked up the protective mask on the ground and followed behind, looking back at the Bearded Front Team from time to time.

That look was as sharp as it could be.

Dajiang watched this scene and asked in a low voice on the intercom, "Boss, what does that look mean? Are you afraid that we will take the opportunity to harm Sister Qing?"

Hu Hufeng shook his head, "I don't understand, you have to ask Xia Qing."

Chen Zheng hehe, "I can't understand the wolf's eyes, but I'm sure there's something wrong with your eyes. Do you think there's a bit of 'fear' in its eyes?"


The alpha wolf pushed open the door, and the sheep boss carried Xia Qing back into the house. He stood in the living room on the first floor and stared at the upward stairs for a few seconds. Then he turned around and threw Xia Qing on the tatami where he slept.

Xia Qing was half asleep and opened her eyes a crack, and found that she was in her own home, sleeping to death on the sheep boss's straw pillow made of sheep body engineering.

The alpha wolf and the sheep boss rinsed their paws and hooves in the basin at the door, then stomped them dry on the hay next to them. They walked to the tatami and joined the Broken Waist Wolf, staring at Xia Qing's dirty shoes. Brother and sister Broken Leg Wolf and Black Wolf slept in the sheep shed, so they couldn't see Xia Qing's miserable state.

Every time Xia Qing entered the house, she had to change her indoor shoes, but today she fell asleep without changing her shoes.

The head wolf only looked at her for a few seconds, then went up to the tatami and slept beside Xia Qing. The sheep boss stared at his little brother who had taken his pillow for a few more seconds, then also went up to the tatami, squeezed Xia Qing to the side, and lay down.

The broken-waisted wolf was the last to take a bath, so it recovered the slowest and was still in a state of fatigue, but it was more interested in how to take off the shoes under Xia Qing's feet than sleeping.

The broken-waisted wolf was not unfamiliar with shoes, because it had four of them and had learned how to put on and take off shoes. But it was obvious that Xia Qing's shoes were different from its own.

The broken-waisted wolf lay at Xia Qing's feet, staring at her shoes thoughtfully for a few minutes, and finally stretched out its claws.

The head wolf opened his rich golden eyes and looked at it, then closed them again and fell asleep.

Xia Qing slept very deeply that night, and felt very tired when she woke up. She dreamed of the difficult two months when she first joined the construction team.

She was carrying hundreds of kilograms of building materials, relying entirely on her willpower to climb up the city wall step by step. All she could hear were her parents' admonitions to her to stay alive and her own heavy breathing.

When she was almost out of breath, Xia Qing woke up. After opening her eyes and reacting for a while, she realized that she had survived the most difficult days and had her own territory, house and warm and comfortable bed.

However, she was not lying on the bed at this moment, but on the tatami of the sheep boss.

Xia Qing turned her head and found that the sheep boss's heavy head was pressing on her shoulders. The spiral horns hurt her shoulders. No wonder she dreamed of carrying heavy objects.

Xia Qing looked up and found that the wolf leader was lying beside her. The broken-waisted wolf... was actually pressing on her feet? !

Why the hell is this? There is no place next to it. Doesn't it mind the pain in its stomach or the smell? (End of this chapter)

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