
The brain-evolved crow hiding in the tree saw another eagle owl spread its wings and slowly flew towards it. It raised its head to aim the camera at the new eagle owl and reported to Xin Yu in a low voice.

In Territory No. 8, Xin Yu immediately contacted Yang Jin through the intercom, "The Eagle Owl in Territory No. 9 is already in place. Xu Pin is behind the big rock 300 meters away in your nine o'clock direction. Force him to an open area as soon as possible and let him Losing the ability to dodge.”

"Understood." Yang Jin replied and rushed to Xu Pin's hiding place.

Xu Pin, who was hiding in the dark, realized that Yang Jin could not be killed tonight and was planning an escape when he felt the fierce malice.

As soon as he rolled to avoid it, the stone he was hiding in was kicked away. The hair on Xu Pin's body exploded, and he turned around and ran away.

Xu Pin is also an advanced evolver, but he is a six-time endurance evolver, and his running and reaction speed are far inferior to the top speed evolver Yang Jin. Therefore, no matter which direction he ran, he would be blocked by Yang Jin and kicked away.

This is not a battle between two people, but a unilateral crushing of the endurance evolver by the speed evolver.

In Territory No. 9, Shan Ying looked at the footage from the camera carried by the evolved eagle owl and was extremely excited. "Order the eagle owl to lower its flight height to the minimum!"

The scout team member reminded, "Single team, if the height is too low, the Eagle Owl is likely to be captured or killed by the elastic evolution of the Blue Dragon Team."

"Capturing precious images is its existence value." Shan Ying's eyes were fixed on the movements of the top speed evolver, "The height dropped, and then dropped again."

Xin Yu, who was in Territory No. 8, saw that the flying height of the Eagle Owl in Territory No. 9 had dropped to about ten meters, and ordered in a low voice, "Quack, quack, take out the bomb and let the owl fly high into the sky away from the big bird's sight."

Quack immediately jumped on the back of the evolved eagle owl, used its claws to command the eagle owl to spread its wings, and flew to the sky above the eagle owl in territory nine.

The Eagle Owl is the largest owl on Blue Star. When this bird slows down in flight, it is almost silent and difficult to detect.

In territory No. 8, Xin Yu, who was wearing a headset, calmly ordered, "Quack, take out the bomb. Owl, descend."

The eagle owl descended to a height of 25 meters. Xin Yu contacted Yang Jin and said, "Retreat quickly in 20 seconds. The countdown begins."


Yang Jin turned on the camera and rushed forward, grabbing the collar of his protective suit so that he could not see the situation above his head to obtain evidence, "Xu Pin, why did you kill Brother Luo?"

"Ha." Xu Pin, who was beaten by Yang Jin until blood spurted out, sneered, "Why? Of course it's because he chose you and Xie Yu and didn't join my team, because you guys still go against me every time you get to Huisan. ”

Yang Jin punched him hard, "You bastard, the team you formed has done so many bad things that no one wants to join it!"

"Quack, throw a bomb."

time up! Yang Jin, who raised his fist, seemed to notice something and suddenly looked up into the air.

"No, Yang Jinfa..."

Before the reconnaissance team members in Territory 9 could finish speaking, the surveillance screen went dark, and violent explosions were heard outside the window.

"What's going on?" Shan Ying asked with a frown.

The investigators' hearts were bleeding. "The Eagle Owl has died. The cause is unknown. It is likely that Xu Pin detonated the explosives he carried with him."

"Send speed evolvers to investigate immediately. If Yang Jin is dead or seriously injured, be sure to bring him back." Top human evolvers, whether alive or dead, are of great research value.

In Territory No. 3, Xia Qing felt that his attic was shaken by the shock wave of the explosion. Both the sheep boss and the sick wolf stood up, using their front legs to pick up the window frame, and looked out from Xia Qing's left and right sides.

Xia Qing's heart was in doubt and she lowered her voice, "This explosion is obviously different from the previous ones."

It's possible that Xin Yu took action, but I don't know if it was successful or not.



Both the sheep boss and the sick wolf responded.

But looking at their expressions, it seems that humans, sheep, and wolves are not concerned about the same thing at all. The sheep boss was disturbed by the explosion and was very unhappy. Sick Wolf heard Xia Qing's worries, so he responded to Xia Qing.


The phone in her pocket was vibrating. Xia Qing immediately took it out and opened it, and found that Xin Yu had sent her two words: Done.

The transaction is completed and Xu Pin is dead!

Xin Yu is really awesome!

After Xia Qing replied thank you, he asked, "How is Yang Jin?"

Xin Yu replied, "He has been notified in advance to retreat."

Xin Yu said it in advance, which was probably more than ten seconds, enough for the top speed evolvers to avoid the shock wave of the explosion.

Xia Qing cannot contact Yang Jin directly now because he will soon be investigated for Xu Pin's death. Contacting Yang Jin at this time may expose their plan to kill Xu Pin in a joint bombing.

In Territory No. 2, Tang Zhengsu's face turned dark, "Go away, you didn't reply! Keep in touch, send a reconnaissance drone, quickly!"

Bao Zhengchao stood in the yard with a cigarette in his mouth, looking straight to the north, wondering what he was thinking.

The unmanned reconnaissance aircraft of Territory No. 2 took off and quickly rushed to the site of the incident on Mount No. 52. On the way, the reconnaissance plane captured the human figure, "Captain, there are three advanced speed evolvers rushing to the scene of the incident at full speed."

Another reconnaissance team member zoomed in on the transmitted image and quickly made a judgment, "It's not from the Azure Dragon Team!"

The drone followed the three advanced evolvers and quickly showed the scene of the explosion.

In the picture, Wang Liang is carrying the unconscious Yang Jin on his back. Tangzhou is inspecting the scene, and Xu Pin is nowhere to be seen.

As soon as the reconnaissance plane turned around to look for Xu Pin, Tang Zhengsu issued an order, "Lock Yang Jin."

"Yes." The reconnaissance team immediately used the radio remote control device to make the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft turn around quickly.


It's a pity that their unmanned reconnaissance aircraft only has reconnaissance function and cannot carry missiles. Otherwise, Tang Zhengsu could take this great opportunity to solve Yang Jin's serious problem.

"Qinglong...ah--" Before the reconnaissance team could finish speaking, they couldn't help but exclaimed because their reconnaissance plane had been shot down!

"Who the hell did this! Who!"

Last night, his helicopter was bombed in Territory No. 2, and several scout birds were lost. Tonight, Xu Pin's life or death is unknown, and his unmanned reconnaissance drone was killed again. Tang Zhengsu was so heartbroken that he didn't know how to explain it to his brother.

The reconnaissance team leader zoomed in on the last scene, "Looking at the attack direction, it should be the three speed evolvers. They seem to be heading towards Yang Jin's team."

Tang Zhengsu stared at the screen and ordered, "Enlarge the image again."

In the Lord's channel, Hu Feng's voice suddenly sounded, "Is Captain Tan here?"

"Yes." Tan Junjie responded immediately.

"On the way back to the territory with evidence, our captain was intercepted by Xu Pin, the deputy captain of Territory No. 2. A violent explosion occurred at the scene. The situation is unknown. The investigation team is urgently needed to assist in the investigation."

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