Really? Hanabi's eyes lit up and she said with a sweet smile, Then I won't be polite, but before making the request, do you want to know why I arranged this drama?

Let's talk about it. Zi Shu was not in a hurry.

He already knows that Hanabi, apart from her identity as the Masked Fool, is also a future autonomous character from the player's perspective, and the intersection will never stop there.

Hua Huo removed her gaze from Zi Shu's face and looked at the endless wasteland at the bottom of the mountain.

The world is like a circus, with a farce of animals fighting around the clock. The difference between us fools and others is that we know that we are performing...

Order, social norms, and the fictitious moral standards of mankind will never let anyone go. The big shots know how the world should run, so they make the rules...

Use rules to judge whether something violates the law and abides by morality. Alas, I have tried so hard, but they still refuse to let me go...

The strong wind blew Hanabi's twin ponytails to the right. She looked up at the sky, her eyes seemed to penetrate the haze, looking directly at the stars in the Milky Way, her tone was soft.

There is nothing better than personal experience to know the truth of the world, so I made rules in Thalia Nailshell Town and carefully planned this drama called 'Exploration of Humanity';

“The world needs rules, but rules cannot bind everyone. People’s hearts have always been elusive, so in a sense, the world does not seem to need rules.”

It's nothing but illusory regulations. The weak have never enjoyed the qualifications of the rules in front of an absolutely higher level. For example, for Yanxi Transfer ① Group: 250828444

To most people in Nailshell Town, they are the leaders of the four major forces, and in our eyes they are no different from jumping insects...

Having said this, Hanabi stretched, looked at Zishu again and said with a smile:

My drama did not reach the preset ending, which just proves that my point of view is correct. Rather, it is because of the arrival of your variable that it added a bit of excitement to the originally boring ending...

Life is like a play, and play is like life~~ So you don't destroy my play. At best, you just make it reach the ending in advance, and it is still an ending that makes me very satisfied;

Strictly speaking, you don't need to agree to a request of mine to compensate me, but - Hua Huo narrowed her eyes into crescent moons and smiled sweetly, As the saying goes, a gentleman's words are hard to follow. Now that Mr. Zishu has spoken, I will It’s so disrespectful~”

what do you want to do?

Well...I order you to marry me! Hanabi said lovingly, I have been deeply attracted to you and can't help myself...

Aha jumped out immediately and encouraged: There is also such a good thing, please make Mr. Shi promise to her. The cursed girl of the doll clan will be combined with the messenger of perfection who has been forgotten by the world. What a wonderful story!

Through the mask in front of her face, Zishu found that there was no emotion other than expectation and shyness in Hua Huo's big watery eyes, and he knew that she couldn't see Aha.

Don't marry.

Why, I'm not good-looking. I'm not as plump as the woman in your arms now, but I still have a lot of room for growth!

...This is not a question of whether you look good or not, but that I don't have those feelings or thoughts about you. Zi Shu sighed helplessly, Change your request.

Even the mourners among the Joyful Believers can be deceptive, let alone the Masked Fool?

If he took it seriously, he would be sorry for Aha's record of torture against him.

Seeing Zi Shufeng's calm look, Hanabi knew that he didn't take her words seriously at all. Although it was expected, there was still some loss deep in her heart that she was not even aware of.

It's really boring. Why don't you just deal with me?

If you don't mention it now, then I will leave Thalia. Zi Shu summoned the Origin Gundam and pretended to board the cabin and leave.

Alright alright.

Hanabi glanced at the large machine that suddenly appeared behind her with strange eyes, and her strange expression gradually turned serious.

Then let's see my fate and see if we will meet again in the future.

Zi Shu was startled.

It's not that Hanabi's request can't be fulfilled, but it costs almost nothing to see and draw conclusions.

But having said that, he still did it, but he was looking at his future trajectory.

We will meet, in a giant amusement park, at a grand banquet that you once suffered at the hands of the Rememberer.

Then I'll rest assured. The Immortal Boat Alliance has a saying that should be suitable for saying goodbye.

Hua Huo didn't care that Zi Shu choked herself, and a smile bloomed on her face again, The green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever. We will see you in the future.

See you later.

Zishu nodded in greeting, lifted Tingyun off the ground with his feet, and soon disappeared at the entrance to the cockpit of the Yuanzu Gundam. After a brief silence, the Gundam shot up into the sky like an arrow from a string and disappeared into the world.

A grand banquet, I have eaten at a giant amusement park...

Hanabi murmured in a low voice and quickly thought of several places in her mind, finally settling on Pinoconi.

Huh, that Black Swan woman...sooner or later I have to get back my place with her...

I am looking forward to the day when we meet again, and we will definitely encounter more interesting things then.

However, if I share this drama that Aha has glimpsed with the guys in the tavern, and laugh at me, I guess they will all show envious expressions, right?

Hanabi hummed a cheerful melody and jumped towards the bottom of the mountain. As she fell down at high speed, she gradually turned into little stars and dissipated.

The drama in Nailshell Town has come to an end, and the next brand-new drama has nothing to do with her no matter how it ends.

It is indeed the Thunder Fire Sword.jpg

153. The little girl doesn’t care

In the universe, the Origin Gundam is parked at a distance where Thalia Star can be seen in the distance.

The Gundam Aha gave her was quite modified, and its volume and internal space were much larger than what Zishu remembered.

After leaving Thalia, there was no such atmosphere of lack of order and the influence of nuclear radiation, and I felt much more relaxed.

After carefully checking Tingyun's physical condition, he discovered that the situation was more serious than expected.

She had no special constitution and could have lived for more than three hundred years. However, the impact of nuclear radiation pollution was extremely fatal to her. Now she is afraid that she will die in another two years.

Different from the situation where his arms and legs were broken, even if Tingyun's injuries were healed, he still had a fatal disease.

Ordinary treatment methods cannot help her, leaving only two methods.

One is to give her a high-level blessing of abundance, but that will completely overturn her past destiny... The future variables of the immortal species are too difficult to observe, and it is impossible to say whether the outcome will be good or bad.

Second... is the most reliable step-by-step method, using the power of the Perfect Way to help her, without any sequelae, and without the need to mobilize the ability of the commander's level.

However, to use this method of ordinary benevolent believers to save others, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the person concerned.

With this in mind, Zi Shu tried to wake up Ting Yun.

A few seconds passed, and Zingyun slowly opened his eyes. After a moment of confusion, he turned around and scanned his surroundings.

Zi...Zi Shu...?

Before she lost consciousness, she remembered this face.

It's me. Zishu nodded.

here it is?

In the universe, you can think of it as a starship.

Zi Shu spent a few minutes briefly and quickly explaining to Tingyun what happened after she fell into coma.

After learning that he had left Thalia, Tingyun's expression gradually became complicated, and he tilted his head and looked in the direction Zi Shu pointed.

That was the planet where she was almost buried when she suffered a huge change...

After staring at Talia in a daze for a long time, Tingyun suddenly grabbed his own tail and stroked it gently for a while before calming down his thoughts. He realized that he was cured, stood up and bowed to Zishu Yingying.

The little girl named Xianzhou Luofu Tianbo Division Merchant Group received the ferry envoy. Her name is Tingyun. She is ashamed to receive the unrequited life-saving grace and healing love from her benefactor. May I ask whether my benefactor came from Xuling or Yuque?

The reason why Tingyun asked this was because he saw familiar cultural elements from Zi Shu.

I am not a fairy boat person.

Tingyun couldn't help but be startled when she heard Zi Shu denying her identity as a Xianzhou person. Before she could say anything, her next words choked her throat.

Zi Shu looked at Ting Yun with blank eyes and said softly and bluntly: Miss Ting Yun, due to Thalia's nuclear contamination and various influences, you have at most two years left to live.

However, Tingyun's face was unexpectedly calm, and he only showed a wry smile, The little girl knows her physical condition. This is fate...

... If I can return to Luofu but my worries are gone, the little girl will die with no regrets. I dare to ask my benefactor if he can help the little girl return to Luofu. No matter what conditions the benefactor proposes, the little girl should do her best.

She knew very well that even if she returned to Xianzhou, she would not be saved.

The Immortal Boat Alliance has conquered countless diseases and is famous in the world, but not all diseases can be cured.

His vitality is on the verge of exhaustion like that of a dying old man. No matter how good medical skills or elixirs are, they are of no use and cannot change his fate.

It's not that exaggerated. I have a purpose in saving you. Even if you don't tell me, I will take you back to Luofu.

Zishu waved his hand and did not give Tingyun time to answer the words, and his words were shocking.

I can help you eliminate the root cause of your disease, but the method requires your consent. If you don't want to, I won't force it.

Hearing these words, Tingyun's mouth opened slightly, and a flash of disbelief and surprise flashed in his eyes.

I don't hide anything from my benefactor, and I'm not afraid of your ridicule. Only after I have been through the gate of hell can I understand how precious the word living is. If you are willing to show kindness again, how can the little girl not be willing to do so?

Anyway, she already owed a debt of gratitude that was difficult to repay, so there was no harm in owing another debt. As long as her benefactor had anything he wanted for the rest of her life, she would do her best to satisfy it.

That's good.

Zi Shu nodded, took out the bathtub and filled it with clean water using the water purification technique.

He turned around and said: What's going to happen next is very offensive. Please, Miss Tingyun, please take off your clothes and enter inside.


Tingyun was so smart. He instantly understood why Zishu wanted to ask about his wishes. With a blush on his pale cheeks, he couldn't help but be impressed by Zishu's integrity.

Although he clearly has the power to control her destiny at will, he still retains respect for her in all aspects.

He knows etiquette and cultivates his moral integrity, knows etiquette and virtue, and practices etiquette and deeds. He is a strong man and a true gentleman.

At this time, seeing each other naked is nothing more than insignificant details like mud.

A gentle smile from the bottom of his heart appeared on his small face. Tingyun took off his clothes without hesitation and stepped into the bathtub.

Hearing the movement behind him, Zi Shu turned around calmly and looked at her, his eyes clear and magnanimous, and he summoned nine silver needles with his palm in front of him.

Because we need to observe changes in physical condition at any time, we cannot treat Miss Tingyun blindfolded.

Loyal practitioners of perfection, whether they are doctors or not, will basically know this set of Xi's Acupuncture Technique to drive away pain and relieve pain, cleanse marrow and cut bones.

My benevolent words are important, but this little girl doesn't care.

Tingyun said openly, looking at Zishu with a look that contained a trace of well-covered shame and tenderness.

She never thought that the person who saw her naked body for the first time would be her savior whom she had only known for a short time, but she could accept it calmly.

Acupuncture... Speaking of which, there are some people in Xianzhou who are good at this kind of medical skills. She also understands the magic of it.

I didn't expect that my benefactor's acupuncture skills were so high that he could even heal a body that was about to run out of life. If it could be done, it would be an unprecedented miracle in Xianzhou.

Zishu had no distracting thoughts about Tingyun's charming body, even though it was riddled with illnesses.

The fingertips of the miniature moving stars formed an array, and the needles began to be performed with concentration.

When the slender silver needle fell on his body, Tingyun did not feel the slight sting he expected. Instead, he felt that his body began to heat up, and the water in the bathtub heated up rapidly.

A warm feeling of comfort radiated from the inside out of her body, making her involuntarily close her eyes in comfort.

At the same time, she didn't know that waves of black bruises were gushing out from the pores of her skin, dyeing the water into an ink-like color and emitting a fishy smell.

Zi Shu's pupils were covered with pale white fluorescence, and his sight seemed to penetrate the surface of Ting Yun's skin, clearly seeing the internal conditions of her body.

As his handprints changed, the nine-silver needle moved flexibly, exerting its effect inherited from ancient times.

Tingyun had already been immersed in comfort and didn't even notice that Zi Shu had changed the water three times.

I don't know how long it took, but black bruises stopped pouring out of Tingyun's pores. Zi Shu closed the needles and changed the water for the last time, letting out a sigh of relief.

That's it for today.

154.Back on the train

After saying this, there was no movement from Tingyun.

Zi Shu looked at her little face and realized that she had fallen into a deep sleep.

Very peaceful, very quiet.

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