The price will be borne by me...

[Finishing move·Cast]

All causes and effects are upon me.


transference of cause and effect

[Unable to fight]

Ha... the rest... is up to you...

[Return to the fight]

Reliable adult men should always learn to be cautious.

[restore life]

Give it to those in need.

There is nothing improper about the pronunciation of these skills. Listening to them makes you feel at ease. He is indeed a man who is on the path of protecting his life.

Especially the tone when the finishing move is activated is full of unshakable determination. Thinking of the effect of raising the health line of teammates and putting yourself in the killing line, it makes people feel the urge to cry.

Although some of Zishu's voices indicate that he is not a very upright person, he really has nothing to say about his treatment of his teammates or friends.

The dubbing of being unable to fight makes my nose sore even more.

He made me cry.

However, the relaxed and cheerful tone of the subsequent voice quickly brought back the somewhat depressed audience.

[Secret Skill]

You bear the consequences at your own risk.

[battle victory]

How is the wound? Do you want some water of life to wash it?

[Open loot]

No need to pay the price.

[Puzzle solved successfully]

Not difficult.

[Enemy target found]

Don't be afraid, I'm here.

[Return to town]

Go shopping around, maybe you can find something to eat.

[What a contrasting man, suki! 】

[It is reassuring when you should be stable, and you know how to liven up the atmosphere when you don’t need to be stable. I want you to marry me quickly! 】

[As long as the wine glass is mixed with more Han River water, it will not make you drunk like this...]

[Let’s get down to business. I heard that the behavior of the Star God’s envoys will be subtly affected by the Star God’s destiny. Zi Shu would be embarrassed from time to time. Maybe it’s because of the influence of Aha’s power? 】

[It's possible... The prerequisite is that Shi Chui is the Messenger of Joy. Judging from the plot of the closed beta, the only clear Star God messengers revealed by bloggers so far are Heita and Jingyuan. 】

[Ah ah ah - I can’t live without Zi Shu in the plot, so I’ll create a new account! 】

13.Book door

If you want to say what news spreads the fastest in the player circle, it is of course——

Rewards related to draws.

Regardless of Xingqiong, passes, page activities, or CDK, as long as there is a clear way to obtain it, it can be spread to countless social circles in one minute.

The news that talking to Zi Shu might give you tickets spreads faster than a virus.

After some time, a list of dozens of rewards that can be obtained from Zi Shu has been listed online for everyone's reference.

Special tickets or passes will be sent individually, or both together, as well as Xingqiong blind boxes ranging from 10 to 100.

The above-mentioned rewards exist separately and have been confirmed by players.

There are about five achievements involved, each of which is hidden and can give 20 stars.

In addition to the most practical surprise rewards mentioned above, there are also some consumables with positive effects.

The best one is the 60-body potion, and there are also things like avoiding injuries in the next battle, restoring energy, increasing damage, increasing speed, etc.

Finally, there are negative things, which have all kinds of annoying effects.

There is a statistical poll under a certain post on Mishe. There is a list of negative effects of thousands of voting samples, covering more than ten kinds of effects.

Himeko's specialty coffee is just childish, and the probability of getting it is not small.

At first, someone suggested that the storage talisman could be destroyed after being drawn. However, when it was later confirmed that the Xingqiong blind box was the storage talisman, the faces of those who destroyed it turned green.

If I had known earlier, it wouldn't have been too late to destroy the coffee after it was opened...

However, what people didn't expect is that if you open Himeko's special coffee, it will come in handy in the subsequent plot...

One of the most unbearable negative rewards is a talisman called Ankle Locking Technique. When drawn, it will automatically take effect for half an hour. The movement speed in the town will be reduced by 30% and cannot be removed.

Fortunately, the probability of getting this thing is extremely low. Only two unlucky people got it out of thousands of negative samples.

The best reward is Fulu. Each special ticket will give you a ticket, which is equivalent to 320 Xingqiong.

According to some statistics, the probability of obtaining a blessing may not exceed 2%, but the probability is much higher than that of ankle locking.

In the player circle, I don’t know how many people are angry or angry about Zishu.

[Beng Tie’s adoptive father, please accept my child’s respect! Fulu screenshots, jpg. 】

[Hello everyone, I opened the storage talisman and got the Xingqiong blind box, which opened to 100 pinches. Oh, by the way, I just caught a five-pound carp this afternoon, which was great! 】

【? 】

【Who asked you? 】

[European dogs that can’t be killed, stinky seals that can’t be slaughtered! Come on, I got a debuff that doubles the skill point consumption for the next five battles. 】

[Don’t panic, the official announcement has been released. You can ask Zi Shu for a reward every 24 hours. No one will keep cheating, right? 】

[I suspect you, byd, are lying to me. 】

[The lie is three inches short. 】

[Wu Cao Cao Cao, there really is an announcement. When has Lao Mi ever been so generous? 】

[It doesn’t matter, from today on I am a loyal believer of Zi Shu, Shumen! 】

【Book Gate! 】

The players who had Zi Shu on the train were all overjoyed, but many of those who had been eyeing the launch of the server early and quickly advanced the plot to become the first echelon were numb.

Okay, okay, okay, damn it, Misan, did this, right?

It won't be over until I give you an explanation.

Different plots have affected the players' income. In this aspect, fairness is related to the word, and the rhythm cannot be stopped.

When many people started to post comments on the Laomi community, another explanation announcement was quickly followed, completely putting people off.

The announcement clearly states that as long as players can complete the 1.0 version of the plot, they can unlock the sub-book on the train.

The plots that were originally released in separate days have been released all at once through the hot patch. As long as players are diligent enough, they can complete the main version of the game in a few days.

But there is a premise, you have to earn money, otherwise the balance level cannot keep up and the plot will still be stuck.

Of course there will be players who will be unhappy, but Lao Mi knows this well and has anticipated subsequent developments.

Whoever makes trouble will be criticized by certain people.

Zishu does not reward 100% positive returns. Players who encounter Zishu in advance but do not receive substantial rewards will most likely be unhappy with those who make trouble.

It is precisely because of this that Lao Mi concluded that these people could not make waves, and an announcement was enough to complete the public relations task.

In fact, it is.

In any case, the game has only been in open beta for a few hours. As long as the people behind it are not too lazy to pay attention to Internet hot spots, most of them will deliberately die at the Doomsday Beast to unlock the plot line of Zishu.

Afterwards, I got on the train to collect random rewards. Some people were busy simulating the universe, while others were busy continuing to push the plot. They had a great time.

As for Zishu, he also received a lot of system rewards because he could increase the popularity of players' gambling heads every day.

Star Dome Train.

March 7 saw that Zi Shu was motionless and his eyes were dull, as if he had lost his soul. She stretched out her hand and waved it in front of his eyes with concern.

Zishu, don't scare us!

Still no response.

She put her trembling fingers under his nose. She let out a long sigh of relief when she noticed that he was still breathing, and placed her hands on his shoulders and shook her vigorously.

Zi Shu!

Ah? What's wrong March?

Zi Shu's dull eyes were filled with energy again, and he subconsciously asked a question before remembering what had just happened.

You didn't respond to whatever I called you just now. If you weren't still breathing, I would have thought you were suddenly... Anyway, let's not talk about this, you are going to a meeting~

Okay, you go first, I'll be there later.

Then hurry up~~

Watching March 7 leave, Zi Shu's originally gentle expression was immediately filled with displeasure, and he looked fiercely at the mask that was laughing strangely outside the car window.

You deserve to die.

I've always wanted to see this look on your face, the look on your face where you want to beat me to death but can't do it, hahahahaha...hahahaha——

Zi Shu took deep breaths repeatedly and quickly calmed down his excitement. He didn't want to say another word and got up to go to the meeting.

I hope to leave this pioneering journey to Xing, Yue Yue Qi and Dan Heng...

After finishing speaking, Ji Zi glanced at Zi Shu and remembered what he said not long ago, but still felt embarrassed to speak.

If possible, she still wanted Zi Shu to go with Dan Heng and others.

Zishu's ability is similar to that of the diviners of Xianzhou Taifu Division. He may play a key role in certain difficult situations.

Your goal is very clear. Find the star core that brought disaster to Yalilo 6 and caused space distortion, and bring it back to the train - leave the rest to us.

Let me go too. Zi Shu suggested.

He is not stupid, he knows what Ji Zi's look just now means, and he just follows the plot.

Dan Heng raised his eyes, Are you ready?

It's okay for Miss Xing to be here for the first time. Now that I have partially recovered my memory and have the ability to protect myself, and now as an unknown passenger and a member of the train, of course I have this awareness.

Okay, we can join forces to attack again~ March 7 placed her hands on her hips proudly.

Xing closed his eyes and covered his forehead, I'm a little sleepy...

14. Trail Blazers team, set off

Can't you be more positive? March Qi raised her eyebrows, Don't worry, with me here, I will never make you suffer~ Zi Shu, are you right?

What March said is true.

With a smile in his eyes, Zi Shu beckoned out a small mini talisman.

I have a Taoist Calming Talisman. Miss Xing can stick it on your forehead when you sleep tonight. It will keep you energetic the next day.

After Zi Shu finished speaking, three more options appeared on the player screen.

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