You will have a lifespan that is many times longer than that of normal humans. You will die surrounded by countless people. Your name will be written into the long river of history, so that you will forever remember the great achievements you have made for those people.

So I can be that great? Sylva's eyes widened and she said with a smile, It sounds so exciting.

She didn't doubt that Zi Shu had lied to her because he didn't need to, but... did she want that kind of ending in life?

Destiny does not always lead to the ending. Zi Shu added: Everyone has his own variables. If you stay in Belloberg, the probability of the above ending happening will basically disappear.

Xiluwa seemed to understand, and sighed: Anyway, thank you for the fortune telling for me.

Zi Shu was silent, it seemed that she had already made her choice.

Your injuries should have healed in five days, and we will leave then.

That's it. Sylva nodded and suddenly asked: By the way, is it?

The adjudication panel approved the verdict and imposed the punishment of splitting in a car.

How could it be a cruel car-breaking torture? Xiluwa was stunned.

After an investigation by the Iron Guard, it was found that the eldest son of the Eckart family, who had been missing for more than two years, and his wife, Ekaterinya's biological parents, also died in her hands. The body was first dismembered into pieces, then sewn together, and frozen in a secret Deep in the basement;”

Zi Shu explained her confusion softly, without any emotion, which made goosebumps appear on Xiluwa's skin.

Ekaterinya grew up in a distorted environment, which created an extreme character that means destroying something if you don't get it. According to her philosophy, as long as her parents who are not getting along with each other stay at home forever, she will be happy.

Intent to kill the relatives of the garrison officer, deliberately killing the parents and brutally dismembering them. In addition, the two collateral children of the Ekart family who disappeared six years ago are also suspected to be related to Ekaterinya. They should be punished for several crimes. , a harsh sentence.”

Sylva could only smile bitterly in return, but she didn't pity Ekaterinya's fate. At first, she thought that Jeppard, Jeppard, and even Bronya were being punished for their selfish motives, but she didn't expect that they know people but don't know their feelings...

It was unfortunate to be remembered by such a person, but in the end, she turned out to be the lucky one, which was really ironic.

Five days later.

March 7 stood in front of the cabin door, lowered his head and glanced at his phone, then raised his neck and looked to the end of his sight.

Why hasn't Sylva arrived yet?

No one spoke.

I said, let's forget about Zi Shu and Dan Heng. Even Ah Xing, you have started to become more serious. What's going on? March 7 felt her face stiffen.

On the left, Dan Heng is leaning on the edge of the cabin door, holding a heavy book in his hand and reading carefully.

On the right, Zi Shu sat on the stone that was moved next to him. He moved his fingers flexibly on the talisman paper and concentrated on carving portable props. He didn't know what effect they would have.

Forget about these two weird men, Lian Xingdu was sitting on the boarding ladder with his arms folded across his chest, his eyes closed, looking inscrutable.

Just, it made her seem out of place.

If you have anything to say, we can talk about it after we get back to the train, right? Xing's soft gray hair fluttered slightly in the cold wind, and his face remained unchanged as he said.

They are coming. Dan Heng combined the books and looked forward.

At the end of the misty snow, several black spots appeared, gradually enlarging into outlines of human figures.

It's Xiluwa and the others! March 7th was very excited, raising her hands and shouting hello from a distance, You're here -

Zishu was reliable in his attacks. Xiluwa was stabbed like that, and the injury completely recovered in less than ten days.

Sorry for keeping you waiting.

After getting closer, a hint of apology appeared on Xiluwa's face.

March 7: It didn't take long, everyone came to see off Sylva. Actually, it's not necessary. Look at the one next to it. That's the boundary anchor, the strange thing left by Jizi. We can quickly use this in the future. Go back to Belloberg~

Everyone in Belloberg looked in the direction she pointed, looking at the thing suspended on the ground with strange eyes.

As for why it was established here, even Bronya could only roughly understand Jizi's words.

She didn't know what Ji Zi relied on to judge the coordinate stability rate. The technological level was really very different...

Lingke's eyes turned red. Facing the parting scene, she finally couldn't help but throw herself into Sylva's arms.

Sister, take care of yourself.

Take care, sister. Geppard opened his arms and hugged both sisters.

Xi'er is not here today, and Bronya and Pera are also here to see off Sylva.

Sylva, I wish you all the best on your journey. Pella said with regret.

The sad atmosphere of the impending departure permeated the air, but was broken by Zi Shu without any warning.

You seem to have made a mistake. Now you are facing separation, but you should not say goodbye to Shiluwa.

Everyone in Jeppard was stunned, not understanding what he meant.

Only Xiluwa smiled helplessly, touched Lingke's head and said, Sorry, I made a little joke to everyone. In fact, I brought you here not because I want to leave, but because I want to say goodbye to our great benefactor.

Eh?! March 7 was also stunned.

After glancing at the faces of Jeppard and the others, she realized that her companions were too calm. She couldn't help but look back at Zishu and the others, and found that there wasn't much surprise on their faces.

Jeppard looked hesitant and asked uncertainly: Sister, what do you mean...

The plan has changed. I decided to stay in Belloberg and not take the Stardome Train.

Sister... none of us have...

I know, I know, don't worry, brother, and Lingbao, this is a decision I made after careful consideration...

Xiluwa sighed and laughed at himself: In these days of recuperation, I have completely figured it out - the reason why I have the idea of ​​​​leaving is more out of immature escape mentality...

I've always been unable to handle complex interpersonal relationships, whether it's Cocolia or various trivial matters in the family. These things make me want to run away far away for the first time...

But now, I decided to make changes and face the things I'm not good at calmly. After all... I never face those alone, right?

Jeppard reacted, and a rare smile appeared on his always tense face, That's right!

Ling Ke couldn't help crying with joy, hugging Xiluwa tightly and not letting go, I thought my sister really wanted to leave without any regret...

Uh haha...Thank you Zishu for helping me see my heart clearly and understand what I value and care about most... Xiluwa said with emotion.

Zi Shu tapped his chin lightly but did not say anything.

Xing jumped down from the boarding ladder and said with a smile: There is no need to thank everyone. Zishu regards everyone as his friends. He definitely doesn't care about this;

Having said this, Xing stood on tiptoes and put his arms around Zishu's shoulders, his eyes narrowed into crescent moons.

Besides, parting is not forever. When I become stronger in the future, I will find time to come back and talk to you about the past, or I may ask Zishu to give me a ride~~

She believed that Zi Shu must have reached the threshold of using realm anchoring.

That couldn't be better. Bronya smiled sincerely: No matter when you come back, you will always be Belloberg's highest-level VIPs.

It's almost time, let's set off. Dan Heng nodded to Xiluwa and others and boarded the spacecraft first.

Wait, wait, wait - March 7 grabbed him and said with a bright smile: Why don't I be part of the parting moment? Come on, come on, let's all stand up and take a photo together and keep one as a souvenir~~

Then let's use our spaceship as the background. Xing followed the trend.

I'll take pictures for you first, and then you'll take over, Ah Xing. I approve of your photography skills. March 7 was full of energy.

No need to bother. Zi Shu summoned his talisman with a move of his hand, Just let it come. I can control it to find a similar angle.

No one was too surprised by Zi Shu's strange method. They readily agreed and quickly found a place to strike a pose.

Look at the camera, be casual, and just make some moves after the countdown ends, 3, 2, 1——

With the sound of a click, the first mission of the Trail Blazers team, joined by two newcomers, came to a complete end.

The last person's figure disappeared into the hatch. Everyone in Belloberg witnessed the launch of the spacecraft. It gradually lifted into the sky and suddenly flickered. In a few breaths, it became a small dot in the sky. The only flash point left to say goodbye quickly disappeared.

For a moment, everyone was filled with emotion.

Bronya recalled the experience of traveling together with mixed feelings.

She looked at the photo in her hand. In the photo, some people laughed heartily, some looked reserved, and some were relaxed and calm...

“Meeting the pioneers is Belloberg’s luck and our luck too!”

The Landaus will never forget them.

No one will, including our future generations, and they should be remembered forever.

Hearing Bronya's words, Xiluwa recalled the result of Zi Shu's hexagram and felt relieved.

If she boarded the Star Train, according to Zi Shu, in the future she would probably be like now, carved into the long river of historical development by the people of this world.

However, she has no regrets about abandoning that path.

Soon, there were only traces of where the spaceship had been parked, and the suspended boundary anchor.

A palm suddenly appeared, gently touching the surface of the realm anchor, revealing the tall figure behind it.

A clown wearing a mask has the advantage of being a clown wearing a mask, and the Stardome Train gang is much more interesting than expected...

Sambo put his hand in front of his eyebrows and looked up at the sky.

...You like it very much? Seriously? Hahaha, although the process is a bit unexpected, I think it is more exciting than the original drama!

Say hello to my brothers and sisters in the tavern for me, and don't forget to tell them - just say that you are looking forward to the next scene of my old Sambo. Now, I have to take my curtain call.

If nothing else, the next time we meet, we will be at that special amusement park in Pinoconi...

As soon as he arrived at the train, Zishu received a reminder to return to the main storyline.

Sometimes he couldn't help but wonder what thoughts players would have if they could see the people and emotions that existed in the real Star Iron world behind the game's plot.

It's a pity that players are destined to only see the visible plot.

For them, everything presented to players is nothing more than data and performances carefully planned by the game company.

I'm a little curious about the system and the ending plot of Belloberg in the eyes of players.

[Back to the master, the plot in the player's eyes has ended with Bronya's succession ceremony. You don't need to bother to talk about it later. As a reliable adult woman, I am helping the master do this~]

Zi Shu nodded silently, looking around at the familiar furnishings on the train, his brows completely relaxed.

Welcome home, four. Himeko smiled and stood up from the sofa.

March Qijiao smiled and said: Ji Zi, Uncle Yang! The first mission of the pioneering team has been successfully completed!

Although Walter and I did not personally participate in this pioneering journey, we all see everyone's efforts. Congratulations to everyone - especially Xinghe Zishu, for your high praise.

To be honest, it's exciting, but it's really tiring. Can I apply for a rest next time I go on a pioneering trip? Xing said helplessly.

Ji Zi couldn't help but chuckle, Are you willing to miss more exciting adventures? I'm not sure you will like that feeling.

Let's take a good rest on the train to relieve the fatigue accumulated on Yaliluo No. 6. Walter said caringly.

Ji Zi: Everyone can go back to your room to rest first, or you can take a break in this carriage and have a cup of coffee or something. We are all acquaintances, so feel free to do whatever you want.

Several people nodded.

Dan Heng was the first to say goodbye and go back to his room.

March 7 was speechless for a while, finding that he still failed to become more sociable, but after eating some cakes and fruits, she went back to her room to rest.

Returning to the dull plot, the players' somewhat turbulent mood gradually calmed down. They found people to communicate with each other on the train to obtain information and transition the plot.

Through the conversation between Himeko and Walter, we obtained a lot of foreshadowing truths that had been laid before, as well as part of the worldview settings.

I thought that the conversation between the two would come to an end, but I didn't expect that the mission guide ended up pointing to Zi Shu, a white-haired man sitting at the table who looked pure and elegant.

He also has dialogue?

Regarding Zi Shu, a new character who suddenly appeared in the public beta, after the Belloberg plot, players can say that his love for him ranks among the top three among all characters, and the plots about him are very novel.

He Luo couldn't wait to control the protagonist and press F. Unexpectedly, Zi Shu made people stunned as soon as he opened his mouth.

Thank you for the gift you gave me earlier. I also have a gift in return. This is for you. I hope it will be useful to you.

[Get Gorgeous Relic Box]

[After using the special item obtained from Zi Shu, you can choose to obtain a five-star relic, freely customize all the initial attributes of the relic, and receive an additional 100 lost crystal pieces. ]


It will explode at about 9 o'clock.jpg

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