Staring at Ekaterinya disappearing from sight, Xing couldn't help but sigh at the diversity of human beings. He wanted to complain about something but didn't know how to say it.

It took a long time before common words on the interstellar network emerged in my mind.

Hard clam!

...Oh, that's not right! Xing suddenly glared, as if he remembered something, That guy hasn't paid us yet!

Don't worry, the reward is here. Zi Shu stretched out his fingers and held a card between his fingers, No more, no less, equivalent to 250,000 credits.

Regardless of whether Ekaterinya was too excited to forget it, how could there be such a good thing in the world without benefit from the entrustment?

However, neither of them expected that this guy would cause trouble later, which would indirectly change Sylva's fate.

128. A new chapter in history

Two days later.

In the center of the main square of the administrative district, around a temporary high platform, the silver-maned iron guards stood with their heads held high, their faces full of energy under their armor.

The succession ceremony of the new Great Guardian will be held here.

At the same time, today is also the day when all bridges in the lower and upper areas are restored to traffic.

The vast majority of people put down what they were doing and crowded around the main square of the administrative district and even on the buildings to look at it from a distance.

The succession ceremony of each Great Guardian will be written in the annals of history. Such a grand event may only be seen once in a lifetime, or even never.

Wow! Is this the real blue sky? It's so beautiful!

The little girl who stepped out of the passenger cable car took off her big hat, and her extremely excited cheers infected the surrounding lower-class residents, who all showed expressions of emotion.

So this is the upper area...the smell in the very different from the lower level. Clara looked around curiously.

Hahaha, it lacks the smell of rust and earth dust, right? Oleg laughed heartily, Take a big breath, kids, this is the breath of freedom!

I really didn't expect that he could return to the administrative district alive. What happened underground for so many years has made people unable to remember what the ground looks like.

Natasha held Hook's little hand, pushed her bangs behind her ears, and looked up at the blue sky, her heart surging.

When she was sitting on the cable car, her mind was filled with what she wanted to do when she got up, but now, she just wanted to find a place to sit down in a daze and watch the busy people go by all day long.

Oleg waved his hand and said, Enjoy this historic day, everyone deserves it!

Old witch...Sister Natasha, what is that?! Hook pointed to the traffic vehicles on the passenger track in the distance.

That's a car. It's the same type of transportation as the cable car we just took. Natasha explained gently.

What about that one?


Is that water delicious?

...You can't drink it, it can only be used for viewing.

Children who see the blue sky and the world on the ground for the first time are full of curiosity, as if they are sending a polite reminder to the world that they are new here.

At noon, the already crowded square burst into cheers.

Lady Bronya Rand's acceptance speech is about to begin - citizens please keep quiet and help maintain order on the scene!

Bronya appeared on the stage dressed up, her delicate cheeks filled with vitality and the prospect of a better future, and her voice spread throughout the audience.

Citizens of Belloberg, please listen to me——

The reason why we can gather here today to celebrate this moment together is because a guardian made a huge mistake and sacrificed himself in the end. And for the past seven hundred years, the scourge that has been poisoning this city is in the sky. With the help of others, we were permanently expelled from our home!”

Bronya stood upright and looked around at the smiling and expectant faces in the audience.

A new historical chapter has begun. The wind and snow outside the city wall will one day subside, and the expansion of the rift will be restrained by the Iron Guard's offensive!

Therefore, I declare that the blockade order for the lower districts that were blocked due to the rift disaster will be permanently lifted from today, allowing Beloberg to return to integrity and allowing the people of the upper and lower districts to welcome the future together!

Of course, everyone in the lower district, I can't ask for your forgiveness, because my personal experience tells me that these more than ten years have left you with too many scars, but -

I crave your cooperation, because we all know very well that without your perseverance and sweat, the revival of Belloberg will be impossible, and the survival of civilization will become empty talk!

In addition, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere respect and gratitude to the few noble people from the world who came to Belloberg! It is their arrival that has poured hope into this world that is on the verge of withering!


It was rare that they didn't need to disguise themselves. The four people from Zishu, who were sitting leisurely on outdoor chairs at the edge of the square, looked at the high platform one after another.

We have saved the world again. It is really a sense of accomplishment to see the saved world come back to life!

March 7 looked away, took a nice sip of the milk tea in her hand, then picked up the camera, pointed it there, and pressed the shutter one after another.

Again? Xing rested his elbow on the armrest, cupped his cheek and said with a smile, How many times has this been your first time to be rescued?

Ah, Uncle Sugar? What did you come from?

...I mean, how many times have you hugged your thighs to complete the task. Xing showed a sincere smile.

March 7 understood that she had been laughed at, so she choked and coughed hard for a moment, then said with fury: What do you mean by lying down?! I have always been an indispensable presence in the team, okay? I contribute a lot!

Yeah, your ice-controlling shield technique is really good. The shield is pretty strong, but it can't withstand a punch from the Creation Engine.

Xing tapped his chin rhythmically and added silently in his heart - and it's not as easy to use as Zi Shu's formation.

With that formation, you don't have to worry about being beaten to pieces or getting hurt. As long as you are ruthless enough and trust him enough, you don't need to pay attention to your own defense at all.

Leave your back to Zi Shu with confidence, he will never let his companions be harmed easily.

What does it mean to have a sense of security? This is it.


My name is not Hey, my name is Xing, the star of the stars, the star of the star train. You can also call me A Xing or Sister Xing.

Just you, Sister Xing?

Hey, dear sister, I heard it.


The two girls next to him were pinching each other. Dan Heng's expression did not change. While listening to the speech in the center of the square, he turned the pages of the book in his hand and continued reading.

Zi Shu folded his arms and seemed to be concentrating with his eyes closed, but in fact, like Dan Heng, he was distracted by Bronya's acceptance speech.

The reform directions given the day before yesterday were clearly adopted. As soon as the measures to deal with the impact of price differences between upper- and lower-class districts were released, the entire square erupted in waves of cheers and received unanimous support.

When it came to the major reform of the work system, the Beloberg residents who confirmed that they heard correctly were almost so excited that they almost shouted at the top of their lungs.

Countless people shouted in unison, and the excitement could probably be felt even outside the city.

While the income has not dropped, working hours have been greatly reduced, weekly holidays have increased, and several fixed holidays have been added. On a few holidays, there are even several consecutive days off.

The excitement faded and calmed down. Of course, some people would doubt whether Bronya was talking nonsense, but knowing that these work system reforms would be written into the law, the only emotion left in her heart was trust.

Some subsequent reforms will include education, marriage, childbirth, individual social security systems, etc.

Although the exact plan has not been announced yet, just mentioning it is enough to make people feel how determined the new Grand Guardian is in reviving Beloberg.

It seems that she is very suitable to be a leader, right? Zishu? Xing said with a smile.

Given time, her achievements may surpass those of all previous great guardians.

When will it be released?.jpg

129. Let go of the need to help others

Since Bronya took over as the Great Guardian, Belloberg has begun to get back on track after the disaster, which also means that the train crew's pioneering journey is coming to an end.

While solving the star core problem, it also left a spark of hope for this disaster-stricken world.

In a sense, this is the best that can be done.

At least this is the case from a player's perspective. Compared with the plot of the space station, the pioneering journey of Yalilo 6 can be said to make players who experience this game for the first time full of energy and looking forward to the next destination.

In the real Beloberg, more than a week has passed since the Great Guardian's succession ceremony.

In the endless snowfield on the outskirts of the city, Zi Shu and his group stopped, looking at a woman hugging someone's thigh with a strange expression.

5555...Sylva-sama, please take me away!!

Ekaterinya cried until she burst into tears, her voice full of despair, which made people sad to hear and tearful to witness.

Of course, this does not include the four train crew present and Siluva.

Sylva tried to pull her thigh out of Ekaterinya's arms, but she felt like it was tightly restrained by a vise, unable to move.

Ekaterinya, can you let me go first?

Don't let go! I'm afraid of the days without Siruwa-sama, and the life without Siruwa-sama holding the dog leash around my neck... Can you please take me away? How can I live without you?!!!


Xing looked shocked and couldn't help but hide behind Zi Shu.

She is not afraid of Cocolia being eroded by the star core, nor is she afraid of confronting the huge engine of creation, but the one who is holding onto Sylva's thigh, just... you know.

She naturally knew who this guy was. The female ketone who asked her and Zi Shu to take a photo of Xiluwa a few days ago got the news that Xiluwa was leaving, and she followed him here quietly.

By the way, how did she, an ordinary person, manage to follow her without getting lost?

Thinking of this, Xing glanced at Dan Heng, who had no special reaction, and finally looked at Zi Shu's side face.

Their expressions seemed to be similar. Did they both know that someone was following them?

Xiluwa has been alive for decades, and has been playing music for more than ten years after leaving the city builders. This is the first time he has seen such a strange fan.

Let's just say this girl, you seem to be a little too extreme, calm down. March 7th was the one who least understood what was going on.

She only knew that Shiluwa was going to join the Star Train, but she didn't know who this young woman who suddenly appeared was.

How could I be so extreme? My beloved Lord Sylva is leaving forever and will never be seen again. How do you want me to calm down? How do you want me to be calm? Wuwuwu——

Xing's index finger quietly poked the back of Zishu and asked in a low voice: Did you already know that she was following us?

I noticed it before we even left the city.

Then why didn't you tell me earlier? It would be less troublesome if you got rid of her.

Well... you can dump it, but it's not necessary.

I don't quite understand.

It's okay, you'll understand soon. Zi Shu did not choose to elaborate.

Saving amusement for Aha was only one aspect. The bigger reason was that Sylva still didn't clearly understand what she wanted.

There will be no unnecessary nostalgia in the eyes of those who truly let go of the past. However, in the depths of Siluva's eyes, there was still nostalgia for Beloberg and her family.

Go back, Ekaterinya, I can't give you anything... before you leave the safe area and there is no threat from the world-splitting monsters around...

No, what's the difference between living without Lord Sylva and dying?


How could the eldest lady of the Eckart family become like this? It seems that he had never done anything to her, so why did he stalk her to such an extent?

If left unchecked, it seems that the other party might rush out of the safe zone and chase after him regardless of the consequences.

Sylva had a severe headache.

I finally made up my mind to leave, and I have already come this far. It is impossible to send Ecatlina back, but if I ignore it, if she has some shortcomings, it may cause a conflict between the Landau family and the Ekart family.

After a few minutes of fussing, Zi Shu sensed several familiar scents nearby, following the movement traces and rushing towards this direction.

Hey, hey, hey! This is a great opportunity for Aha!

The strange mask that had been dormant for a while popped out of the gift box that appeared out of thin air.

Choice 1: Helping others is a virtue. Immediately take Sylva aboard the ship returning to the Star Dome Train and help her realize her idea of ​​leaving Yaliluo 6. Reward: First come first come first come closer to the water, the long-term love, boarding After getting on the train, Shiluwa's favor with you will greatly increase.

Option 2: Abandon Sylva and run away immediately to prevent her from becoming a passenger on the star train. Reward: Soul-bound light cone Permanent Single Noble, which increases the lethality by 11.4% when used in the single state, and exudes love to The lethality of dogs with sour smell increases by 114%.

Choice 3: Let go of the need to help others, respect the fate of others, do nothing, and wait and see how things develop. Reward: Aha Treasure Library Lottery Qualification*1~~

One thing to say, Zi Shu originally wanted to choose three, but saw that the reward was a real swollen head.

Aha's treasure trove?

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