“I know that Belloberg has been affected by the division of borders, and the serious economic recession needs to be improved urgently, but we cannot adopt the method of quick success and quick profit, which is equivalent to overdrafting the future;”

You can't ignore the happiness of the grassroots people. You absolutely cannot ignore it.

Bronya wondered: Happiness?

For example. Zi Shu explained patiently, How would you feel if you could put down all work matters one day a week and spend your own time freely?

Bronya imagined it, even though she had never rested since she put on the Silver Mane Iron Guard uniform, she had no idea about this.

But since Cocolia left and took over this position, all her time no longer belongs to her, and she is so busy that she cannot even sleep for more than a certain amount of time.

If only there was one day a week where I didn’t have to worry about these things and could spend my time freely...

Thinking of this, Bronya suddenly understood what Zi Shu meant.

“You have planned the consumption content very well, and I can’t find any problems. But in terms of the work break system, I personally propose to change it from 1 day per week to 2 days per week, and reduce the daily working hours from 10 hours to 7 hours.


Bronya was shocked. Not only did she cut off a lot of working hours, but she also added an extra day of vacation. Wouldn't this actually cause the economy to regress?

Seeing her expression, Zi Shu could understand, but he couldn't explain too much to her in detail.

This is all the knowledge he learned from society during the years when he was a low-level social beast.

The plan needs to be adapted to local conditions. The protective city of Beloberg is the last fortress of the planet. The people of Beloberg do not know what the population represents.

To put it simply, with the current population of Beloberg, far from reaching volume 996, it will be counterproductive.

If you want to revitalize the economy, you cannot just increase the number of working hours and the amount of work. To restore economic prosperity, you need to drive people's consumption. And if you want people to consume independently, you must first let everyone spontaneously think that there is hope and happiness in their current life. of;

Suppose you go to work at 9 o'clock and get off work at 21 o'clock. People who have been tired for a day have no energy to do anything else except eating and taking a shower. They don't even want to go out, let alone consume;

If this goes on for a long time, I am afraid that before the economy recovers, the entire Beloberg people will quickly become a low-desire society because they have been in a high-pressure environment for a long time.

Low desire?

People at the grassroots level have lost their ambition and desire, do not consume or make friends. Companies have high reserves but cannot use them effectively due to the sluggish economic flow. Once the economic flow stops, you should understand the consequences.

A thin line of cold sweat broke out on Bronya's back after hearing this sentence.

When Cocolia was still there, as the commander of the Silver-maned Iron Guard, she was not old enough to take economics courses, which resulted in a lack of knowledge in this area.

After a period of overtime supplementation, I can now understand what Zi Shu said.

You don't have to worry that reducing working hours will cause productivity to fall behind. In fact, based on Beloberg's current population, the proportion of various age groups, the total undeveloped area and other factors, let alone 35 hours of work a week, even 30 hours , the productivity brought by it is more than enough to support the functioning of society.”

123. Follow-up of wanted order

The plan proposed by Zi Shu was very bold, but Bronya took note of it carefully.

We will discuss it as soon as possible.

By the way, I think I need to remind you one more thing, please be sure to strictly control the economic cake in marriage and childbirth.

There is no such thing in the plan... Bronya confirmed that she remembered correctly.

No, that's why I have to remind you. I accidentally heard Shiluwa say in a casual chat that Beloberg's marriage has the custom of giving each other tokens. We need to be careful about merchants using specific marketing methods to create luxury goods that are inconsistent with the actual price. Goods, if this kind of thing retains its value, it’s okay. If it doesn’t retain its value, it will be an IQ tax, which is not conducive to long-term development.”

To sum it up in one sentence, the expenses related to the marriage and love market cannot be allowed to expand. If necessary, relevant laws can even be established;

The second is education, that is, childcare. I won't mention medical resources for now. Other expenses, such as food, clothing, and education, are economic restricted areas that cannot be touched at will.

Bronya was confused and confused by what Zi Shu said above.

It's not her fault.

Regardless of her distinguished status, in the final analysis she is still a young girl who is not even 20 years old. And because she is in a busy and high-level position, she has almost zero understanding of interactions with the opposite sex, let alone after becoming a parent.

Xing sat aside and said that she couldn't get anything to say at all. She also couldn't understand what Zishu said.

Population is one of the most important factors in economic development. You are aware of this, but there are no corresponding provisions to encourage or check and balance;

Having said this, Zishu paused, drank all the water in the cup and added: You have only half-understanding now. I said it is too complicated and meaningless. I will simply tell you directly why individual merchants are prohibited from making huge profits from the marriage and childbearing economy;

The easiest ways to make a fortune are all written in the Beloberg Law. Businessmen are profit-seeking by nature, and they will explore loopholes in the law at all costs. When the per capita necessary consumer goods in the process of population development are targeted, other The consequences could be disastrous.

Once marriage and childcare become an economic burden, population growth will enter an irreversible decline curve. When animals are in a difficult environment for survival, they will autonomously reduce reproduction. What a simple truth.

You're right... Bronya murmured.

After all, humans are biologically a type of animal, and the same natural rules of survival apply.

When I think of the unbalanced future that Zi Shu talks about, greater pressure comes one after another.

If she wants to be an excellent guardian who leads the people to prosperity, she is really far behind...

Zi Shu noticed her emotional changes and said softly: Don't be anxious. Everything needs to be down to earth. You have to know that you are not alone. It is not something unspeakable to rely on your people occasionally.


Bronya's eyebrows relaxed, and she turned to humbly ask for some other knowledge, unconsciously forgetting the time.

Gamer world.

The time that passes in the real Beloberg is just a blink of an eye for them, and they can only see what can be seen.

After the Cocolia BOSS battle, most players did not choose to continue to advance the main line, but chose to do other things slowly.

Wander around the big map, looking for treasure chests, branch lines, and brush books.

Ah Liang has the idea of ​​collecting the memes incorporated into the Star Dome Railway to make a related video. He can interact with the highlights everywhere, trigger easter eggs or read the copy of The Serious Disease.

Unknowingly, he found that he had triggered a plot dialogue.

[It seems that this is the last wanted poster. The city of Belloberg has taken on a new look because of you. Congratulations! ]

[After taking inventory, you find that even though you have collected all the wanted posters in different styles, the sealed Great Guardian has not suddenly appeared, claiming to be able to fulfill any of your wishes. ]

[Everything about the wanted poster ends here, but if your curiosity is strong enough, you might as well go find your Iron Guard friends - Jeppard and Pella. ]

[You can ask them why these wanted posters are so strange. ]

Ah Liang was in trouble, he didn't know where Pella was, so he asked for help from Danmu, and quickly got the answer and headed to Clipper Castle.

Pella is under the bookshelf. Press F to interact and find that there are indeed dialogue options related to the wanted order.

As he continued to read, the corners of his mouth involuntarily turned up in a different arc.

Star/Dome: Who painted these beautiful portraits?

Pera: I don't know. The painting is really beautiful. Who could it be? I think I might recognize it.

Xing/Qiong: You didn't draw it, did you?

Perla: How do you know? Don't... don't look at me like that again. I'll do it. I'll do it all... I drew these all. Are you satisfied?

Star/Qiong: Not satisfied! The painting is so beautiful, why didn't you draw one for me too?

Perla: I didn't draw you because... I forgot what you look like... I'm sorry, I've told you so much, but you must not tell anyone else, please!

Xing/Qiong: That depends on your sincerity. You don't want this either...

Pera: Stop, stop, stop - I can treat you to a nice meal, right?

Ah Liang was stunned, laughing so hard, and complained: Damn it, it's hard not to wonder if the copywriting team is reading Xiaori's works every day. How come they write about awesome literature every now and then?

[What, there is NTR? Pan pigeon pigeon ecstasy! 】

[Has Fan Gege ever played Star Iron? I can’t wait to see his expression when he meets these serious illness copywriters! 】

[I didn’t see the live broadcast...]

【pity. 】

So, those weird portraits were painted by Geppard. Let's see what he says.

A Liang never expected that he just clicked on the euphemistic dialogue option, and Jeppard actually took it.

Jeppard: Truan Shen, this is what the wanted order wants. I feel honored to be praised so highly by you. Thank you.

Star/Dome: ...

Jeppard: Look, this portrait of Miss March 7th is the one I am most satisfied with. I think it is very vivid. Unfortunately, the situation was urgent and the painting was done in a hurry. Otherwise, I could have polished it a little more...

I'm fucking laughing. If I were here on March 7th, I would probably be so angry that my nose would be smoking. But Brother Jie doesn't know himself yet, so he seriously thinks that his painting is pretty good.

Ah Liang originally thought that this little easter egg would end here, but unexpectedly, a new dialogue option appeared.

[Look at these five portraits...]

Yes, I also posted the provocative photos provided by Zi Shu!

Jeppard: To be honest, I have never seen these portraits. I don't know who painted them. Although the postures and text of the characters are a bit... but the painting skills are amazing, and they are almost the same as the photos taken by the camera.

124. It’s really cultural export.

Xing/Qiong: Actually, these were written by Zi Shu...

Jeppard: So it's Mr. Zishu? I didn't expect that not only is he highly capable, but he also has amazing painting skills. I admire him.

Star/Qiong: Aren't you angry? We were so angry when we were misunderstood that we posted these next to the wanted poster.

Jeppard: We are the ones at fault. Of course we are not angry in hindsight. Besides, Mr. Zishu is very kind to the Iron Guard, the entire Beloberg, and the Landau family. Even if he wants to paste these portraits on me It doesn’t matter to me.”

Star/Sky: A great favor?

Jeppard: Don't you know, when the army of world-splitting creatures launched a massive attack and the outermost line of defense was breached, thanks to Mr. You Zishu who stayed in the restricted area and used his superb methods to assist all the iron guards, everyone was able to kill all the world-splitting monsters. Guard the last pure land.

Ah? Ah Liang was stunned.

The same goes for many viewers who have not thought deeply about the plot or why Zi Shu left the team. Only a few viewers who had made relevant speculations showed a surprised expression.

It turns out that before Zi Shu came to the rescue, he didn't need to recuperate because of excessive consumption due to fortune telling and opening of the teleportation channel, but he stayed to help!

For a moment, countless spectators and players stood in awe.

【Real man! 】

[Reliable, really reliable. Even when he was misunderstood, plotted, backstabbed, or wanted, he didn’t bear any grudge against the people here. He was still able to voluntarily lend a helping hand, Rui Sibai! 】

[It makes sense that Zishu got old when he came to the rescue. It was not because he consumed too much when blocking Cocolia's ultimate move, but because his condition was greatly reduced when he was in the Iron Guard penalty area! 】

【great! Needless to say, he is a real adoptive father. I cried to death...]

[This man... is damn adorable! 】

The words that Chu Zishu said to Xing before leaving the team are changed from the player's perspective, giving people a sense of deja vu that they are too exhausted to continue fighting.

At that time, many people complained that the expansion was a bit stiff and old-fashioned, and even banned Zi Shu from going to the battlefield.

Unexpectedly, his real purpose was to guard the Beloberg defense line.

In Zishu's system panel, his popularity among players soared again. Even after being explained by the system, the magnitude was completely unexpected.

The system didn't lie to him. He knew how to present the plot to attract people. He was indeed a reliable and mature Atong.

Countless times more reliable than Aha who killed a thousand swordsmen.

Jeppard: If it hadn't been for Mr. Zishu, the Iron Guard would not have been able to sacrifice only 104 people. Two more zeros would not be uncommon, and my sister and I would have been overwhelmed by the monsters that broke the world, causing the defense line to fall, which would have led to The eternal sinners who destroyed the entire Beloberg...

I can only say that the name Father is not for nothing...

After seeing this piece of copywriting, Lao Liang was filled with emotion, Zishu has not only divulged the truth for the team many times, but he has also done such big things quietly. With his portrayal and role, it's hard to believe that Lao Mi would actually make him a four-star character. It’s a five-star product and sales are absolutely exploding.”

[A four-star Zishu would be useful enough if he could draw out full health, five stars? Turtle, I don’t dare to think... I can’t die even if I take off all the equipment and hit the machine, right? 】

[As long as the Star Iron game has SP characters or special settings, it might even have five stars. 】

【? ? Then I will definitely blow it up, and 6+5 will be arranged as soon as possible! 】

[The rich woman, Hungry, and Fanfan in front...]

[Don’t go, the rich woman likes steel wire balls and roasted chicken heads. If you can’t bear it, let me bear this suffering! 】

[The abacus beads jumped into the sea, right? 】

Ah Liang checked the materials accumulated so far and nodded with satisfaction.

OK brothers, I'll stop here for today. I'm going to broadcast the next episode of Xingtie Video. I'll release it immediately after it's over. Please give me your support.

[Old thief, please leave, let’s play another show! 】

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