[It hurts... it hurts too much...]

[The despair in the tone can make the listener cry and the listener be heartbroken. Infected by the tone, you ask the other person why it hurts with concern. ]

[My beloved - I have lost her forever... No - I will take her back from the bloody jaws of death!]

[You sympathize with the other person, use your ability to speak with a sharp tongue, and talk for more than half an hour, but you can't make the other person change his negative thoughts. ]

[Just when you were about to give up, there was a strange scolding voice on the other end of the phone. ]

[Why did No. 213 get sick again? I'm really uneasy. Come here and feed the patient some medicine cakes.]

[You realized where your call went and chose to hang up the phone silently. Your behavior of calming the patient's emotions is commendable. Gao Tian never hesitates to reward people with high moral character. ]

[Get high moral praise x1. 】

[Get Winter City Shield x20. 】


Ah Liang can only use the simplest Chinese quintessence to express this Easter egg. Should it be said that it is a dream linkage, or does it make you want to hit someone with your fist?

Next, I didn't encounter a phone booth again, and interacted with several street lights, fences, and trash cans.

Looking at the last trash can in the corner, Ah Liang was full of curiosity.

[From the outside, it looks like this huge trash can has not been cleaned for several days. ]

[Only three meters away, the strong stench is already heading towards your nose pervasively. ]

[Do you want to open it? ]

[You choose to open it and roughly search the upper level, but unfortunately there is nothing. ]

[You are not discouraged by this. You think there must be something good hidden in this largest trash can. ]

[You still failed. The few dead rats you picked up are not a harvest at all. ]

[As for that little trash can that doesn’t believe in evil, it will definitely turn you upside down. 】

[Unlucky, Bai looked like a treasure and left. 】

I just want to keep turning!

He definitely didn’t believe in evil. Ah Liang pressed F wildly, but he didn’t expect to be rejected three times. When Toutie continued to press it, he found a reminder of what he had obtained in the lower left corner of the screen, and at the same time, an achievement popped up underground.

【A treasure for those who persevere. 】

[Get the legendary treasure from the trash can. ]

Ah Liang closed the Momentary Joy achievement page, opened his backpack, and found something he had gotten from the trash in the related materials column.

The moment they saw the picture of that thing, all the Devil May Cry players in the live broadcast room didn't freeze up.

The best knife in the village

[This long knife looks extremely sharp. You are extremely happy and excited that your perseverance has been rewarded. However, when you hold this knife in your hand, you seem to have a strange feeling that your jumping ability is restricted. ]

[Good guy, Yan Mo Dao? 】

[I'm numb. Although the appearance is a little different, the one I made with the Yama Demon Sword didn't run away. 】

Suddenly, the live broadcast room was filled with laughter and laughter, saying that rummaging through boxes and cabinets to find F-spots was more interesting than promoting the plot.

No matter whether it is new or old, or something else comes in, it can make people black-eyed several times.

118.Who is cheating whom?

Xing was very happy today. She finally found something decent in the trash can.

That knife looked like it had a lot of history. It wasn't like something Belloberg had. It was probably an antique left behind by aliens.

She closed the lid of the trash can, walked to a remote corner to restore it to its original state, and used the water-cleansing charm Zi Shu had given her.

In the blink of an eye, the dirty, down-and-out person who was no different from a homeless person turned into a beautiful lady with gray hair and golden eyes, with bright eyes and white teeth, as fresh and lovely as the girl next door.

Zishu is awesome, there are countless good things!

Taking out the mirror and taking a look at her new self, she used the disguise charm to change her appearance to avoid being recognized by passers-by and asking for autographs and photos.

It’s so frustrating, why do people in Belloberg like to run around with cameras so much?

Xing decided to go to the antique appraisal office he passed before, evaluate the value of the special long knife and sell it, and then use the money he got to buy something to thank Zi Shu and treat everyone to a good meal.

She soon arrived at the laboratory.

Welcome... Ouch, this beautiful lady's visit to our store really makes our store shine. How can I help you?

Are you the talker here?


The middle-aged man with light blue hair rolled his eyes, a smile flashed in his eyes, and he nodded proudly.

I, Bo Sang, am the boss here. No matter how valuable the treasure is, I will never misestimate its value.

Xing looked him over, took out the long knife with its own scabbard and slapped it on the table.

Don't talk too much, you will definitely misestimate the value of this treasure.

Bo Sang picked up the long knife and pulled it out gently.

The blade flashed with a cold and sharp light. He turned the blade upside down and gently dropped the newspaper on the blade. The newspaper was cut into two halves.

What a knife!

Bosang thought to himself that this knife probably did not belong to this world, and he could vaguely feel the power of the laws of space from it.

Not simple...

No wonder she was so confident. A native born and raised here would never see the true value of this knife, but unfortunately, He-Sang...Bo-Sang was not among them.


Xing Youya sat down, crossed his legs, and raised the corners of his mouth.

I have to say that this treasure, Miss, is beyond my expectation. If I am not wrong, this knife should come from outside, right?

Hey, you are very discerning. This is the trophy I got from the big demon clan outside the territory. It's called the Wind Spirit Moon Shadow Sword...

Having said this, Xing folded his hands into his arms and added proudly: A person who is strong enough can hold this knife and split the mountain with one blow with ease!

Of course, Miss, even if I don't tell you, I already know that I can buy this Wind Spirit Moon Shadow Knife at a fixed price of 20,000 Winter City Shields. What do you think?

As soon as he finished speaking, Bo Sang saw Xing looking at him like an idiot, and the corners of his eyes suddenly twitched slightly.

Sure enough, it's not that easy to fool...

But it doesn't matter, he knows very well how powerful this sword is, and twenty thousand Winter City shields can only be converted into one million credits at the same ratio.

Let alone 20,000 Winter City Shields, precious weapons that contain the power of law, even if you buy them for a few extra cents, you can make more than ten times the profit by selling them elsewhere.

I said, Boss Bosang, you are being unreasonable. You want to take away my precious trophies with just one million credits, and deceive me into not knowing the goods?

Where, where...I just--

I'll give you another chance. Be honest and sincere, and stop playing tricks. If the price makes me dissatisfied, I won't sell it!

Xing raised his snow-white chin, closed his eyes and tilted his head to the right, looking quite arrogant.

In fact, her heart rate increased a lot.

Twenty thousand Winter City shields!

The stuff you pick up from the trash can is worth so much, it's no different from a pie falling from the sky. It obviously seems to have nothing special except for the property of cutting iron like clay.

Two hundred thousand Winter City shields, which is ten million credits!

Bo Sang pretended to be in pain, gritted his teeth and said: This time, I am really innocent! To be honest, my shop can only use these working capital at most...

This time, Bo Sang found a bit of surprise and excitement flashing through Xing's eyes that slowly opened, and he couldn't help but smile with joy in his heart.

Hehe, the fish is tempted...

Only 10 million, farewell! Xing grabbed the long knife and left without any hesitation.

Bo Sang knew that the other party was playing hard-to-get with him, so he was not anxious inside but pretended to be anxious on the outside.

No, no, no! Miss, although the price is still a bit lower than a hundred million, it is really conscientious. Otherwise, I will give you two treasures from the store to offset the price. What do you think?

Xing stopped and didn't look back. Instead, he made a move to walk out of the store, leaving three words behind.

That's it?

Three pieces! Three pieces!

Four pieces are enough. Each piece is worth up to one million credit points. I'm almost at a loss!

Bo Sang, who said this, did not realize at all that there was a strange brown-red mask floating above his head, and the joy on the mask could not be hidden.

Hearing this, Xing raised the corner of his mouth slightly, turned around with a disgusted expression, and looked at Bo Sang with disdain.

It would be better if you tell the truth and tell the truth. It's your fault for taking me for granted.

Yes, yes...it's my fault...

A few minutes later, Xing left with a satisfied credit card worth ten million and a few antiques, while Bo Sang hid in the background, pulled out a long knife and smiled broadly.

Make money, make money with this wave of blood!

The small amount of money you can make from this job is more than you can make from doing business with the Beloberg people in two years.

Too cool to talk about.

Bo Sang didn't feel guilty at all for tricking someone, but when he met the train crew, he suffered a series of bad luck, and was compensated by Hanabi, a woman who likes to wear fox masks.

Bo Sang is none other than Sambo who has changed his appearance.

The effect of Zishu's disguise talisman was of no avail to him, so naturally he saw Xing's true face at a glance, and planned to deceive her and gain a moment of joy at the same time.

Night, Goethe Hotel, VIP private room.

Zishu and others who were enjoying dinner listened to Xinglian's beaming words, and the expressions on their faces were very exciting.

March 7's eyes widened, not only in disbelief but also in disbelief.

Are you kidding? A knife found in the trash can was sold for ten million? Is that boss missing part of his brain...

To tell you the truth, I always feel like I've made a loss. The look at the fat sheep behind me when I walked out of the gate made me very uncomfortable. Xing thought.

... Dan Heng sighed helplessly.

If the knife was still there, he might still be able to appraise the value, but thinking about it, he knew that the boss with bad intentions would most likely lose his blood.

Only Zishu didn't know what to say. According to the appearance described by Xing, he was very sure that the long knife worth ten million sold was the fake Yama that he drew from Aha and threw away after getting the real thing. knife…

If I remember correctly, it will expire in less than eight hours and lose all castrated version abilities...

Of course, he had no sympathy for the guy.

As the saying goes, if you often walk by the river, your shoes will not get wet.

If others don't know it, he doesn't know it either. Boy Bo Sang is Sambo. He who deceives others will be deceived. He deserves to be pinched.

119. Jizi Contact

Isn't it?

Sangbo excitedly carried the soon-to-expiry Yan Mo Knife and placed it in the Galaxy Trading House of Interstellar Peace Company, attaching it to the ability and quality of the knife.

At the beginning, the system identification information was all true, and some people were interested in the expired Yan Mo Dao and spent 100 million credits to buy it.

As a result, within two minutes of receiving the physical item delivered by Jump Express, the smile on the buyer's face suddenly froze, and he realized that he had been deceived. His face quickly turned dark and he couldn't help but wonder.

Who dares to list fake goods on the trading house owned by Interstellar Peace Company? Who has the courage?

Of course, the buyer cannot suffer this loss and immediately inquires after-sales service and asks for a return.

Interstellar Peace Company has a great business. After confirming that what the buyer said was true, he happily replaced the full refund and contacted the seller Sangbo.

Poor Sambo was not happy for long after seeing the string of numbers representing credit points in his hand. Interstellar Communications forcefully demanded a refund and compensation for breach of contract fees and fraud fees, so he called Interstellar Communications.

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