In particular, the punch that the Creation Engine made to Cocolia made people feel like driving a mecha in Pacific Rim. Coupled with the coincidence of the rhythm of the background music, it brought a hearty and refreshing feeling.

The player's perspective is full of experience, but the real world is a struggle between rebirth and decay.

This desperate and bloody battle is destined to end only when one party falls completely.

The Star Protector companions who gained the power of protection overpower Cocolia. If this pace continues, it will only be a matter of time before they defeat her.

Suffer death!

Xingyue jumped to the top of Cocolia's head and greeted the latter's head with the burning flame spear in his hand.

Cocolia condensed two winter thorns to resist the attack. The force coming from above was like a mountain suppressing her, making it impossible for her to stay in the air any longer.

The Creation Engine, which had been silent for a while, received the order and made a fist to hit the star's location.

The shadow shrouded down, and when he saw that the Creation Engine was about to smash both Xing and Cocolia into a pulp, Xing used Cocolia's counterattack to adjust his position and fly backwards toward the flank and away from the place.

The moment they left, the giant fist of the Creation Engine hammered Cocolia into a solid hole, and a deep pit emerged.

The earth trembled violently again, not to mention the people in the Iron Guard restricted area, even the inner city of Belloberg felt it.

Seeing that Kokolia was finally hit by the big guy, March 7 couldn't help but cheered, We won?!

Xing's angry eyebrows eased slightly, and he stared at the raised giant fist, and then his eyes darkened.

not yet!

The power of the star core has been released! Dan Heng's pupils shrank, Everyone, stay vigilant!

He sensed a violent imaginary number reaction, and if nothing unexpected happened, Cocolia, who had been hit by the Creation Engine, was about to fight for his life.

Everyone was highly focused when a strange force erupted from the deep pit, covering dozens of miles in an instant.

Under the influence of this strange force, everyone found that they could not move or control their bodies.

The icy blue afterimage swept up from the ground into the sky, it was Cocolia.

The power of the star core is with me! You... are just a desperate struggle before the collapse of the old world!

Must-explode quick save.jpg

108. She can’t do anything

As Cocolia shouted angrily, the energy group that reacted violently with imaginary numbers began to condense rapidly in her hands.

The aura of destruction that spread out made everyone tremble with fear and make their hair stand on end.

No! Stop her quickly!

Xi'er struggled hard, but it was all in vain. With her strength, she couldn't get out of control.

The rest of the people were similar, even Dan Heng's expression became heavy.

After countless calculations, I still didn’t expect that this star core would have grown to this extent, let alone that the integration would be so fast and so perfect...

Now Cocolia is just a puppet that retains self-awareness. Star Core needs to use her body and fighting consciousness to completely wipe out everyone present.

By that time, Cocolia's consciousness and soul will be dispersed by the star core, and the dove will occupy the magpie's nest.

This means that... Yalilo 6 will fall into irreversible demise and... the Star Dome Train Development Team has failed in its mission.

That level of star core is no longer something that ordinary people can seal. Even Jizi, who has developed the most power, may find it extremely difficult.

Do you want to use that power?

Once used, the man who pursues him relentlessly will definitely be aware of it and will once again be involved in a past fate that does not belong to him.

But if not used, Himeko and Walter would never have time to provide support!

Dan Heng held the Cloud-Striking Spear tightly, staring at the sky with struggling eyes. Just when he gritted his teeth and wanted to use that power, he discovered that the imaginary energy wrapped around his body had a sealing effect——

He cannot complete the awakening of power quickly...

This is bad...

Just three or two seconds passed, and the aura of destruction coming from high altitude became more and more terrifying. No matter how hard the five people on the ground struggled, they could not move at all.


Xing looked up to the sky and roared, raging flames swept out of his eyes, and the pores on his skin also burst out with countless flames, burning fiercely with the imaginary energy that made him unable to move.

In mid-air, the energy group in front of Cocolia was completely formed, shooting straight into the sky and bursting out with dazzling yellow light all over the sky, forming a giant meteorite that enveloped the sky.

It's over...I will create it with my own hands...a great new world!

Cocolia's enthusiastic tone was full of madness, and she waved her arms heavily, and the giant meteorite pointed directly at the ground carrying a strong aura of death.

If you take such a blow firmly, there won't even be any residue left.

Under the shadow of death, a flash of despair flashed in the eyes of Xier and Bronya.

Could it be...that it really ended like this and was destroyed like this?

Create a new world? You are not qualified!!

Xing let out a thunderous roar, and the flames exploded from the center of his body to the surroundings, instantly filling the entire creation platform.

With the help of the protective power, she finally broke free and regained her freedom.

He bent his legs and exerted force, carrying the ignited flame spear and turning it into a flaming meteor soaring straight into the sky, fearlessly facing the meteorite that seemed to destroy the entire earth.


The sound that was about to burst the eardrums spread throughout the world.

The flame spear in Xing's hand collided with the meteorite fiercely, and the flames of preservation swept across and spread, trying to burn up the meteorite.

Neither Cocolia nor Xinghe expected that the attack they thought they were sure of would be intercepted by Xingduo.

But it was only a brief shock. Feeling that Xing Houji was helpless and slowly descending, he immediately sneered.

A power as strong as an ant dares to contend with the power of the great star core?

Cocolia's palms once again condensed terrifying energy, and then she slapped down hard.

Under the influence of this blow, the force carried by the meteorite surged. Xing's arms supporting the flame gun made a clicking sound. His chest was so tight that he felt that his internal organs had shifted, and his throat couldn't help but feel sweet.

The blood quickly turned into blood mist when it touched the flames. She could no longer hold on and accelerated her fall.

What greeted her were four eyes with different emotions on the ground.


March 7's beauty turned pale, and despair enveloped everyone at this moment.

Dan Heng was filled with anxiety.

Quick, just a few seconds will awaken the power hidden in the body, quick——

Just when he was planning to resist the attack and save everyone here no matter the cost, a familiar figure appeared silently not far away.

! ! !

The figure under the meteorite became clearer and clearer, and through the flames she could see the pain-filled star on her face, but she still did not give up resistance.

Time slowed down at this moment.

In just a short moment, Bronya saw the memory fragments of more than ten years, from the beginning of her memory to being adopted by Cocolia, becoming the commander of the Iron Guard, encountering visitors from outside the world, and coming to the lower area by chance, and meeting Xi'er. Know the secrets of the world…

A revolving door?

All the past flashed by, and the memory fragments finally settled on Cocolia's loving smiling face.

Bronya closed her eyes in despair.

She is a complete loser and useless person.

Killing everyone will not save Beloberg or the people of Beloberg...

She can't do anything.

The star that will be smashed to the ground in the next second will be smashed to the ground, and many scenes also flash through the few memories.

Is everything that happened today her last choice...

Regret and unwillingness flashed in his eyes, and Xing hated himself for being so weak.

Countless players were shocked to the point of forgetting to breathe by the plot CG inserted after Cocolia's second blood-charged ultimate move, paired with the sudden shouting BGM.

And those players who had experienced the closed beta, when they saw the scene with stronger tension and better sense of substitution at this time, they didn't even notice that their heartbeat stopped for half a beat, and they couldn't help but scream like ghosts and wolves.

【Fuck! Isn't it? ! 】

[The plot and performance have been changed a lot! 】

[Why does this special meow Cocolia look like a big BOSS in the later plot? I’m so stupid! 】

[You call this guy... the newbie pool BOSS? 】

[I’m sorry, this BGM gives me the feeling that Cocolia is the decent one. Who is the protagonist? 】

[It's over, it's over, why do you feel like you might die if you take Cocolia's ultimate move? Isn't it going to be another plot kill? 】

Isn't that right? It's not just Zi Shu's line. Players in the line who didn't meet Zi Shu in the Black Tower Space Station will have the same plot at this time.

At the moment when he was about to fall to the ground, the complex emotions on the protagonist's face made the players' hearts tighten and they did not dare to blink for fear of missing the next second of the plot.

I'm sorry... I failed to live up to everyone's expectations... Xing Weili murmured.

The players who felt bad when they heard the protagonist spoke had no time to react physically. After hearing the next sound, both men and women couldn't help but scream.

You've done a great job.

A gentle voice sounded from the right channel of the earphones without any warning.

This voice is so familiar.

Xing's consciousness fell into a trance for a moment, a bright smile broke out on his little face, and his eyes met the familiar gray-black pupils.

Welcome back... Zishu.

Ruan Mei...hehe...?.jpg

109.Change the world

The gray formation covering the creation platform took shape, and the characters representing the Five Elements and Bagua floated out of Zishu's body, instantly forming a barrier covering the entire meteorite.

The ancient forbidden technique, start!

Looking up into the air, Zi Shu slowly raised his right hand.

Looking at this posture, he seemed to have the confidence to resist the terrifying meteorite with one hand.

The game screen quickly zoomed out, and from a distance, the man raised his hand and pointed it at the sky, forming a sharp contrast with the meteorite that blocked the sky and the sun.

Seeing this scene, countless players were shocked and deeply immersed in the graphical atmosphere.

Zi Shu looks like he will be smashed to pieces in the next second, but his back gives people an unparalleled sense of security.

Time seemed to have stopped, and a cold and solemn voice echoed in the space.

Change the world.

Under the background of the super BGM, it gives people an explosive salvation shock, as if as long as the gray-clothed back has not fallen, there is nothing to fear if the sky falls.

[We’ve made a choice]

we made a choice

[Go fight against your fate]

fight your fate

[Pain will come with the blade]

The blade hurts

[Pain will wake up the despondent crowd in this dormant world somehow]

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