The attack just now temporarily paralyzed the bearing power part of the Creation Engine.

Are they accomplices of that group of outsiders?

For a moment, Cocolia did not dare to act rashly, fearing the sudden and terrifying attack.

San March Qi, who noticed the movement on the ground, was startled for a moment, and then his face was full of joy.

Himeko? Is it Sister Jizi?!

As soon as the words fell, the three members of the train crew heard the communicator that had lost signal for a long time, and a mature and intellectual voice sounded.

Hey! Can you hear me? The signal is really bad...

It was Himeko's voice.

Ji Zi! You have thought of us! March 7 breathed a long sigh of relief, but his eyes still did not leave the Creation Engine.

What? Walter and I are always thinking about you on the track. This pioneering journey is very exciting.

Of course!

Haha... Let's not talk about it for now. How did this big guy move... Let's not talk about it for now. It's better to let it stay still for the time being. It's up to you next time. Jizi said with a smile.

Ji Zi, if you can see what we are saying, do you know how Zi Shu is doing now? Xing Lue asked anxiously.

I don't know. When Zishu follows you, we can capture his movements...

The signal was still a little unstable, but everyone could roughly hear Jizi's reply.

But now he is not with you. I don't know what his condition is now since you left that area where many soldiers were stationed.

Several people looked at each other quickly, with different emotions in their eyes, but there was a hint of uneasiness in their eyes.

No news is more worrying than news of serious injuries.

Could it be that... the Iron Guard restricted area, which was attacked by the world-splitting monster, was lost?

There was no time for everyone to think, and a large number of world-splitting monsters came up again, making everyone feel agitated.

Feeling the soreness coming from her arm, Xi'er gritted her teeth and said: We can't kill all those monsters. The source is still in that woman. We have to deal with her!

Star core to star core, leave Cocolia to me, you can rest assured to clean up the monsters!

Before the words could be completely finished, Xing had already jumped on the creation engine arm again, aiming directly at Cocolia high in the sky.

But this time, several Wuxiang masks appeared on the road to block them. The faces on the surface changed into malicious expressions, and the attack was ready to go.

Xing's face darkened.

Just as he was about to deal with these things, gunshots rang out from behind, accurately hitting the Wuxiang masks and turning them into black smoke.

Quick! I'll cover you! Bronya leaned against March 7 and frequently pulled the trigger.

At this moment, Xing felt a tremor under his feet and found that the Creation Engine seemed to be starting to resume action. He didn't care about anything else at the moment and speeded up at full speed on the familiar road.

After narrowly avoiding the obstruction of the other arm of the Creation Engine, Xing used his legs to jump up suddenly, trying to get on the shoulders of the Creation Engine, but he still missed the slightest distance, and the whole person began to fall downwards.

Between the lightning and flint, a dark green spear came from the sky, piercing the surface of the engine to form a lever below the star.

Xing grabbed the barrel of the gun with both arms and used his strength to hang upside down in the air, landing firmly on the shoulders of the Creation Engine.

This time, Cocolia did not command the Creation Engine to launch an attack, but stared at the star not far away without any emotion, like looking at a dying ant.

She gently opened her hands, and countless ice mist poured out of her body to wrap them up, forming a pair of ice armor.

See, this is...its power!

Xing's pupils shrank, and he saw that Cocolia had turned into an extremely weird appearance. If it weren't for the body, the human curves could still be seen, and it would be no different from a world-splitting monster.

Assimilated by the star core?

Listen... This power is surging and singing... The promise given to me by the star core is the only hope of this world. Seven hundred years ago, it expelled the anti-matter army. Today, it will also take your existence with it. Erase!”

Then come on, don't think that you are the only one who has the star core.

Xing was not afraid, his eyes were full of fierceness, and he took the lead in launching the attack.

The partners are still struggling to support themselves on the ground. If you waste a second, someone may collapse due to exhaustion.

Then let me give you despair!

Facing Xing's attack, Cocolia stood still and was able to block all her attacks, and controlled many Winter Trees to track and counterattack.

The battle becomes fierce as soon as they meet, silently telling the story that it will only end if one side falls.

The purely cute new players who finally advanced the plot to this point were shocked when they saw that the battle started in 1V1.

How to fight a BOSS without milk or shield?

105. Disobey the ancestor’s decision

On the external Twitch live streaming platform, Gigguk, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of YouTube comic review bloggers, known to Chinese as the Viper Foreigner, couldn't help but look surprised when he saw that he actually wanted to play one-on-one.

Oh my god, a plot kill? It's a plot kill, right? It's impossible for a single person to beat the BOSS.

It’s too difficult to fight the BOSS in a turn-based game without a survival position.

You must know that in the previous story about Clara, when she fought against two elite monsters, the system would give a highly trained Zishu a two-person team.

Gigguk was not too worried. He was familiar with countless animation and game plot routines, so he was mentally prepared to kill the plot, and he interacted with the barrage while fighting.

Iron Guard restricted area.

With one punch, Jeppard froze the last standing monster into an ice sculpture. Power surged into the barrier device in his hand and hit the ice sculpture, smashing it into pieces of broken ice and finally turning into black smoke.

Looking around, no boundary-breaking monsters can be seen at the front of the tragic battle line.

Some are just the wails of the injured iron guards...

Feeling that the strength in his body was about to be exhausted, Jeppard's long-accumulated fatigue exploded, and he couldn't help but bend his knees and half-knelt down.

Blocked... They successfully withstood the nightmare attack of the world-splitting monster.

The iron guards around them were struggling to hold on, and their numb faces with a desire to die were gradually replaced by disbelief.

Did we... win?

It looks like... right?

Oh oh oh oh! We win! We win!

Praise to the great Amber King!

Without the kind of protective power that allows people to ignore most attacks, they alone would never be able to withstand the huge disparity in the number of world-splitting monsters.

Listening to the cheers of victory from his subordinates, Jeppard looked around, a look of relief appearing on his face that had been tense for a long time.

But he understood that the protective force did not come from the protective Cripper, but from the white-haired man.

Without him, the number of Iron Guards still standing here would probably be hundreds or thousands of times less...

Unexpectedly, the suspect wanted by the Great Guardian turned out to be a great benefactor to Belloberg, who turned the tide and saved the building from collapse.

For the first time, Jeppard questioned Cocolia's order.

Do these aliens, who are consistent in their words and deeds, really intend to subvert Beloberg?

Jeppard had no time to think deeply when a familiar figure appeared in front of him without any warning.

Mr. Zishu!

It seems that the crisis here has been resolved for the time being.

With a thought in mind, Zishu used the large moving formation that covered most of the Iron Guard's restricted area to explore the casualties.

After a moment, the formation dispersed, turned around, stretched out his hand to Jeppard, and pulled him up.

Sensing Jeppard's exhausted state, he waved his hand and took out a white plastic chair.

This chair...

It might make you feel better if you sit on it.

...Thank you. Jeppard didn't think much, and sat down with a wry smile. He couldn't help but freeze for the next second, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Sitting on this chair, the fatigue and minor injuries in my body slowly eased.

There is a number that I think you might need to know. Zi Shu said softly.

Please say.

From the moment I launched the great formation until now, the Silver Mane Iron Guard has sustained 8,457 injuries and 104 killed.

The light words made Jeppard feel extremely weird thoughts rising in his heart...

Actually, 104 people died?

Even though he knew that this idea was inappropriate, he was still deeply shocked.

You must know that a boundary-splitting monster attack of this scale, even if the attack channel is closed by Zishu, is still an overwhelming number.

War is so cruel, and it is always accompanied by blood spilled on the earth.

Originally, he was mentally prepared for the heavy casualties of the Iron Guard, but the numbers Zishu said could be described as insignificant compared to the expected numbers.

As a garrison officer, Jeppard always valued every iron guard very much. When he learned that Zi Shu had saved so many people, he stood up without thinking. After bowing deeply to Zi Shu, he knelt down on one knee and expressed gratitude in his words.

Mr. Zishu's righteous deed, Jeppard cannot do it——

No, I can't afford such a big gift, as long as the commander can trust us and stop arresting us.

Zi Shu waved his hand to stop Jeppard. After all, he didn't want anything from him. He only had a selfish purpose in saving people, which was not noble at all.

Seeing that there was no danger in the restricted area for the time being, Zi Shu was worried about the situation on the other side of the train crew, so he made a calculation with his fingers.

When he figured out the hexagram, his expression suddenly changed, and once again he disappeared without saying anything, leaving Jeppard stunned for a moment.

Creation Engine shoulder platform.

You have a star core in your body, but you only have this little power?

Cocolia has begun to deeply integrate with the star core, and it is easy to sense that the power to support the star battle is partly derived from the star core of the same source.

It's just too weak. It must have been sealed by different types of suppressors.


Such a great power, but she is afraid to avoid it. She is no different from the fool in Beloberg's past!

Are you satisfied with who you are now?

Xing knocked away the incoming Ice Lance with a stick and mocked: You made a decision that went against your ancestors and took the initiative to become the puppet of Xing Core. In my opinion, you are really pitiful.

Ignorant outsider, what do you know?! Cocolia roared: Our ancestors left us with nothing but despair!

Regardless of whether it's just despair, even if it is, you shouldn't be bewitched by the star core to kill your people!

Xing's eyes were spitting fire, and he said loudly, How many people have died in these years? The belief that the Great Guardian has protected the people for generations has been trampled under your feet like garbage. Who is worthy of what you have done?

It's ridiculous, a mere outsider. You can talk nonsense here from a righteous point of view, but you have never seen real despair. I will let you see it when I get rid of you...

Cocolia changed its defensive-oriented actions, and its offensive suddenly became fierce, attacking its fatal parts.

With the help of the special bat in his hand, Xing was able to crush the incoming ice lances, but the number of them increased and he gradually showed signs of exhaustion.

Seeing that Xing was beginning to run exhausted, Cocolia's eyes flashed with mockery, and she waved her arms, and a locking magic circle appeared in front of her, and terrifying power began to condense in the center.

Hmph, human beings...are always weak and stupid, and always underestimate their own capabilities.

Cocolia stared coldly at the star. After catching its flaw, the magic circle in front of her covered her palm with a gesture, and a huge ice lance appeared and stabbed out like lightning——

As soon as Xing swung the bat to the right to knock off the annoying ice spike, he felt a biting coldness coming towards him. When he saw what it was, a sharp pain suddenly came from his chest!

Her eyes widened, staring at the lance that penetrated her. Her whole body was taken off the platform by the huge force, and she fell backwards helplessly.


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