It's amazing. No wonder you can wander around the city without being noticed. It turns out there is such a good thing.

No, Zi Shu is very powerful! He is extremely reliable. Xing said proudly.

Seeing her like this, March 7th couldn't help but scorned: Why are you so proud? It's as if Zi Shu's greatness has nothing to do with you...

[Yes, as long as I shout Help me Mr. Zishu, he shouldn't have the heart to refuse. 】

【Why doesn't it matter? As a Star Train family, doesn’t his greatness mean that I am great? 】

[I have been wandering for half my life, and I only regret that I have never met...]

The option copywriting is particularly sloppy, which makes countless players feel ashamed. Good guy, it is officially stated that Zi Shu is the adoptive father, right?

It’s hard not to think that the copywriting team worked overtime to revise it after seeing the negative reviews of Zishu’s launch.

The majority of players clicked on the last option, but that was not what the real star said.

Why doesn't it matter? We are a family on Star Dome Train. We are as close as family members. Doesn't his being great mean that we are great, right Zi Shu?

We can print several frames and jpg.

Her big eyes are twinkling, and she looks a bit cute.



That's right, the Star Train family... Zi Shu felt warm in his heart.

Frankly speaking, everyone on the train has different goals, but this does not prevent people who are brought together by fate from being friendly and helping each other.

I really envy your relationship. It's not family that's better than family...

A trace of emotion flashed across Sylva's face, and she immediately changed from Jeppard's appearance back to her original appearance, and said with a smile:

Since you have such a good thing to help you, how about I take you there personally to outwit the Iron Guard restricted area?

March 7: Okay! With an acquaintance leading the way, I will feel confident at once!

Haha, after all, I also want to see the star core with my own eyes. That is a topic I have studied for more than ten years. How many decades are there in a person's life? Without further ado, let's set off when we are ready. But I still have I need to change my clothes again.”

Sister?, hehe....jpg

With that said, Sylva ran back to the room again and changed into a simple and lightweight action suit, which was the rock uniform she often wore.

Let's go, everyone?

Please ask Ms. Xiluwa to lead the way. We will ensure your personal safety. Zi Shu said softly.

Sylva waved her hand nonchalantly, Hey, I am also a member of the Landau family. Even if I can't defeat my brother, I'm still not helpless. Let's go!

Just as she walked towards the door in high spirits, there were several knocks on the door again, and a young voice full of perseverance.

Sister, it's me.

Oops, ouch... Sylva's face changed slightly, I forgot that my brother said he would come today! You guys quickly find a place to hide, and I will deal with him!

Everyone reacted quickly, retreating quietly to find a hiding place.

Sister? Aren't you up yet? Jeppard knocked on the door a few more times.

Come on... come on!

Seeing that they had hidden themselves in a short time, Siluwa opened the door and welcomed Jeppard in.

J, Jeppard, you're here. I thought the front line was so tense that you didn't have time to come over, haha...

It's okay. Jeppard patted the snow stains on his body, with a flash of doubt in his eyes, The monster's attack has eased a little now. I'm going back to the city to handle some business. Didn't I tell you before?

Ah...oh, yes, that's what happened. I just woke up and my mind is not very clear.

...I always feel like you don't look right. What happened? Jeppard frowned slightly. He knew his sister too well.

Xiluwa denied it flatly, It's not true. How did you find out about it?

You usually don't call me by my first name. Jeppard said bluntly.

Oh, haven't you always resented me calling you brother in public...

While Sylva was talking to Jeppard, a faint blush appeared on Xing's cheeks, which was hiding in the dark, and he felt the warmth and strong heartbeat coming from the strong chest behind him.

Just now, he wanted to sneak his head in to check the situation, but he was almost exposed. Fortunately, Zi Shu behind him had quick eyes and quick hands.

Be careful of oil stains on the ground, it's very slippery.

Zi Shu's voice sounded in his heart.


After responding, the arms holding her from behind silently let go, as if the full sense of security was quietly taken away.

Although Jeppard felt that his sister was a little strange, he didn't think too much about it.

You can call me whatever you want, sister. I'm here today on official business. The barrier device is out of order and the engineers in the army have no way to deal with it. I still have to look for you.

A look of pride appeared on Xiluwa's face, Those people have become rigid in their thinking. Of course they can't understand my design. They thought it was some big deal. Leave it here and fix it for you soon.

Excuse me... Jeppard put down the huge piano case he was carrying behind him.

This is the barrier, a force field protection device modified by his sister Siluval using a piano case. It is also a special weapon that he is proud of to protect Beloberg and protect the Iron Guard in the army.

Why are you being polite to me?

Xiluwa was naturally familiar with the things he designed. He picked up the tool box next to him and started to check and repair. During the process, he seemed to ask casually:

By the way, martial law is suddenly under martial law in the city. Did something happen?

This... Jeppard hesitated for a moment, wondering: The order I received is to keep it confidential.

When Xiluwa heard this, she couldn't help but laugh at herself: Little Jiejie, your wings are so strong... You look down on me, a commoner sister...

Don't be like this... Yanxi transfer ① group: 250828444

Jeppard couldn't bear her look and words, and looked helpless.

Oh, forget it, I won't tell you anyway, Perla will tell you... Last night, Miss Bronya suddenly appeared and went straight to Clipper Castle without saying hello to anyone. As a result, the Great Guardian suspected The previous four intruders did not fall into the rift, but followed Bronya back to the administrative area;

She ordered the entire city to be under martial law and arrest anyone acting suspiciously.

When everyone in the darkness heard this, they understood why there were so many guards in the city.

Ah? Siluva said in surprise: I see, I asked you why there was no news about Bronya before. How is she now?

Jeppard shook his head, I don't know. She didn't leave Clipper Castle. The Great Guardian only said she was back and nothing else.

Xi'er, who was hiding behind the furnishings in the room, had a look in her eyes, and then she felt a little worried.

Bronya is the commander of the Silver Mane Iron Guard, and according to her, is also Jeppard's boss. She has never appeared again since she came back. This is obviously abnormal.

Xi'er suppressed the impatience in her heart and continued to listen to the conversation between the Landau siblings.

However, they did not talk about official matters anymore, and most of the conversation was about domestic matters.

More than half an hour later, Xiluwa tightened the last screw of the barrier and said with a smile: It's fixed.

Jeppard held the handle tightly and carefully checked each function. After a moment, he nodded, Thank you, sister. I'm busy with official duties and I don't have time to stay for lunch. I'll leave now.

Hey, don't leave yet - well, about those intruders... I just want to ask them what crime they committed?

Planning to overthrow the city builders and destroy Beloberg. Jeppard said coldly.

Sylva couldn't help but sneer, Hey, the reason for punishing me is similar. Cocolia's methods haven't changed at all.

Don't say that, sister. Geppard sighed, I know you are dissatisfied with the Great Guardian, but this is no joke.

...Okay, okay, I don't want to conspire against her. Please walk slowly and come to listen to my rehearsal with Pera next time.

Well, come if you have time.

Jeppard nodded, put away the barrier and quickly left the machine room.

Pushing the door lock gently, Xiluwa breathed a sigh of relief, Come out, it should be safe now.

Several figures flashed out deftly, and before Xiluwa could say anything, Xier spoke first.

Bronya is in danger, we have to save her!

Xiluwa was stunned for a moment, and then said helplessly: Are we just going to break into Clipper Castle? Let's give up this idea...

88. Sneak into restricted areas

Miss Xi'er, no matter how capable you are, I can't let you die.

But Bronya—

Don't worry, a tiger's poison cannot eat its seeds. No matter how fickle Cocolia is, at least she won't do anything to Bronya. I'm confident in this.

Xi'er was silent, clenching and loosening her fists, loosening and tightening again, and finally resisted her inner impulse.

Bronya also said similar things. I really don't understand why, you are obviously against that Cocolia, but in some aspects you believe in her.

Xing shook his head and stepped forward and asked: Sylva, has your brother Jeppard returned to the Iron Guard restricted area? Why didn't you show him Bronya's letter before?

It was okay if she didn't say it, but when she did, Sylva couldn't help but roll her eyes.

You should have heard it just now. Without irrefutable evidence, I will never question Cocolia's order. Seeing that you will only choose to arrest, there will be no second possibility. If you tell him, The plan to find the star core is over.

Uh... Xing Wenyan could only spread his hands.

We set off immediately, prepared portable survival supplies and immediately headed to the Iron Guard restricted area. My brother should still be doing some things in the city. We just need to avoid him. As long as we find the star core and deal with it first, Cocolia will take care of you. There’s a way.”

Hearing this, Xi'er could only choose to believe Xiluwa's words, even if she was worried about the girl she had made an agreement with.

Seeing this, Zi Shu nodded lightly, Without further delay, let's all disguise ourselves and set off.

[Disguise Talisman (Enhanced Version)]

[The special talisman obtained from Zi Shu can only be used in specific plots. After use, the image can be changed freely, and it may have unexpected effects on certain occasions. ]

Ah Liang read the copy of the mission props and then clicked the use button.

A special page appeared on the game interface, in which there were actually many kinds of models to choose from, and not all of them were the bad NPC models, there were even muscular men.

Of course, all types of Silver Mane Guards are also included.

According to the mission prompts, Ah Liang casually clicked on a silver-maned iron guard spearman. After exiting the interface, he found that the protagonist had really become like that.

6, there are so many flowers.

He continued to click on plot dialogue.

Sylva: Don't be like this yet. If you are asked which team you belong to, it will be a bad thing if you can't answer. Let's become an ordinary person and pretend to be my assistant.

March 7th quietly peeked at the soldiers standing guard in front of the entrance in the distance and felt the same way.

It looks like it's heavily guarded... I'm afraid it won't be easy to sneak in. It's better to listen to Sylva. It's time for her to outsmart you.

Seeing this, Ah Liang had no choice but to use the disguise talisman again, choosing to look like the most inconspicuous ordinary NPC.

Sylva: Okay, leave it to me, sister. Don't talk nonsense behind me, lest the secret be exposed.

Seeing that everyone looked unremarkable, she nodded with satisfaction and led the five people towards the entrance of the restricted area.

Not long after the group of people appeared, the iron guards standing guard noticed them and did not hesitate to raise their guns as a warning when they came up to them.

Silver-maned Iron Guard: In the important military area ahead, no one is allowed to enter...Wait! This is...hey, isn't this Sister Sylva? Long time no see!

Sylva: Hey, it's Franz, long time no see, why are you still looking at the door?

Franz was extremely embarrassed: This... I can't answer this. The eldest sister is still so sharp... Well, by the way, what are you doing here? Who are the people behind you?

Hahahaha, laugh out loud, I feel like I haven't seen you for a while, why do you still have such a sense of déjà vu?

Ah Liang laughed so hard that he shrugged his shoulders and continued the plot without watching the barrage for the time being.

Facing Franz's inquiry, Sylva's face did not turn red and her heart did not beat. She spoke very naturally.

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