In the lower right corner of the player's game screen, the option appears again.

[Following Clara quietly. 】

[While Clara is away, go deep into Swaro’s lair. 】

In the early stages of the game's open beta, players are in a period of curiosity and enthusiasm. For many players, the bare-legged girl running past them is too attractive.

It's just white hair, red eyes, bare legs, and bare feet, and it would be a pity to lose it...ahem...if we don't perform anymore, how can we let go of the special attack on the Chinese people?

The copywriting already smells like a disease, so do you still need to pretend?

Must be followed fiercely!

Xing: If she is very important in Swaro's mind... data, then it is necessary to gain her favor. Let's follow her and take a look.

Zi Shu: Okay, be careful not to be discovered by her.

Players discovered that the next mission location actually had to enter the dungeon map, and they were forced to carry only two characters.

One is the protagonist himself, and the other is Zi Shu. Players who do not have Zi Shu in the BOX will be given a trial version.

Even the closed beta players were shocked.

Good guys, there has never been a plot copy that can only carry two fixed characters and only two positions.

Ran Ran didn't generate power for the time being, and she didn't dare to do it. After all, if she was ganked by super management again, it would be seven days before she wanted to see him again.

[Sit back and wait for Aran to hang out. 】

[I don’t think so... She suddenly had a brain and chose the trial sub-book provided by the system. Oh my god, it’s level 40! 】

[When Aran is not having a seizure, his IQ is still somewhat online. After all, he is not dazzled by beauty. 】

What are you doing? What do you mean my IQ is online when I'm not generating electricity? You guys know nothing!

Ran Ran was unhappy and began to interact passionately with the barrage.

Do you understand the effect of the show? The effect of the show. I definitely didn't get angry when I saw Zi Shu...Thank you to the admiral who is still insisting on renewing the subscription!

66. Aha is not a human being, why should he be a human being?

Clara did not run out alone. Beside her, there were several traffic lights faithfully fulfilling the protection orders, and a large robot carrying an iron basket on its back.

It can be said that the probability of Zi Shu and the two being discovered by Clara is far lower than the probability of being discovered by a robot.

However, Zi Shu didn't need to worry about being discovered.

Those robots have no advanced functions and can only locate threats through motion sensing.

Putting the talisman that blocked the footsteps on her legs completely solved the problem. Clara's speed was not very fast, so there was basically no possibility of losing her.

Looking at the direction Clara was moving in, Zi Shu frowned slightly, She is going in this direction... as if she is going to Rivet Town.

Rivet Town, like Panyan Town, is located adjacent to the Mechanical Settlement.

The journey from Panyan Town to the Mechanical Settlement is relatively safe, so there is no need to worry too much about the threat from the world rift.

Rivet Town is different. There are many monsters that split the world. In the past few years, countless people risked their lives to enter Rivet Town to search for supplies, but they never came out.

Xing wondered: Why did she go to such a dangerous place?

Maybe it's for supplies. No matter what they are in the lower area, as long as people can use them, they are in short supply.

Materials... are they food or daily necessities?

Zishu: Including but not limited to, I have learned about the situation in the mechanical settlement. Swaro and the robots he controls only focus on repelling the world-splitting monsters and protecting Clara. Other than that, they basically don't care about anything else;

When you were observing from the outside just now, didn't you notice that the temperature of the energy supply device near the homeless camp has a tendency to become lower? Not only that, but the wailing inside the camp has not stopped for a moment. I am afraid that many people are suffering from illness. Torture.”

You can hear it from such a long distance? Xing was surprised.

That's not important. The most important thing now is... Zi Shu stared deeply at Clara's looming back, The previous hexagram has been solved, fierce.

Xing frowned, Is there a monster in Rivet Town that even we can't deal with?

No, it's not us, it's her who is in trouble. Zi Shu pointed to Clara in the distance.


Facts have proved that the Zi Shu hexagram was correct. Not long after entering Rivet Town, Clara encountered the first wave of world-splitting monsters and damaged a traffic light robot.

After the danger was temporarily lifted, Clara looked at the severely damaged robot and couldn't help but bite her dry lips.

I'm sorry...Phoenix, the situation is urgent now, so I can only leave you here temporarily. I'll wait until Clara solves the problems in the camp and then come back to you with the parts...

Clara gritted her teeth and continued deep into Rivet Town with firm eyes. She had no choice.

The medical supplies in Panyan Town and the Big Mining Area are also in short supply. The people there had a large-scale conflict with the homeless group not long ago. Sister Natasha may have been exhausted for a long time and cannot cause any more trouble to her...

Zishu and Zishu followed Clara for a while, and the former finally understood why the divination was so bad.

With so many robots that move loudly, it’s hard not to attract monsters that split the world. We haven’t encountered any troublesome things yet, but what about next?

Aside from focusing on Clara's safety, Zi Shu also had another thing on his mind.

Bronya, who was holding her childhood photos, also rushed into Rivet Town. It was unknown whether she and the people she might be accompanying could detect the movement in the town.

Rivet Town is not too big, but it is definitely not too small. It can supply the entire Belloberg's marrow mineral resources. The actual area of ​​the underground world is much larger than imagined.

Zi Shu was sorting through various possibilities in his mind, and his eyes suddenly froze.

Someone else is nearby!

He remained calm and mobilized the power of destiny that he usually did not want to mobilize. He gave stronger perception and spread quietly, quickly locating the third party.

I have to say that he is very capable of concealing his whereabouts, and his breath control is also very good. Unfortunately, he is a believer of joy after all, so it is difficult to hide it from him.

Knowing that the man was Sangbo, Zishu was not so vigilant.

He has already come to a rough conclusion about Sambo's role in Yalilo Six.

Leaving aside personal issues, everyone's remaining goals are almost the same, that is, they don't want Beloberg to perish like this.

Maybe what he is doing now is what Sambo was originally going to do.

Aha, I'm so bored. I want to watch the followers of joy fight crickets. Mr. Lingshi, why don't you give Sambo a surprise?

What surprise do you want?

Zi didn't change his tone in writing, knowing very well that giving Sangbo a little surprise was equivalent to giving Aha a surprise.

Aha, if you tell me, can it still be called a surprise?

Being a human being, you know I'm not in a leisurely mood right now. Besides, now that I know Sambo's true plan, I have no reason to mess with him anymore.

Aha is not a human being, why should he be a human being?

Indeed, forget you were born, this wave of mine.

Bu Xiang Wan La, every time Mr. Ling Shi so-called enters the plot, Aha has to stay alone in the empty boudoir most of the time. He is unbearably lonely. You damn ghost doesn't know how to feel sorry for Aha...

You are quite self-aware. Okay, okay. Don't I know about your little thoughts? I won't be out of Sambo's sight and I won't interfere with his movements, okay?

Okay! The gears of destiny have changed again. Aha is very happy and decided to give away a random grand prize!

[Get the rare item: Hand of Dr. Mechanical]

The Hands of Dr. Mechanical: A lifelong legacy of a great mechanical engineer. You can repair whether it's a Star Destroyer or a small mechanical instrument. ——Aha’s friendly reminder, intelligent mechanical life is naturally included. You can even change the emotional settings. Do you understand what I mean, friend?

Zi Shu raised his eyebrows.

Aha actually gives useful rewards, it’s really a shame.

This is boring. Aha's prize pool has always been fair and just, and there is absolutely no shady case of human interference. Aha defended loudly.

Don't be so loud, I believe it.

Zi Shu didn't have time to argue with Aha about what was true or false. When he saw Clara walking into a narrow path, he grabbed Xing's hand and jumped up lightly, landing firmly on the roof.

He vaguely smelled the smell of disinfectant.

She's... rummaging through the cabinets?

Clara's movements were extremely familiar, and a look of astonishment flashed across Xing's eyes, which soon turned into sympathy and distress, and she couldn't help but scold Cocolia all over.

Is the result of the sealed lower area becoming like this, what Cocolia wants?

I can't help it anymore, I have to fight Cocolia when I go up -


Before Xing could finish speaking, he found that his lips were covered, and then quickly released, as Zi Shu's voice rang in his heart.

Someone's here again.

67. The dusty past

Before seeing the person, see the weapon first.

At the corner, bayonets and sickles flashing with cold light were poked out one after another, and two figures followed closely.

Bronya and Xier?

Why are they here?

Zi Shu heard Xing's thoughts, but did not answer. He listened carefully to the conversation below.

[Zi Shuxian didn’t meet Clara until here. I always feel like this kind of behavior is a bit like an idiot. 】

[Why should a crazy person choose to follow Clara? Hehe... Clara is small, fragrant, and soft...]

[The front is a real punishment. 】

[I'm talking about jiojio, bare feet and so on...Imagine licking Clara's dusty little jio clean in one mouthful, not to mention the shy little face in the process...ah, bliss?...]

[Haha, my brother is really perverted in his play. 】

[Just average, not as perverted as Zi Shu’s patients. 】

[Yang Ming, don’t be sick, your daughter is also watching the live broadcast. 】

【? ? ? 】

Xing heard the content of the conversation between the three people below and breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously.

It turns out that Xier and Clara knew each other and it was good that they didn’t fight. At the same time, they also knew the reason why they appeared here.

Not only the homeless camp of the Mechanical Settlement, but also Natasha's side was very short of medicine resources, so she had to ask Seele to come to Rivet Town to search for them.

As for how Bronya met Xi'er, maybe Zishu knows?

Star thinks so...

Zi Shu did have a general idea, but if he wanted to ask why, he would only use the word fate to summarize it.

The player's perspective cannot clearly see the specific situation of the three people inside, but the communication content can be heard quite clearly.

Xi'er's expression was not very good, ...Why are you helping the homeless find medicine? Aren't they very capable? How can they have the nerve to let a little girl run around in such a dangerous place?

No, that's not the case. Clara was not entrusted by's just...

Clara’s little hands twisted together unnaturally and whispered:

It's just that the living conditions of the homeless are very poor, and there is no clinic in their settlement, so Clara wants to help them. And they are not all bad people... everyone just wants to live well.


Xi'er and Bronya looked at each other and saw the same emotion in each other's eyes.

I understand, then let's share these medicines equally.

Is it really possible? No need to ask what sister Natasha means? Clara's eyes flashed with hope.

Xi'er shook her head, I know Nata, she won't mind.

That's great, thank you sister Xi'er...

Bronya: Are you leaving? This old town is too dangerous. Let's give you a ride.

It's okay, Clara is accompanied by a partner, and... I still have something to find here.

Then you must be careful. Bronya warned.

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