Xi'er: It's a long story about Swaro. Anyway, it's not easy to mess with. Let's go find other people quickly. Elaine, can you two go back to the rest area by yourself?

I have no problem. Xi'er and everyone must not only pay attention to the wanderers, but also those robots. Elaine nodded.

It shouldn't be too late. Peak complained: Oh... the wanderers have blocked the shortcut, and they have to take a detour to the viaduct to go back. I'm exhausted... By the way, it doesn't matter if you need it, I'll help you.

Well, I'll leave it to you...

The two of them helped each other towards the rest area. Xi'er was not sure whether the two homeless people who returned had communicated with the people at the homeless gathering place to lift the blockade, so they did not stop them from walking a long way.

It's relatively safer to have someone standing guard on the far road.

Watching the two of them go away, Bronya frowned, Robots that are enemies of humans? I have never heard of such a thing. Robots should unconditionally obey human instructions...

Xi'er curled her lips and said, There are so many things you haven't seen underground, Miss.

Xing: Beware of the awakening of artificial intelligence, lest it be humanity's turn to be ruled by machines. That would be fun.

Xi'er choked and didn't know how to evaluate it.

What she said seemed to make sense, but according to Swaro's behavior, it seemed unlikely that that day would become a reality.

Forget it, now is not the time to think about this. Oleg and the others might be in danger, and they have to find people quickly.

Go full speed ahead.

While galloping, Xing seemed to have a spider sense. His feet rubbed a mark on the ground and stopped, looking straight at the ruins more than ten meters away.

What's wrong?

You go first, and I will follow.

Zi Shu followed her gaze and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Could it be that at this time she...

Xing couldn't wait to run towards the ruins, and quickly dug away under Zi Shu's somewhat speechless gaze.

Zi Shu turned his head and looked at the people who stopped one after another, motioning for them to leave first while he stayed and watched.

March Qi and Dan Heng were not shocked when they saw Xing's behavior, but they didn't know what to say.

Xi'er thought Xing had dropped something and subconsciously asked, Is she...?

Well, she's looking for something important, hahaha... March 7 pushed Xi'er's back and laughed awkwardly, Let's go first, they can catch up.


Xi'er blinked her eyes a few times in confusion. Why did she feel that March 7th meant that she didn't know that person...

Find something that won't do it.

Obviously, Xi'er, who grew up in a lower-class area, did not realize the connotation of Xing's behavior.

Bronya, on the other hand, remembered the case of trash cans being rummaged through in the upper-level administrative area, and couldn't help showing a puzzled expression.

Could it be that the person you are talking about is a star?

But the report also said that the person who dug through the trash can was a male, emmm...

Soon, only Xing and Zi Shu were left at the scene.

Xing Zhen almost got into the rubble. Several minutes passed before she came out dirty and carrying an unknown machine in her hand.

Zi Shu Zi Shu, I found this!!

From the player's perspective, Xing is holding a clover-shaped gadget in his hand. His body is filled with purple aura, and it can be seen that it is full of odor even without smelling it.

[It’s too silly. Didn’t Aran just run over and press F when he saw a bright spot? There’s a plot to this? 】

[That thing is also in the original plot. It should be a machine for finding things, right? what do you say that is? 】

[It’s not that, hey, it’s plot CG. Even the dirt marks on the protagonist’s body are modeled. This is the most outrageous! 】

Did you find anything good? Zi Shu asked.

[I don’t know if it’s a good thing...]

[Intuition tells me that this high-tech looking machine is definitely a treasure. 】

Ranran moved the mouse up and down for a few seconds, and finally chose second.

Intuition tells me that this machine with a Belloberg-like appearance is definitely a treasure. Xing said excitedly.

Zi Shu silently performed the water purification technique and gave her a quick clean.

Ranran, who was not in a great mood at first, jumped up from his chair instantly when he saw this scene.

“————————————Be harmoniously posted——————————————”

“————————————Be harmoniously posted——————————————”

“————————————Be harmoniously posted——————————————”

“————————————Be harmoniously posted————————————————————————————”

60. Why are you yelling so loudly?

【? 】

【ah? 】

[It’s time for the superintendent to get to work. 】

[In terms of perversion, it’s Aran who’s the cause. Hongru olives and the like are too childish for her, why not try whip candles...]

[I don’t really approve of not using fists. 】

[Hey, hey, if I keep talking, the live broadcast room will be gone. 】

[What are you afraid of? Maybe Supervisor wants to see it too. If Supervisor wants to see it, just give it a 1? 】

[Super management: 111111. 】

【What the hell? Big brother is really the best? 】


[It’s amazing. Zishu has only been online for a long time. The total number of books on those apps and websites has exceeded a hundred. The speed is really scary. 】

[Most of them are from Zishu xxing. After reading them too much, I still like to see people in leather jackets drawing and painting themselves~~]

[The sexual interest of netizens is really annoying... If Zishu knew that so many people were thinking about him, he would probably regret that he was a star. 】

Regardless of whether Zi Shu regretted it or not, he had already recognized where the machine Xing found came from.

Xing groped around and soon found something that looked like a switch and pressed it.

The quiet machine began to respond.

Beep...Searching for possible users...

Beep... A voiceprint has been detected and the identity information corresponding to the voiceprint is being retrieved - Oh my god, he is actually an alien!

Xing's head tilted.

Ah, you are quite smart. Even if you can speak, you actually know that we are foreigners.

It's not surprising. Zi Shu said, Look, it has the logo of the Interstellar Peace Company on its outer shell. Maybe it's an antique left here by interstellar travelers hundreds of years ago.

As soon as he finished speaking, the machine in Xing's hand began to sway erratically.

Beep...you are the old antique! Your whole family is an old antique!

When Xing heard this, he immediately became anxious. He could scold her, but not Zi Shu!

Why are you yelling so loudly?

...Beep...I'm sorry...Aliens, do you know Interstellar Peace Company? That's great. Let me introduce myself. I am Home Object Finder Richard·Version 0.63·Expert·Annual Deluxe Edition, nickname Check treasure

Xing: What? Penetrating?

Beep...you just penetrated me! It's Checking Treasure!

She suddenly felt that what she found was no longer a treasure, and it no longer smelled good.

Star clenched his palm, and a huge baseball bat appeared, exuding a certain trend.

Beep... don't fight. Zha Bao is a good thing. When you need to find something, just call Zha Bao.

Star put the bat away again.

【I am laughing my ass off. 】

[How can even a machine know how to give in? Where was that unruly look just now? 】

[Inquire about the Star Iron copywriting team who is crazy about playing old jokes, and Zhibao said that he will call the police! 】

[One thing to say, Zi Shu’s family members don’t know, but he is indeed quite old. He should be the character who has lived the longest so far, right? 】

[8 is easy to say. 】

[The copywriting team also went too far with the corpse joke. 】

[This is too much. Can your attitude be better? 】

【Why should I be good? 】

[Then go to property management! 】

Don't talk nonsense, I really want to penetrate the quilt... I can also use the bat in my hand... Ran Ran even changed the holster with love eyes.

[Aran’s plague has soared. 】

【彳亍, let’s draw some extra pictures of A Ran being raped by a bat...】

[Damn it, brother, please be sure to inform your family as soon as possible, I will give you a big reward! 】

[Come more, I love watching. 】

Seeing that Zha Bao was silent for the time being, Xing asked Zishu, What do you mean, do you want to put it away?

Take it with you. Anyway, there is no limit on the weight of your backpack... Zi Shu said casually.

Well, I think so too. Maybe it can be of some help. Xing grabbed Zha Bao who was no longer swaying.

Beep...the brainwave scanning module of this machine is damaged. Alien, please take me to the Interstellar Peace Store for repair——


Beep... no trash can! You can find things by searching for treasure, not scrap metal!

Xing couldn't help but rolled his eyes, turned his hand, and temporarily put this thing into his backpack. Well, the kind in dimensional space, everyone has it anyway.

The game returns to the autonomous control screen, and this nonsensical plot has come to an end.

Many players previously thought that there was no treasure hunt in Zishu Line. Zishu seems to be very good at finding things. After all, he can even find them in the lower area. It should be easy to find other things in the subsequent plot.

Unexpectedly, the funny plot of Reborn Grass is waiting here.

But...it seems that the shining point on the edge of the ruins will not trigger this plot.

In order to catch up with the large army quickly, Zishu used the wind chasing technique on Xinghe himself, and he ran like flying. Soon he saw familiar figures from behind, as well as a few unknown people.

You guys caught up so quickly? Yue Yueqi looked surprised, looking at Xing and couldn't help but asked, Why are you so clean?

That's too much. Why am I so clean? Thank you for my mysophobia. Xing pouted in displeasure.

( ̄ー ̄)|||━━ March 7: If you believe that you have mysophobia, you might as well believe that I am the envoy of the Memory Star God Fuli.

It's not that I can't believe it. After all, your identity is unknown and you have a lot of room to maneuver... Xing looked thoughtful.

Dan Heng: Okay, don't interrupt, let's talk about business.

Have you seen Chief Oleg? Xier asked the woman in front of her who was wearing miner's overalls.

Oleg? Antonina frowned, He led a group of people to circle inside. He said he planned to drive away the invading robots. They went there for a while and didn't know what the situation was.

Xi'er's expression was not very good, It seems that the core of the problem is Swaro's robot.

Xing took a step forward, It's time to talk about this boss Swaro, right?

Xi'er: I heard from the elders that Swaro suddenly appeared after the Silver Mane Iron Guard was transferred, and soon became a local tyrant in the lower district;

He claims to be the guardian of mankind. All ownerless robots obey his orders. They occupy the hearth hub and no one is allowed to approach.

Speaking of this, a trace of confusion flashed in Xi'er's eyes.

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