As soon as Bronya finished speaking, everyone present clearly heard the strange noise, and the action of picking up vegetables couldn't help but pause for a while.

Seeing her blushing face as she covered her belly, Zi Shu sighed inwardly.

Not everyone is as big-hearted as the members of the train crew. After Bronya retired from her role as the commander of the Silver Mane Iron Guard, she was just a young lady with a distinguished status and had not seen much of the world. How could she withstand this battle.

Aha, restore these foods to their original state.

There was no movement.

Don't pretend to be dead. You have the ability to deceive, but you don't have the ability to recover, right?

Zi Shu knew very well that he would definitely not be able to break Aha's deception by his own means, unless Aha deliberately broke it for him.

Slander, absolute slander, Aha has never pretended to be dead!

I'll kick Sangbo into the lake another day.

Mr. Lingshi, you know me well. Aha never does anything he is not sure of...

Steal all the mourners' masks, and then put the blame on the other envoys.

It has nothing to do with this. If Aha said it can't be done, it can't be done. Even mugwort can't do it!

Cut off a third of the doll in the Black Tower Space Station and put it in a maid outfit, and then pour dirty water on you.

Mr. Lingshi, Mr. Lingshi! How can you do such a heart-wrenching thing? But even if you do this, Aha still can't do anything...

When I have the opportunity to go to Xianzhou in the future, I will let Fu Xuan know that the white silk she once lost is in my hands.

I think it's spicy. It turns out that Aha suddenly lost his memory for a few minutes. Now Aha changed the food back to its original state~~~

True to his words, all the horrible-looking dishes on the table were restored to what they should be.

It’s really… the ultimate invincible birth in the galaxy…

He is afraid that if the world is not in chaos, he will not be happy if it is not his own joy, so he cannot praise him anymore, otherwise his tail will be raised to the sky.

Isn't it just to let Fu Xuan know where Bai Si is, and reluctantly let her wear it and step on her face a few times, if she is merciful...

By finding any excuse to explain away the change in the appearance of the food, Bronya finally got over the hurdle in her heart and sat down to eat.

Zi Shu and others did not hide the information they exchanged from the lower level with her, so it would be better to let her hear it.

If there is no trace of the star core in the lower area, Bronya may no longer arrest them when they return to the upper area. By then, she will provide help secretly, and things will be much easier.

During this period, they asked about some of the decisions Cocolia had made over the years, and Bronya also answered as much as possible depending on the level of confidentiality.

She did not choose to hide the fact that the number of casualties among the Silver Mane Iron Guards was increasing year by year.

Zi Shu guessed that the intuition that secretly guided him to bring Bronya to the lower area might be a general reference to 'instigating rebellion' out of the Cocolia camp.

However, there is one prerequisite that cannot be missing if you want to succeed——

That is, Bronya has not lost the responsibility in her heart. She also cares about the lives of every Beloberg person and respects them as independent individuals, rather than as dispensable consumables, regardless of their life or death. .

Now it seems that she has not fallen to that level.

Based on the information collected during this period, combined with the metaphorical directions in the hexagrams, Zishu can almost draw a rough conclusion.

The early star core had no self-awareness and would not shrink the aura it was born to release. It would take time to brew before consciousness could be born, and it would not be able to hide itself.

The Star Dome Train has the means to deal with star cores, and naturally it also has ways to search for them.

But now even the experienced Dan Heng has no clue. The possibility that Cocolia doesn't know what the star core is is definitely not more than 20%.

If you think about it boldly, maybe she knows where the star core is, and while hiding it from everyone, she uses unknown means to hide the aura of the star core.


Alas, it would be great if I had the qualification to experience the closed beta test before traveling through time, so that I could experience the complete plot, so that it would not be like this, which is no different from a black eye.

Do you have anything else to ask? Bronya glanced at the train crew.

Dan Heng: No more.

Xing: Do you still suspect that we intend to destroy the builders' control over Beloberg?

... Bronya: To be honest, you are organized, disciplined and have a purpose. It is indeed not like what Mother said. But as a soldier, I must maintain corresponding suspicion and vigilance towards you.

March 7 rolled her eyes: You are too rigid and stubborn.

In her mind, after all this has happened, everyone has made it clear that they don't want to talk about Beloberg, so why can't they still open the skylight and talk and get along with each other?

It's human nature, I can understand it. Zi Shu smiled, holding it lightly with his palm, and a delicate repeating sniper rifle emerged, The property returns to its original owner.

Bronya was startled, then reached out to take it.


She thought the weapon was left behind in the upper area, but she didn't expect it to be at Zi Shu's place. Thinking of the tit-for-tat and hostility on the ground, she understood why Zi Shu had only returned the weapon now.

It's almost time to rest, and all the currently known information has been sorted out. Let's go and go to the big mining area to find the people who are under fire.

Okay, pioneer team - let's go! Well... By the way, does anyone know how to get to the big mining area? It seems that we... forgot to ask Xi'er's specific location...

You are so unreliable.

You're such a star, you're still talking about me, you must not know it either!

Xing shook his head helplessly, and under the angry gaze of March 7, his eyes turned to Zi Shu and Dan Heng.

Ask someone in the town. Bronya said.

No need, I know. Zi Shu flicked his sleeves and said softly, Let me lead the way.

53. Mining conflicts

After walking along the road to the large mining area for a while, everyone saw a familiar dark blue girl beside a certain skewed road sign.

Hey, you came very quickly. I thought it would take more than half an hour for you to arrive. Xi'er glanced at a few people and said hello.

No one paid attention to these small details, and Xing was not naughty this time. He only asked business questions when he opened his mouth.

After a while, everyone knew why most of the people from Dihuo were in the large mining area.

There used to be a lot of mining areas underground, but in recent years, due to the impact of boundary erosion, many mines have suffered and are in a mess.

Just relying on the few people of the Earth Fire Organization, there is no way to clean up the monsters in so many mines, resulting in all those mines being destroyed and no longer being able to mine.

The remaining mines that can still be exploited are relatively complete and the environment is relatively clean.

Many of the homeless people whose hometowns were affected by the border rift went directly to settle in the mines that had not yet fallen.

Originally, this was nothing. Most of the people in the group were quite honest, but with so many people, some guys who liked to cause trouble inevitably got mixed in. The result was that the wanderers fought with the miners every day, and often stole supplies from the original miners.

The above are just small things. Although it is not difficult to deal with ground fires, paper cannot contain the fire. If the root cause of the problem is not solved, the fire will inevitably explode and grow in size over time.

In recent days, large-scale conflicts suddenly broke out between miners and homeless people. The scene... tsk...

If Aha were thrown in, he would probably not be needed to support the fire, and the frequency of fights between the two parties would become more and more frequent, and the probability of killing people in the end would be too high.

In this extraordinary period, the underground fire organization has to guard the boundary-breaking defense line and maintain underground order. It is not that it is short of manpower, but it is very, very short.

The mining area is the lifeline of the underground. The supply of earth marrow must be ensured so that people in the lower areas can get the materials rationed above ground from the transportation line.

Once the conflict between the two groups in the mining area intensifies and they fight, normal operations will be affected, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Civilization and morality are just a layer of skin given by human beings. This skin is too easy to be punctured.

At that time, humans will immediately fall into animal instincts, and everyone may become an angry beast.

The number of people in the Earth Fire Organization who can intimidate the group of angry beasts can be counted on one hand.

Originally, the leader of the Earth Fire, Oleg, led most of his members into the mining area in order to calm the situation and hand over the security of the town to Seele.

But she didn't expect that the situation inside was so tight that even Xi'er had to go to support her. As a backbone of the Earth Fire who was capable of suppressing the riots, she probably hadn't had a good night's sleep these days, so it was no wonder that she always had a sullen face.

The more she knew, the uglier Bronya's face became.

It is definitely a wrong decision to transfer all the guard forces out of the underground. Once the lower area is completely occupied, not only everyone underground will have to be buried with them, but the upper area will also face the expansion of the rift from the inside out.

Thinking of such terrible consequences, Bronya gradually clenched her fists, and the pressure on her fingertips made her palms ache.

Xing: Since the situation is urgent, let's set off immediately.

Xi'er nodded, then turned her eyes to Bronya, As for you - wait until you meet the leader, and then let him decide what to do with you.

Bronya unclenched her fist without leaving a trace, trying to keep herself calm, Just in time, I originally wanted to meet the leader of the lower area.

Ha... OK. Xi'er couldn't help but sneered, Let you, the eldest lady from the upper-class area, see with your own eyes what kind of chaos the underground is now.

Regarding Xi'er's tit-for-tat tone, Bronya chose to remain silent.

Zi Shu's mood suddenly fluctuated, and he squinted at his right shoulder.

Steamed buns?

Hehehe...Mr. Lingshi, do you want to see these two little girls fighting? It would be very interesting...

Don't do this, you know very well that this is not the essence of pleasure.

Yeah? It seems that Mr. Lingshi knows it very well. He talks about letting Aha go away all day long, but in fact he understands happiness faster than anyone else. It seems that if Mr. Lingshi does not have Aha's company, he will definitely feel that life will become unsatisfactory. It’s complete, it’s really tiring.”

Watch what you say.

Hey, it doesn't matter. This kind of order, Mr. Aha, likes it the most~~


Ah~~I finally heard it, it feels good~

... Zi Shu's face darkened.

Xi'er didn't know that she had just been targeted, so she withdrew her gaze and turned around to lead the way.

Let's go, I hope you can keep up with me.

Xi'er was very fast, and even March 7 could barely keep a safe distance from her. Fortunately, Zi Shu had the wind-chasing technique to help her speed up.

As for the rest of the people, they can keep up.

Not long after, Xi'er saw the crowd in the distance and began to slow down. When she got closer, she realized that something seemed not right.

March Qi's sharp eyes saw familiar figures in the crowd at a glance.

Isn't that the doctor sister?

Xi'er also recognized it, frowned and stepped forward quickly, Natasha actually appeared here... It seems that the situation is much more serious than imagined.

Seeing Xi'er's anxious look, the others followed closely.

Nata, I didn't expect you to come here. Where did Oleg go?

Hearing the movement behind her, Natasha turned around.

Hi, Xi'er, and... guests from the outer world, it seems you don't need my introduction. I didn't meet Oleg either. The miners said they saw him leading a group of people deep into the depths.

Sister doctor, I don't feel well. Xing suddenly covered his head.


The other three people on the train crew were speechless when they heard what she said.

Come on, is this the time to joke?

Jiejiejiejiejie... This little girl is not ordinary interesting. It's a pity that there is no room for the envoy position, otherwise...

Aha came out to refresh his presence, but Zi Shu ignored him.

Can’t make room?

It's a joke. Stars are the result of karma and fate, and they are extremely special beings whose destiny is shrouded in mist.


It is impossible to be a happy messenger.

Huh? Natasha was stunned for a moment and said seriously: You look good, right? Sorry... I have to treat the seriously injured people first. There have been fierce conflicts between miners and gangsters in the past few days. Many people They were all injured.”

Having said this, she turned slightly and pointed not far away.

Have you seen these people? They are all miners and their families. They are here to argue with the gangsters who caused trouble. There is a gathering place for homeless people in front of them. Now the entrance is blocked by them. They are probably afraid of the angry miners. Take revenge.

Xi'er's face didn't look good, her eyebrows twisted into the Chinese character Chuan, Why did it get to this point?

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