The leading wanderer pointed his gun at Bronya and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Zi Shu, who had been prepared for a long time, was just about to take action when he noticed the movement in the dark and couldn't help but hesitate. He gave up the idea and reached out to stop his companion behind him.



Xing rushed too fast and was suddenly blocked. He almost lost his balance and fell forward. The next second he felt his body spin half a circle and fell into a wide embrace.

Zi Shu stretched out his hand and accurately grasped the bat that Xing had taken out of his hand. He held her slender waist with a little force and quickly straightened her up.

Someone took action.


Xing's cheeks turned red. He followed Zi Shu's gaze and found that there was another person on the field. He stood in front of Bronya with a huge scythe in his hand and blocked the bullet accurately.


The wanderers seemed to recognize the identity of the visitor at a glance, and their expressions instantly turned pale.

It's Xi'er from Earth Fire! Let's go!

The guys who were so arrogant and bully one second turned into birds and beasts and flew away, rolling and crawling away from the place at high speed, as if if they stayed for a second longer, something big would happen.

Zi Shu narrowed his eyes slightly and flicked his fingers a few times. Invisible ripples invisible to the naked eye penetrated the space and merged into the bodies of the homeless people.

In the next few days, there will be good things for those guys. The degree of unluckyness such as being choked when drinking water and being knocked down once every three steps and the dog eating shit can be considered mild.

Mr. Asashi, the envoy, actually helps others vent their anger.

After all, she was brought down by me, but she who is respected on the ground is being insulted here. It is undeniable that I need to bear some responsibility. Zi Shu did not quibble.

Seeing the troublemakers running away, the people on March 7 looked slightly relaxed, and then looked at the figure who suddenly appeared and forcefully saved Bronya.

The blue and black clothes are simple and bold. Except for the areas that should be covered, everything else is visible, almost revealing the most beautiful curves of the young girl.

The dark purple hip-length hair is spread casually, looking quite casual.

Seeing the red ribbon on her left arm, Zi Shu knew the identity of the other person and happened to have an impression of her.

【gather! The Cyan Sea Team assembles! 】

【Finally got the strength (ecstasy】

[The sword light is like me, killing all... Sorry, I went to the wrong set. 】

[That woman is holding a sickle to save her wife. Knock it hard! Knock it hard! 】

【Xie'er is so handsome. 】

[By the way, did anyone notice the train crew before Xi'er appeared just now? Zi Shu stopped the man who was about to take action, as if he already knew that Xi'er would come to the rescue. 】

[After all, it’s not surprising that Zi Shu has similar abilities to Master Fu Xuan. 】

[Suddenly I discovered that the plot line with Zi Shu in the show had a lot more details. 】

Hmph. Xi'er did not chase the wanderers who ran away, but said with disdain: You are a scumbag who bullies the weak and is afraid of the strong.

Miss Xi'er! Huh, luckily you took action in time, I'm so grateful~~

Sambo put a smile on his face, took a few steps forward and said with a flattering smile: These wanderers are really arrogant, they dare to use force on the territory of the Earth Fire...

Shut up, Sambo. Xi'er interrupted him unceremoniously and frowned, You brought her down, right? Then you can't escape your involvement in this matter. Dihuo has a lot of troubles now. To deal with it, do you have to cause trouble at this time?

Sambo smiled awkwardly and seemed to be afraid to speak out at this time to get into Xier's troubles. He did not explain who brought Bronya down.

Seeing his suspicious expression that he didn't dare to deny, Xi'er didn't care and turned to look at the girl who had just come down, I heard from the spy that a silver-maned iron guard came to the lower area. It's you, right?

Bronya looked at her first and then said, What are your intentions in kidnapping me underground?

At this point in the plot, although many Bengzi players were laughing about getting married, Ran Ran, the anchor who calls himself Zishu's dog, was not thinking about it.

She just wanted to see her husband's handsome figure quickly.

Hmph, what's the intention... Xi'er couldn't help but sneer, looked at Sang Bo, and said sarcastically: She thinks she is still the eldest lady above.

She looked at Bronya again, the scrutiny in her eyes undisguised.

Isn't it comfortable to stay on the ground? Do you know what the underground has become? Have you ever considered the life and death of the people at the bottom?

When Bronya heard this, her face darkened and she retorted: The Silver-maned Iron Guards are not staying comfortably on the ground! The Iron Guards have been fighting the enemy, defending Beloberg from monsters, and protecting the people above and underground. everyone.

Ha... Xi'er curled her lips, It sounds better than what you sing. What are you protecting underground?

Moving all the iron guards up and blocking the upper and lower passages, isn't it to protect the so-called city builders? Do you think that the people in the lower areas are Beloberg people?

The tense atmosphere between the two was somewhat beyond March Qi's expectations.

She couldn't help but look at the two mature and reliable men in the team and whispered: Why is it different from what I expected...

Just wait and see. It's difficult for upright officials to deal with household affairs. It's not appropriate for us to interfere in Belloberg's 'household affairs.' Zi Shu was so rested that he even had a smile on his face.

He didn't know the origin of the two characters in the Mi family in his previous life, but he could smell the melon.

Before the time travel, it was because of the quarrel between women on the roadside that the truck driver was allowed to complete a business. Now that there is no threat from trucks, how can there be any reason not to eat the quarrel?

Furthermore, it is not a wise move to wade into troubled waters without thinking carefully. As long as there is no life-and-death fight, the train crew has no reason to intervene to mediate the conflicts among the locals.

Xing stood next to Zi Shu, glanced at his side face from the corner of his eye, crossed his arms across his chest, and showed the same curvature of his mouth as if he wanted to eat melon.

Bronya's expression froze and she looked away unnaturally, Lord Guardian...of course she has her considerations...

46.Please arrest me

Hmph. Xi'er put away the sickle in her hand and said with a commanding tone, Anyway, you have to come with me. Boss Oleg wants to see you. He seems to have a lot of questions to ask you.

Sangbo's eyes lit up when he heard this.

What a coincidence, Miss Xi'er. We also have something to do and want to visit the leader. How about we go together as a group?

Who wants to partner with you? Xi'er refused without thinking, then looked at the train crew and others, Who are these people?

Xing happened to be standing in the middle. From the corner of his eye, he saw that no one had any intention of speaking, and his thoughts were flowing rapidly. .

Although Xi'er's attitude toward Sambo didn't seem very friendly, at least there was no hostility, and it seemed...even the vigilance was low.

After thinking about it, Xing decided to take advantage of Sangbo, even if he didn't dare to say nonsense.

I'm Sambo's friend.

As everyone knows, when Xi'er heard this, she glanced at Xing in surprise, His friend? Then most of the people in the underground are your enemies.

In an instant, several pairs of eyes stared directly at Sambo, silently saying the same sentence.

As expected of you.

Xing regretted what he said just now, he might as well have said that he was Oleg's distinguished guest.

Zi Shu gave Sangbo a blow in the eye without leaving any trace, which frightened the latter so much that his scalp couldn't help but explode.


This man is so scary...

No matter how you look at him, he is just an ordinary young man with some abilities, but his eyes can make him really feel the fear of meeting a natural enemy.

It’s incredible, what the hell…

Just because you can't figure it out, doesn't mean you don't know how to do it. Sambo rolled his eyes and said eagerly: Actually, these are the talents that the boss urgently needs. I am about to take them to see Oleg.

March 7th didn't want to go around in circles to avoid being entangled by Sang Bo, so he quickly opened his mouth to describe his purpose.

We are here to look for something called the star core, which is the culprit of all disasters. As long as we find it, we can-

Little sister! Don't just tell anyone about this. Oleg is the leader of the Earth Fire. Miss Xi'er doesn't understand this.

When Zi Shu heard this, he immediately looked at Xi'er.

Isn't this an insinuation that there is a kind of innocent beauty in people's intelligence? As expected, I saw a hint of displeasure in Xi'er's eyes.

But the most important thing——

Sang Bo said that Xi'er didn't understand, does that mean he understood?

No matter whether they have good intentions or bad intentions, the word calculation cannot be avoided. It seems that after this incident is over, Sambo will have to leave some small souvenirs...

Xi'er glared at Sangbo, I don't understand, so I don't plan to help you pass the message. Dihuo has encountered some trouble in the large mining area. The leader is leading everyone to deal with it. If you really want to see him, go to the mining area. Come to me at the entrance.”

Before leaving, Xier glanced at Bronya, but didn't say anything.

At this point from the player's perspective, the plot comes to an end.

Everyone has encountered the same situation. The level is stuck in the main line. To continue the main line, you need to develop level 14, but you can only complete the main line at more than ten levels.

The daily commission system is open. Those who are eager to upgrade can find it for branch lines that develop experience. Those who focus on the plot can look around the map and find that everyone on the train crew and Bronya Sambo are there.

Most people know that the character not disappearing means that you can have conversations to find out information and delve deeper into the plot.

Ran Ran is a virtual anchor. Even if she is not commissioned by a game company, she will still be able to engage in second-game business. She will neither focus too much on the plot nor neglect the combat aspect.

She first cut out Zi Shu, enlarged the screen and texted him for a minute. Then, under the question marks that filled the live broadcast room, she started talking to the characters one by one.

Bronya was the first one to find her. Unexpectedly, the beginning of the conversation was so embarrassing.

I have ordered you to be arrested by the Great Guardian. This has not changed. I am not your friend.

[Friends are cultivated. 】

【I just like to get close to the enemy. 】

【Please arrest me! 】


Shouldn't this be a unified option for all players in the server? Ranran clicked directly on the last one.

Star: Please arrest me!

Bronya was stunned, and then said with a strange expression: There is something wrong with you...

She is obviously very good-looking and has the air of a neighbor who is harmless to humans and animals, but her speech is so different.

I'm normal for things that don't happen. Xingbi couldn't admit that he had a problem.

Bronya didn't care, she just sighed quietly and said to herself:

I met you the day before at the Goethe Hotel. Geppard took you to meet the mother...the Great Guardian. He told me that you were guests from outside the sky;

Just like those various interstellar travelers in ancient legends who carry the will of the Star God;

Jeppard also said that you wanted to help us to solve the damage caused by the cold wave and the rift to this planet. However, late at night and close to dawn, the Great Guardian summoned me and ordered me to lead troops to capture you. He also said...

He also said that it doesn't matter life or death... Although the military order is strong, I will not kill you until I have definite evidence. The Great Guardian did not tell me the details, and Jeppard also rushed to the front line...

I don't understand what your real intention is...

The players were shocked when they saw this.

[Good guy, do you care whether you live or die? There is no such sentence in the original plot. 】

[Actually, there are not a few sentences after the order to lead troops to arrest. Did Zishu do something secretly to cause Cocolia to go crazy and order life or death? 】

[Speaking of which, in the upper area, when Dan Heng and March Qi returned to the hotel, Zi Shu did not follow them back. It is not impossible...]

[There is no foreshadowing in the plot at all. I don’t think so. He probably just secretly found the way to the lower area. How could he go back to the hotel like nothing happened after going to Cocolia to cause trouble? 】

[Qing Shi, not to mention that the adoptive father was not too hasty and took me, who had been rummaging through the garbage for a long time, to take good care of his appearance, and also helped me buy dinner. 】

[Aran will talk to Zishu later, maybe he can find out the reason. 】

In the real Star Dome Railway world, Xing was indeed talking to Bronya, and the conversation was not deliberately lowered, so Zi Shu could hear it.

He glanced at Dan Heng and March Qi, who were chatting quietly not far away, and entered a state of contemplation, trying to connect the clues obtained from various places.

Aha suddenly jumped out.

What did Mr. Lingshi tell Cocolia? She actually wanted to kill you directly.

Steamed buns, you want to know?

Hmph, how could Aha want to know what Mr. Lingshi did? How could Aha not see it? He was just giving you a chance to take the initiative.

Stop your arrogant tone, I'm getting goosebumps. If you want to know, then you become a two-dimensional golden retriever and beg me.

Zundu, do you want to introduce yourself?

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