A hint of reminiscence and remembrance flashed across Sitini's face filled with sadness.

It's been a long time ago...About twenty years ago, my sister and I grew up in the orphanage in Rivet Town. We didn't leave even after we became adults. We stayed in the orphanage to help the director take care of the poor homeless children...

In other words, have you always lived in the orphanage in Rivet Town?

That's right, after the Silver Mane Iron Guards withdrew from the lower area and completely cut off contact with the ground, I did not leave the orphanage until...

Sitini had a flash of grief and sadness, and her voice was low.

Until a few years ago, the entire Rivet Town was affected by the Rift. Everyone had to evacuate there in order to survive and avoid monster disasters. They were stationed in the large mining area or Panyan Town. Some people also fled to the Mechanical Settlement...

“Where did these photos come from?”

The evacuation of Rivet Town was very hasty and there was no time to take away many things. My sister who was responsible for recording the growth of the children in the orphanage was killed at that time. These photos...are all her relics.


Zi Shu nodded slightly, and the hand that was repeatedly moving the photo suddenly stopped.

The childish face of the little girl in the photo gradually overlapped with the image of a certain person. I continued to flip through it and found two more related ones.

Seeing the little girl being held in the arms of a woman with a somewhat familiar figure, Zi Shu was finally sure that he had some key information.

That familiar woman is none other than Beloberg's contemporary great guardian, Cocolia Rand.

Even though he was disguised, for him, a little bit of doubtful relevant information was enough to lock something in.

No wonder my instinct told me to take Bronya to the lower area no matter what.

It turns out that Bronya is not from the upper zone at all, nor is she the biological daughter of Cocolia. Her real birthplace is the lower zone, but she was taken away by Cocolia for some unknown reason.

Is it related to the succession selection of the Great Guardian?

The selection of the Great Guardian was only mentioned by Shiluva on the day he first arrived, so it was impossible to deduce the truth based on this.

But these are not important now. What is important is that the woman from Cocolia, who took Bronya away and severed the connection between the upper and lower areas, has some connection with the star core?

I can't say for sure...the nonsensical intuition is not wrong. If you want to solve the impact of the star core on this planet, you need to start with Cocolia, the contemporary great guardian.

Do you remember these photos?

Stini took it curiously, observed it carefully for a moment and frowned slightly, I seem to have seen this gray-haired child several times, but I can't remember the name...

Where's the grown woman?

I have an impression. At that time, many people said that she was a rich lady on the ground. She was unable to have children due to the death of her husband. She came to the orphanage in Rivet Town and adopted the gray-haired girl.

How many years ago?

It's been more than ten years, I can't remember the exact year.

Zi Shu nodded, As a reward for helping you, I took these photos away and said goodbye.

Before Sidini could say anything, she found that Zi Shu in front of her had disappeared without a trace.

Thank you, Mr. Sambo Koski.

She silently remembered the name.

Zi Shu's actions alone are not part of the plot, and the player has no way of knowing.

At this moment, March Qi and Xing, who found Dan Heng in the Fight Club and fought with him to win the championship, can finally get the news they thought about the star core.

Under the stage, the commentator Dr. Chuchu, who was holding a microphone, looked excited.

Beautiful! The final winner is Cold-faced Little Green Dragon - and two temporary spectators!

Hearing this, March Qi's little face became speechless, The audience... can't they also think of a nickname for us two?

Star had an idea and said with a smile: How about the unpopular little pink dragon? It suits you very well in March.

Uh... March 7 was even more speechless, Forget it, it's in poor taste.

Dr. Chuchu shouted: The champion will receive a precious star box. Please go to the registration office to collect it after the game.

Xing and Danheng were lost in thought, while March Qi waved excitedly, picked up Xing and left.

Let's go, don't waste time, let's go to the registration office and have a look!

Dan Heng put away his spear and followed the two of them.

When they arrived at the registration office and saw the reward called the Star Box, although Xing and Danheng were surprised, it was also reasonable.

Only March 7 was dumbfounded, looking at the few gray and black stones in the big wooden box, scratching the back of his head, and turning his eyes to the person in charge of registration.

You call these stones star cores?

You don't know something about this. This is not an ordinary stone, but an extremely rare extraterrestrial thing: meteorite. I heard that the noble Amber King needs to use meteorite. Whether it is to make weapons or armor, meteorite is Very precious auxiliary material.”

But does this have anything to do with the word star core? Xing asked doubtfully.

Why not? The products of extraterrestrial stars are usually stored in strong wooden boxes. Over time, boxes or boxes are used as units when trading meteorite. Gradually, everyone calls them star boxes for short. We are not lying, even Even kids of any age know this.”

Star: o(?^`)o

March 7: ?_?

Dan Heng: One︿One

41.Aha, I want to draw a lottery

Finally, sighing, March 7 spread out his hands and asked Xing to put away the box of meteorite.

We came to the lower area and wandered around for a long time, but in the end we still couldn't find any clues related to the star core.

Xing: Sister believes in children's words too much.

Ah! You're talking like a child again! March 7 raised an eyebrow and glared at Xing, It's better to have a goal than wandering around without a goal... By the way -

She seemed to have remembered something, and lightly hit her palm with her fist, We forgot that Zi Shu can pinch and count, maybe we will get a clue if we ask him, right Dan Heng?

Dan Heng: ...

Why don't you say anything? Oh, let's forget one more thing. Dan Heng, why did you come to participate in the fighting competition?

Suddenly someone set a hidden arrow in the dark to attack me. There was a note tied to the arrow. It probably means that if you participate in the Fight Club competition and win the championship, you can get clues to the star core. Dan Heng took out the piece of paper.

The two stars gathered around and looked at the handwriting carefully, shaking their heads.

The tone seems a bit mean, you may have been tricked. Xing guessed.


Dan Heng fell into deep thought. He didn't know if he remembered it wrongly or something. He seemed to have heard someone speaking in a similar tone.

Who on earth is it…

Hey, look! Is that guy over there the guy who tricked us in the snowfield before? March 7 suddenly pointed not far away.

Xing and Danheng looked in the direction and found that the departing figure looked familiar, and quickly overlapped with the figure in their memory.

You have to thank him properly. Xing narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Dan Heng looked at her with downcast eyes, speechless with a hint of habit.

March 7: ???

Did she have a problem sleeping in her head and say thank you to Sambo?

Chasing. Dan Heng said in a deep voice, I don't think it's an accident that he appears here.

Finally, I remembered where the meanness in the words on the note came from. Sangbo, whom he met in the snowy field, had spoken in a similar tone.

Maybe this note was given by Sambo.

The three of them chased straight out of the fight club, looking left and right but there was no sign of Sambo.

That guy can't run far. Let's look around.

Aha, I want to draw a lottery.

Come on, it's your turn now!

The smiling mask swayed twice, and there was a lottery wheel in front of Zishu's face. The appearance was a little different from the one he saw for the first time.

Hurry up and draw the card. There will be absolutely no free slots. I wish you a fortune~~ The smile on the mask was very exaggerated, and you could tell that he was a little impatient.

I definitely have to smoke, but can you tell me why this turntable only has one area?

The mysterious carousel contains Aha's family fortune. It is an extremely precious collection that cannot be divided into equal areas to display.

Since you said so, based on your level of birth, there is a high probability that I will only be able to extract useless eggs, right?

Looking at the four big characters and two punctuation marks written on the button, Zi Shu's eyes couldn't help but twitch.

[Original God, activate! 】

It’s very doubtful whether pressing this button will allow you to travel to Teyvat.

That's right, it's best to shout out the words 'Genshin Impact, activate' during the lottery. The louder you shout, the higher the probability of getting the best reward!

Really... Zi Shu's finger paused above the button.

Hey hey hey...it's just a joke, it's fake, it's fake, don't shout!

Oh, stop shouting then. Zi Shu punched the button.

Seeing this, the smile on Aha's mask stopped for a moment.

Oh hell, I asked Mr. Lingshi not to shout, but he really stopped shouting. It's really sad.

But soon, Aha smiled even more happily.

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, the clever Mr. Ling has seen through his own tricks, ah - it's so pleasant, I feel like my brain is going to tremble!

Ten seconds passed, and the light-speed flashing pattern on the surface of the turntable gradually stopped and finally stopped.

It was a long sword sheathed.

Wow! Congratulations to Mr. Ling Shi for drawing the top treasure - Yan Mo Dao... uh... two-week youth experience version (hi! Are you happy? Are you happy?

Zi Shu stretched out his palm to catch the Yama Demon Sword that appeared.

( ﹁ ﹁ ) → Leaving aside whether you are happy or not, let me ask you, were you just gloating about your misfortune?

I swear in the name of the Star God - of course... yes! Hahahaha~~ Come on, Mr. Lingshi, hit me, step on me, don't pity me because I am a delicate flower, use force!

Just when Aha thought he could enjoy that moment of joy again, the relief he expected did not come.

For a moment, the smiling expression on the mask turned aggrieved.

Sigh... What could be more boring than watching Mr. Lingshi with a square face?

I reward you, get out of here.

Zi Shu gave Aha a knife and split the mask in half.

I feel comfortable! Thank you Lord for your kindness~~

Aha's aggrieved expression instantly turned into joy, as if he was in a suburban area, in the most ecstatic moment, and then disappeared quickly.

Zi Shu held the scabbard tightly and felt the skills he could use.

Aha's mouth is a liar.

I didn't expect to get anything good. This Yan Mo Dao sounded like a youth experience version at best, but it was a crudely made fake at worst. It might have been a Sanwu product produced on the assembly line.

There are all the necessary skills, but they are all castrated versions. What makes people even more maddening is that the fake ones have a limited time limit.

It is indeed a reward that can only be given to the top born in the galaxy.

Whatever, it's better than not.

Throwing the knife into the private space, Zi Shu sensed the coordinate symbol placed on Dan Heng and quickened his pace.

After a few minutes, Dan Heng's voice could be heard from a distance, but the voices behind him made him stop temporarily.

Isn't that Sambo's voice? It seems that he was very agile and got rid of the control of the silver-maned iron guard so quickly.

There are many people in this galaxy who cannot believe it, including the followers of joy.

Zi Shu raised the corner of his mouth and listened quietly, wondering if Sangbo could play any tricks.

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