[The protagonists of the Mi family are traditional performers, and they feel uncomfortable if they are not wanted. 】

Dan Heng: That's because you always act on impulse without any plan.

I will also grow. I want to plan now... plan...

What are you muttering about? Come on, don't try to play tricks, otherwise don't blame us for being weak! A silver-maned iron guard shouted coldly.

Players find that the plot is different again. What about the follow-up and aboveboard escape plan of March 7 and Dan Heng?

The screen flashed to Zi Shu, who quietly threw out several invisible and colorless ripples, hitting the bodies of Xing, Yue Qi and Dan Heng respectively.

Suddenly, the three people's bodies stiffened, but quickly returned to normal.

Zi Shu's words rang in their minds.

Attention, as long as the countdown number in your mind reaches 1, follow me. The speed must be fast. The target is the entrance to the world that I saw yesterday!

Xing’s inner activity: Is this the sound transmission technique he mentioned when chatting with me before? It’s so powerful!

Both passages are dubbed, and players focus on them for fear of missing any details.

Even players who have pushed the plot line of Wu Zishu know that the plot development will definitely be different. The fact that there is no environment for running away with secret codes is the best proof.

In front of all the iron guards, Bronya continued to lead the team forward with a serious face. She didn't know that the suspect behind her had other intentions, and she didn't care about the curious looks cast by pedestrians on the road.

The four of them continued to follow the Silver-maned Iron Guard for a few minutes. When they were getting closer and closer to the entrance to the world they had seen yesterday, Zi Shu's voice suddenly sounded in their minds.




Zi Shu's eyes were sharp. He didn't know when a blue feather fan appeared in his hand, and he slapped the surroundings hard——

Violent wind and snow swept around, blowing over the limbs of the nearby Silver-maned Iron Guard at lightning speed, forming a thin layer of ice.

Let's go!

Dan Heng reacted the fastest and dragged away the slow-moving March Qi.

Xing Liang took out his bat and knocked down the struggling silver-maned iron guard at the outermost edge. He looked at Zi Shu and felt relieved when he saw that he was equally fast.

Seeing this change, those Iron Guards whose actions were not affected picked up their firearms without thinking, aimed at the backs of the four people who were running fast, and prepared to attack.

Just as he was about to pull the trigger, he found that his finger and the trigger were frozen, making him unable to break free.

After the break, Zishu turned to the ground and waved his feather fan again. A small blizzard formed in the path of pursuit, spreading wildly and stopping the pursuers.

Under the gaze of dozens of shocked eyes, Zishu and the others did not hesitate to get into the entrance of the crack and disappeared.

The blizzard does not expand endlessly. It expands to a certain extent and then dissipates invisible.

The Iron Guards rushed to the entrance of the rift with weapons in hand, looked at each other, and spread out to both sides to wait for Bronya, who was coming this way, and the intelligence officer Pera behind her to issue follow-up orders.

Looking at the twisted entrance to the rift, Bronya's eyes darkened slightly.

Pella had some worry on her face, They rushed in...

Bronya: I dare to rush into the rift by myself. I don't know whether it is overconfidence or self-destruction. It seems that my mother's judgment is correct...

Report them missing or dead?

Bronya closed her eyes and thought for a moment, then shook her head, No, the Great Guardian's order is to capture the prisoners. You cannot give up the pursuit just because they escaped into the blockade. You want to see them alive, and you want to see their bodies dead.

After saying that, she turned around and walked back, her lowered eyes containing determination.

What I can still do now...is to kill the villains who threaten Beloberg.

The game screen read, coming to the pioneering team that escaped into the rift.

March 7 laughed happily: Ha, they don't dare to follow! They are free!


At this point, most players are not in a hurry to continue pushing the plot, nor are they urging the anchor. Instead, they are reminiscing about Zishu's performance just now.

【Husband is so handsome! 】

[As expected of a man who is on the road of protecting life, he brings people a full sense of security! 】

[Speaking of which, do you think the blue fan in the adoptive father's hand looks familiar? 】

【It seems a bit...】

[No, I haven't seen it anyway. It's a fantasy game. Zishu is a Chinese character with Taoist elements. The weapons that Taoists use are not only swords, whisks and talismans, but also feather fans. 】

[No wonder Zishu uses spells to attack from a distance when fighting or attacking monsters, and cannot see the shadow of weapons. Doesn’t he have too many types of weapons to use up? The case is solved! 】

[Although... Zi Shu has not used swords and whisks in the current plot, and it feels weird for young people to use whisks. Most of them are used by seniors in film and television works. 】

【young? Zishu's voice and information all imply that he is an immortal species. No one knows how long he has been sleeping or how many years he has lived. 】

[It doesn’t matter how many years you live. Anyway, he is a handsome man and is the stuff of my dreams every day. That’s enough! 】

[The shrimp-headed girl collects the flavor. 】

[If you don’t accept it, you won’t accept it, hehe...? Mr. Zishu, please look down on me and check my three different academic qualifications...]

[Some people used to say that female gamers are much scarier than male gamers when it comes to power generation. I still didn’t believe it, but now I have to believe it. 】

A certain area affected by the Rift, the end of the underground passage.

As soon as Sambo turned on the mechanism and jumped down, he stepped on something slippery. He was caught off guard and fell forward, falling into the mud.


Rubbing his face, he turned around and glanced around, and soon found a few light white baubles on the ground.

Picking it up and putting it in front of my eyes, a fresh fragrance hit my nostrils.


How could there be such a thing in the secret passage that only he knew?

There is only one answer, someone has come in!

Sambo, who had never thought that such a thing would happen, immediately put away the cynical expression on his face and looked warily into the depths of the passage.

Just when he was about to investigate, the soap in his hand and the soap on the ground exploded without warning and turned into clouds of mist.

Sambo's reaction to holding his breath was already very fast, but he still inevitably inhaled a few rays. Within two seconds of rushing out of the foggy area, an inexplicable impulse drove him to speak involuntarily and let out a strange cry...

Meow? Meow...meow meow meow?!

30. Seven Star Entertainment

? ? ? ?


Sambo's first reaction was——

He was fucked by some guy in the tavern, or, to put it more politely, used as a source of entertainment for Ahab.

The Masked Fools are not a loving family.

I really don’t blame him for thinking that way. The effect of the things he set up in the tunnel is to make people want to give money when they see him. And some people want to hug someone’s thighs and lick them when they see them. If they knock down... the upper body is possible.

Regardless of whether they are a man or a woman, those who do this kind of behavior are bound to face the lucky two-choice package of indecent assault or social death...

There is also evidence that he was tricked by the Masked Fool, and that is the mist he is currently in, the cat-whispering mist.

The effect is very simple, as long as you speak, no matter you shout, cry or laugh, everything will be transformed into the sound of a cat.

When a cute girl meows, maybe not many people will look at her strangely.

But if it was a man, or a tall man meowing, he might as well die.

There are quite a few Masked Fools who can make Cat Whispering Mist, so it's hard to pinpoint who made it.

Sambo frowned and thought, Who is playing tricks on me, old Sambo? Don't you know that I am carefully planning a good show for everyone in the tavern and the Lord of Joy?

Forget it, I can’t think of it right now.

It is estimated that the Star Train group has now become wanted criminals, and they have to push Bo... to help them. For the time being, they have no time to care about the unethical behavior of their colleagues.

Fortunately, the Cat Whispering Mist here is not an enhanced version, it will not affect people's minds, and the method of removing it is not troublesome, otherwise it will be a big deal.

Everyone in the train group, I hope that the upcoming meeting will not be in prison.

I hope that weird guy Zi Shu can play some role in helping the train crew avoid jail.

He doesn't resent the sudden changes in the drama that he has carefully prepared. After all...it's more interesting that way, isn't it?

Thinking of this, Sambo couldn't wait to rush towards the upper area.

Belloberg, Edge Passage.

Zishu, why did the great guardian send people to arrest us? Can you figure out the reason?


Why? March 7 tilted her head, looking puzzled.

Assuming that I don't pry into other people's fates, it's difficult for me to accurately calculate other people's actions and decisions that can affect their life trajectories. Hexagrams are not omnipotent and have considerable limitations;


Although I can calculate the general direction of certain things in the future, it does not necessarily mean that that thing will definitely happen.

Zi Shu explained patiently: For example, at the beginning I calculated that the Doomsday Beast would pose a life threat to you on the space station, and someone might die, but you will also know that everyone will live well.

Mentioning that matter, March Qi patted her chest with lingering fear.

What a despicable doomsday beast. He carried out sneak attacks without respecting martial ethics. Fortunately, you and Xing were there at the time, otherwise we, the most invincible and cute girl in the universe, would have perished.

Everyone's fate is unpredictable. Sometimes, forcible snooping will not help you in any way, but may mislead you into having bad thoughts.

Boshizun's creed is that knowledge must be exchanged for pain, and for someone like me who can spy on people's destiny, whether I spy on my own destiny or the destiny of others, sometimes it will be accompanied by varying prices.

Xing asked curiously: What price did you pay for that fortune-telling on the space station?

Zi Shu shook his head, looked up at the gloomy sky covered with cold clouds, and said quietly: The price is that you will encounter unpleasant things later, and don't ask, there won't be any benefit to knowing.

That's it...

In short, it's okay to simply predict good or bad luck, and it's okay to calculate trivial things. But it's not okay to calculate what's going on in other people's minds.

Then will it be smooth sailing and calm for us in this world? March 7 asked.

I don't even know it, I can't.

March 7: -_-||

Star: ┐(?~?)┌

Dan Heng didn't pay attention to the expressions of the two eldest girls, and thought: That woman from Cocolia has a disturbing aura about her, and her instincts don't lie.

Hmm... Let's not talk about Cocolia for now. We need to find a safe place now and be careful on the road. I don't think the other party will give up easily and will probably chase us in. Zi Shu said solemnly.

Then quickly find a way out of the neighborhood! Xing suggested.

Zishu, aren't you good at calculating fortune? You should know which direction is safer, right? March 7 asked.

Hearing this, Zi Shu was slightly silent.

Sometimes if you want to break the deadlock, it's useless to just avoid it, but he can't say it out loud.

The others didn't care either, thinking he was telling fortunes.

…follow me.

Zi Shu took the lead and ran in a certain direction. The others saw this and followed closely, keeping an eye on the surroundings from the corner of their eyes.

I met the Silver Mane Iron Guards several times on the way. I don't know if they were stationed here and patrolling, or if they were pursuers who came in from outside to search.

Under the leadership of Zi Shu, they all avoided the iron guards very well. Even if there were monsters blocking the world along the way, they would use thunderous means to quickly deal with them.

After running for about half an hour, an exit from the world that led to somewhere else finally appeared at the end of the line of sight.

Seeing that light from a distance, several people's expressions perked up slightly and their pace quickened a lot.

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