Brothers, don't worry, I'll ask customer service right now.

The prostitute teacher didn't hide it from the hundreds of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room, and directly showed the chat box.

After a routine inquiry and screenshot, it didn’t take long for customer service to give an answer.

[This is not a BUG. This character and the light cone are new content in the open beta of the game. When you advance the plot to a certain stage, you will encounter this character. ]

[As long as any player encounters this character, all players in the server will unlock the character information and formation combat functions. ]

Prostitute teacher: ?


After seeing the content of the reply, the prostitute teacher and the audience had several questions on their heads, and their whole hearts seemed to be being scratched by cat's paws.

[Fuck, the characters are so mysterious, as if they have that serious illness. 】

[Maybe this new character will be given a five-star gift? 】

[Brother, are you awake? Anyone who has played O knows how stingy Laomi is. He has not even given you a permanent five-star choice for three years. Star Iron was given out as soon as the server was launched. This is not what I dreamed of doing. 】

【What if? 】

[It was previously identified as playing O. The purple light on the card drawing interface has already told you that it is a four-star, so what if it is a five-star? 】

The prostitute teacher later asked which stage of pushing can be encountered, and the customer service replied that it was up to the pioneers to experience it themselves, and obviously no spoilers were intended.

He didn't care, he just asked casually, and when he opened the character guide, he found that there was one character that didn't even get four stars.

Brothers, is this Sambo very strong? I tried to exhaust Xi'er's health but didn't even draw him out. It's outrageous.

[Most of the bloggers who have participated in the internal beta have given Sang Bo a promising future with high emotional intelligence. It is optional. Mr. Prostitute, hurry up and promote the plot. Don't be a four-star character. 】

Don't worry, brothers, wait until I draw up Xi'er's cone of light.

As more and more players draw mysterious characters and light cones, more and more people can’t wait to push the plot. They want to know as soon as possible what is unique about the mysterious four-star character hidden by Lao Mi.

It's quite puzzling. Didn't I give away a four-star guardian girl at the beginning on March 7th? Why did I give out a mysterious four-star guardian girl later on?

In fact, everyone at Laomi headquarters was stunned when they learned that there was an extra character in the game.

However, in the next moment, the confusion on everyone's faces turned into something natural.

People in the publicity department even took some time off from their busy schedule to discuss when the first player to encounter the mysterious character would appear.

At that time, they can publish the character promotion PV that they don’t know when they will be given to the entire network by language.

Star Dome Train.

After passing the system review, Zi Shu found that he had mastered many skills instantly, all of which were the ones he had imagined when he created the character, which fit well with the background story setting.

He looked at the water cup that fell to the ground not far away and his heart moved. He made a mysterious seal with his right finger and said silently:


A magical scene appeared, and the water glass that had been broken into pieces was reassembled almost instantly.

Good guy, is this a kind of reversal of cause and effect?

[Remind me, dear master, that the Star Dome Railway has been put into public beta, and the master can choose to take action and join the main storyline~]

You mean... get off the train?

[Correct, when you are in doubt, first calculate with your fingers. Master, you have this ability now, but the calculation cannot be too accurate, and it is very energy-consuming. However, you can also choose to stay on the train, but then you will enter the main plot later. . 】

Then enter now.

Zi Shu closed his eyes and stretched out his hands to start fortune telling. Soon, scenes of incomplete and unclear images passed through his mind, and finally turned into a few keywords.

Support module platform... Doomsday beast... Star core...

Zi Shu opened his eyes, opened the door without hesitation, and walked quickly to the door of Walter's room.

Mr. Walter, are you there?

Zishu, please come in.

Seeing Zishu push the door open in a hurry, Walter was about to ask what was going on, but couldn't help but be stunned when he saw his brand new appearance.

The appearance and facial features have not changed, but the clothing and temperament have changed a lot.

When I picked him up on the train two months ago, I didn't know anything except his name. Could it be that he is now remembering some of his lost memories?

The elements on that outfit are very familiar... they are Bagua and Tai Chi.

He has been sleeping for who knows how many years. He is suspected of being an immortal. Could he be from the Immortal Boat Alliance?

That's not right, there is no aura of the Immortal Boat people...

What's the matter? Walter asked.

I want to get off.

Are you leaving?

No, my memory has recovered somewhat. I remembered some of my abilities and made a prediction. It turns out that their trip to the Black Tower Space Station in March is in danger.

Upon hearing this, Walter looked serious and immediately called up the train's driving recorder to check everyone's movement track.

Seeing those chaotic action routes, I frowned deeply.

What did you calculate?


How could you actually meet that thing... Could it be that the Black Tower Space Station is being targeted by the legion?

The location is most likely in the support section. Please tell Mr. Walter to inform the conductor to drive the train there and protect the train. I will go over there and take a look right away.

After saying that, Zi Shu left resolutely.

Walter originally wanted to send a message to Ji Zi to ask about the situation first, but when he saw Ji Zi's seal seal disappeared without a trace, a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

Sure enough, people who can float around the universe with planet fragments and still be safe and sound, how can they be ordinary people?

Walter immediately contacted Ji Zi and went to the train conductor Pam.

3.Who is Zishu?

On the other side, inside the Black Tower Space Station.

Himeko hung up the communication and looked at Esta not far away.

Say they will encounter the Doomsday Beast?

Since the words were spoken by a mysterious passenger who got on the bus two months ago, Jizi didn't believe them all, but she was still vigilant.

A pair of dark golden eyes flashed with some thought, and after careful consideration, he decided to remind Esta to take precautions.

Just as Ji Zi was about to speak, she found that March Qi and Xing, who had gone to comfort the section staff, had returned.

The lively March 7 stepped forward quickly, waved hello to Jizi, and turned to Esta to talk to her.

There are quite a few players who have pushed the plot to this point. Those who have not paid attention to the plot of the closed beta have no special performance, and those who have experienced 1 or even 3 closed betas have discovered that something is wrong.

He Luo is a Mijia game blogger from BiLi PiLi and also a Star Dome Railway closed beta player.

There has been a slight change in the plot of the open beta.

In the closed beta, after being asked by Esta to comfort the frightened staff in the space station, if you report to Esta again, you will enter the plot CG of encountering the Doomsday Beast.

According to the original plot, the CG started with a bunch of red exclamation marks warning people's faces. Everyone's expressions changed, and the monitor showed the image of Doomsday Beast's palm passing through the space station's protective cover.

But now, it is a gaze with unknown meaning from Jizi's main perspective.

Himeko seemed to be contacting someone just now. Let me tell you, brothers, this scene is 100% absent in the closed beta. Himeko will not frown and look at Esta. When you return here during the closed beta, you will immediately see the guard BOSS. face.

He Luo didn't expect that as soon as he finished speaking, the CG cutscene of the plot would play to the scene he said.

Okay, the changes are not too big. I understand. It may just be to complete some foreshadowing and improve the logic of new characters appearing later.

[I’m so impressed, this BOSS looks like Benares! 】

[The fate of entanglement is very good at murdering weapons. Lao Mi knows the language of the camera. He seems to be sleeping with March 7 buried in his chest...]

[Generally, it doesn’t feel as good as my heart’s webmaster form. 】

[Buying list after list, why is your inner chef everywhere? 】

[Zab Dodler. 】

He Luo already knew the plot behind it, so she didn't watch it carefully. Instead, she focused on the barrage and couldn't help but twitching her mouth when she saw the content of the exchange.

For a moment, I couldn’t tell whether the barrage was a cross-dressing or something else...

Heluo looked at the CG of the cutscene again, and once again thought about whether the part of the plot that was different from the closed beta was related to the mysterious and unknown new character.

The protective cover in the support module won't last long. You should hurry up...

Here... just... leave it to me... soon as possible...

Esta's intermittent words ended here, and there was no follow-up.

Ji Zi looked at the few people with a solemn expression: The communication is broken. It seems that the system supporting internal communication in the space station has been paralyzed.

Dan Heng: Are you going back? Just a reminder, that is the Doomsday Beast, the legion's anti-astral weapon.

Ji Zi: The space station was built by the Black Tower. As long as the Destruction Order does not take action, there will be no serious problems here.

But... March Qi spread his hands, But we can't just run away...

It's easy for the Doomsday Beast to tear open the protective shield. Without the black tower, the defense system here is too fragile for the material-emitting army.

Dan Heng crossed his arms and spoke calmly, The legion has the blessing of Nanook. They are here prepared. There is too little defense power inside the space station, and Esta and the others cannot defend it.

That's why we have to leave, and... Jizi raised the corner of her mouth slightly and looked at the girl next to her, We have to take Xing with us.

Xing? She is very important? Dan Heng asked.

Xing looked confused, his eyes constantly shifting between Ji Zi and Dan Heng, obviously not knowing why he was linked to the survival of the space station.

She is the one who broke the situation. Of course, I may be wrong, but...

Speaking of this, Jizi's next words made all the closed beta players widen their eyes.

Walter contacted me not long ago and said that Zishu had calculated that the Doomsday Beast would attack the space station and asked us to leave as soon as possible.

Damn it?

He Luo instantly became energetic.

Who is Zi Shu?

Could it be that mysterious new four-star character?

Thinking of this, Heluo didn't bother to interact with the barrage. She read the plot carefully as if it were her first time contacting the Star Railway, for fear of missing any details.

Ah? It's so amazing. We didn't know that Zi Shu could pinch or count before. March Qi lightly covered her lips in surprise.

Dan Heng pondered for a moment and did not dwell on this for the time being. He then asked, What should we do next?

Ji Zi replied: This is the support cabin, which leads to the nearest platform. Let's go there to meet Walter.

The other side.

Zishu entered the Black Tower Space Station and discovered that the displacement method was temporarily unavailable and would be blocked by the space station every time he used it.

He understood that this was the method Black Tower left behind in the space station.

If you want to forcibly block the backhand of the Intellectual Envoy, you need to pay a high price.

Moreover, it was his first time to come to the Black Tower Space Station. He was not familiar with the place and could not accurately lock the coordinates. He could only adopt the traditional method, ask a certain staff member for the internal map, confirm the route and then rush towards the destination.

The mobile phone I asked for from the section staff also didn't work at all. The communication system in the space station was completely paralyzed, making it impossible to contact Ji Zi and others.

He could only take some time to walk out of the main control cabin, looked at the map of the space station and prepared to run towards the support cabin. Before he could run for two minutes, he was blocked by a group of virtual soldiers.

court death.

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