Giao! You idiot actually plotted against me, Aha is angry! The expression on the mask was angry.

Why are you so angry? It's also a kind of fun to have fun yourself. How dare you deny that you are not practicing the path of happiness?

My close friend! Aha thinks so too!

So, why don't you give me more joyful power?

[Ding~ It is detected that the master's power of joy has increased by 30%. 】

Zi Shu: ???

Yarema, do you really want to give it to me?

Hehe~ Aha: Are you so moved that you are about to cry? Accept it. This is by no means the last thank you gift from Aha. After all, those who make fun for Aha... are all good people. !”

The mask disappeared, leaving Zi Shu rolling his eyes.

If you don't want it before, Aha will try your best to stuff it. Now that you want it, shouldn't it be reasonable to take back some of your strength?

It seems that the journey to happiness is not as simple as I thought. It requires a lot of research... No, the more you study, the easier it is to fall into it. By then, wouldn't it be fulfilling Aha's wish?

That's not okay.

It's necessary to be rebellious.

[The owner was not so impatient at the time, and read more of the background story given. If he didn’t choose this, he wouldn’t be pestered by Aha. 】

It's not a big deal to be pestered by Him. The key is that He knows you exist. That's the most outrageous thing. Zi Shu shook his head.

None of the Star Gods are simple, Aha is even less simple, and the Guardian Star God Kripper is even more outrageous.

Aha was very happy to be entertained for the first time and decided to repay the favor of someone who entertained me again~

The brown-red mask appeared in front of Zishu's face without any warning, and then Zishu noticed that there was something in his hand.

When he raised his hand, he saw that it was also a mask.

What the hell?

Stealing... ah no, borrowing something from a certain ship.

I asked you what it does.

It's very useful. This is the ticket to enter the tavern at the end of the world. Moreover, this mask is the only one in the galaxy. Any masked fool who sees it will exclaim that he is awesome.

Zishu's face was a little dark, and he was half-hearted about the joy order. How could he not know what this thing was?

Most likely, Aha stole it from a mourner, and it might even be someone with a high status.

彳亍, I've accepted the things, don't interfere with my investigation.

So heartless, you don't even want to tell me to get out of here.

Get out!

Hey! Got it, get out now!

With the noise in his ears gone, Zi Shu dived all the way and quickened his pace through the dark and narrow passage.

When I reached the end of the passage, I found that there was an iron plate blocking the exit.

Spirit Removing Technique.

Zi Shu summoned his Fu Ling and ordered the iron plate to be pushed open. As a result, a ball of black powder was sprinkled on the location of the Fu Ling, penetrating its non-entity body.

Hey. Zi Shu smiled coldly.

The little guys in the Masked Fool faction are a little too young to play this game.

Those pitch-black powders are not fatal, but if they stick to a little bit, the thinking of people with weak mental strength will be temporarily replaced by animal thinking. What kind of animal they become depends on what animal materials are used in the production...

There was once a guy in a tavern who used pug material, and the unlucky guy who got the trick would pounce on someone and start licking him, creating a hilarious farce.

The method of making this thing is not known in the book, but Aha knew it and forced it to him.

Zi Shu stepped forward slowly, stretched out his hand and touched the dark powder on the ground. Suddenly, he felt an urge to give money to someone.

As soon as his mind moved, the joyful power in his body directly suppressed and erased the impulse, without affecting his mind at all.


It would be disrespectful to come back without reciprocating, so he decided to leave a surprise for the owner of the passage before leaving.

25.How many trash cans have you rummaged through?

Zi Shu took back the talisman and walked out of the passage. His eyes narrowed when he saw the surrounding environment.

Could it be that this is the lower area of ​​Beloberg that Shiluwa said?

After thinking for a moment, Zishu used the art of disguise to change his appearance and continued to search for Sangbo's traces. His intuition told him that Sangbo's appearance in front of the development team definitely had an ulterior motive.

When he returned to the ground, the city of Beloberg was already shrouded in night lights.

After some investigation in the lower area, combined with the information I heard from the locals today, combined with the weirdness I felt when I met Cocolia, I can give a vague guess.

Cocolia might have concealed a lot of things. At that time, in her office, she seemed to be stared at by an inexplicable gaze that she didn't know where to come from. It was not an unreasonable illusion.

It's like... there's more than just the five of them in the office.

After all, Cocolia is also the master of this city, so the protection cannot be weak. At first, I thought it was a guard hiding in the dark, but now I think about it, it is not the case.

Even if he is a guard hiding in the dark, it is difficult for ordinary people to hide from his perception.

Assuming that there is a ghost in Cocolia, then the Goethe Hotel... is probably a place where you are invited to die.

Sure enough... the star core is related to the survival of the entire world. Even if it is a backward small planet with underdeveloped civilization, the water is deep.

With worries in his heart, Zi Shu returned to the upper area and quickly ran towards the Goethe Hotel, not caring about the occasional surprised glances from passers-by.

Arriving at the stairs below the hotel, he saw a slightly familiar person squatting in the shadows.

His dirty chin rested on his knees, and he curled up into a ball, with a melancholy and aggrieved expression.

Familiar hair color, familiar jacket and inner wear, and familiar light blue leg rings.

Set against the dim street lights, there is a sad atmosphere like a decadent girl, which is heartbreaking. People can't help but want to know what happened to the girl to be so depressed.

Of course, the premise is that you ignore the peculiar smell emanating from the girl's body and the dirty clothes everywhere you look...

Zi Shu sighed and slowly came to stand in front of her.


A shadow appeared in front of him and a familiar voice came out. Xing looked up blankly. When he saw the visitor, his face showed joy at first, but soon turned back to grievance.

Zishu...I was kicked out as a homeless person by the people at the Goethe Hotel. They wouldn't let me in...

And you don't want to force your way in. There is no signal on your mobile phone and you can't contact us. Even if you yelled at Dan Heng, they didn't respond, so you can only stay here...right?


Oh. Zi Shu smiled helplessly, How many trash cans have you rummaged through?

...I have searched through everything I can find...probably no less than seventy or eighty...

Seize the young master?

Maybe maybe or should... maybe more than a hundred... Xing's voice became smaller and smaller.

When Zi Shu heard this, not only the corners of his eyes twitched, but also his face trembled.

The hand in his sleeve robe couldn't help but want to do some fortune-telling, but a feeling of suffocation rushed straight into his brain, warning him that Xing's reason for rifling through the trash can was absolutely unfathomable.

He had no choice but to bend down and try to lift the star up.

Don't! I'm dirty...

Silly girl, what is the group name of our Star Dome Train?

Xing was startled when he heard this, and a glint suddenly appeared in the corners of his eyes.

Seeing this, those players who were banned from entering the Goethe Hotel after rummaging through the city's trash cans couldn't hold back their emotions.

Lao Mi even gave a picture of the four-square grid here.

In the picture, Zi Shu, who was all clean and tidy, lifted Xing up and brushed away the traces of dirt on her body. He didn't care at all about the odor emanating from her body, which was specially displayed with twisted purple lines in the picture.

Zi Shu: Come with me, I will take you to the bathhouse not far away.

Xing: But I'm like this...

Don't worry, I'm here, you won't be kicked out.

... Xing nodded and followed him obediently.

[Tears. 】

[In this unfamiliar world with no human touch, only your adoptive father loves you the most. 】

【cry! Make me cry! 】

[Damn it, I haven’t enjoyed my father’s love since I was a child, so I started to regret not choosing the heroine. 】

【how you said that? 】

[I have watched the male protagonist. No matter how you look at the two male protagonists, they are good brothers who don’t dislike each other. However, my sense of empathy is still not good. After all, real friends would not dare to get close to me if they saw me covered in mud. . 】

[Why are some people knocking the father and daughter? Is Zi Shu’s behavior inappropriate? Is it more of a female-oriented ML plot? An official match is appropriate. For example, after fighting Doomsday Beast on the space station and being comatose, the male protagonist woke up and saw March. Seven, the female protagonists are Zi Shu and Dan Heng. 】

[No matter what the match is, just ask for common ground while reserving differences, and don’t get into a fight like the one in the rice circle. I don’t want my adoptive father to be ruined by the idiotic behavior of the unfaithful chef. 】

[There are already wise words, criticizing the old male main line wheat bran, I wonder if it counts as selling just by raising someone up? It's like those people have no brains. 】

[You are regretting that you did not choose the heroine, and I regret that I did not reopen in time. I am very reluctant to part with such a beautiful UID. As a result, now that I have paid for it, there are sunk costs. I don’t know when I will meet Zi Shu in the plot...]

[Qingshi, although the plot line without Zishu is not bad, it is not that much fun, and it is too closely related to the main line and is not grounded enough. The Zishu line can see interesting interactions outside the main line, which makes me feel like Star Iron World As if it were real. 】

[By the way, how beautiful is the UID of my friend in front of me? Can you show it to everyone? 】


【? 】

【? ? 】

【? ? ? 】

[Clam, if it were someone else, you would definitely throw it away? 】

[In a sense, it is indeed quite ‘beautiful’…]

[Anchor, hurry up and watch the following plot. There will be a part of helping with bathing. Then I can say that Lao Mi has the foundation to make butter...]

Many live broadcast rooms have similar conversations floating around at different points in time.

The anchor clicked on the screen to advance the plot, thinking that there would be some new plot screen next, but the result was just a black screen with one line of text.

[Zishu took you to the best bathhouse in the city. When questioned by the front desk, he threw several large-denomination credit cards in his face. ]

[So, you were led by the gentle and pleasant waiter to the best independent bathhouse to take a bath. Twenty minutes later, you looked brand new and put on the washed and dried clothes again. ]

[You look at the mirror and can’t help but sigh, I’m so cute. ]

[You don’t know how much Zi Shu spent on you, but you have the idea of ​​repaying him by going through the trash cans to find treasures and giving them to Zi Shu. ]

[You have felt guilty for thinking like this, but you don’t want to be a yellow-haired fool who has learned from the past, and you have the idea that you can’t repay Zi Shu if you put down the trash can. ]

[After struggling for a long time, you smelled a scent when you returned to the front desk. It turned out that Zishu knew that you hadn't eaten for a long time and bought you a delicious dinner. ]

[You feel even more guilty. After thinking about it, you decide that before going through the trash can next time, you must ask Zi Shu if he has any talismans that can prevent dirt and odor...]

26. I like my adoptive father more.

The screen turned back on, and the protagonist stood outside a store, Zi Shu beside him.

Seeing this, the anchors were stunned.

Fuck, sooner or later I'll laugh to death because of this outrageous copywriting. No wonder the guy in the first PV was rummaging through the trash can and was dragged away by March 7th. It turned out to be a warning.

【Rebellious girl! Can't you stop thinking about your crappy trash can? 】

[But aren’t we the ones digging through the trash cans...]


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