Lightning didn’t fall from the sky – 11

“Ah-some- Horo’s bastard–! Throwing something like this—!”

The howl of the beast shakes the world. It sounds like blood is pouring out of your voice. A thick, roaring voice shakes the waterfall of clouds.

Rough thumping footsteps followed. It’s like an elephant stamping its feet. The ground shakes and an earthquake occurs at the sound of a single footstep.

While everyone flinched in instinctive fear, a large shadow shimmered beyond the cloud falls.

The one who broke through the fog was a bloody giant. His shaggy hair is also soaked in blood, and his pointy ears, like those of a beast, lie in abundance. He roared in anger and pain, clutching a dagger that glowed white in one hand.

“Come out now-! Come out-! I’ll kill you easily–!”

Blood-covered Lungken.

The only surviving wild boar beast in the world. That alone is special enough, but he is more famous because of other aspects.

He is an elder.

Thirteen vampires to whom the founder gave blood directly. One of them. The strongest and most reckless being among the Elders.

Nicknamed Bloodstained for always being bloody after a fight, the Elder was covered in blood before he even started. Perhaps it was the holy sword thrown by Hilde that made him bleed…. He snorted at the unmistakable angelic figure.

“N-no-oh-oh—! You are an angel—!”

Thump, thump, thump. After just three steps, Lungken kicked off the ground and ran into the angel with his shoulder.

It was a sudden attack, but… The angel was smaller than it appeared. Dazzled by the thunderbolt, Lungken hit the wrong place and passed through the wings of the thunderbolt and rolled on the ground with an electric shock.

“Kwaaah–! You coward! Let’s fight fair and square–!”

To think I was knocked down after I attacked. It is a ridiculous look that would not be shown even in a third-rate play. However, both the Thunderstorm Lord who was attacked and the Thunder Guardians who were watching the attack held their breath.

As soon as it appeared beyond the Cloud Falls, it arrived here in just a few seconds. If even Thunderstorm hadn’t been vigilant, or if Lungken had a better direction…. I may have had to take that charge with my body.

The nervous guardians stopped walking, but there was no time to adjust their posture. Because I heard the voice of a young girl from over the Cloud Falls.

“Huh. The damn wild boar! At last, those bristly hairs broke through her head and into her brain! Use your brain first before you move!”

A girl with a small doll appeared. She wore her sky-black dress, and her white frills were draped in her hair. Her small and cute face shows a big change in expression.

The appearance of an aristocratic girl outing, but the true identity was a terrible existence that she was reluctant to even mention.

Blood weaver Kabila.

An elder and a warlock. She is a discoverer of blood magic and a seeker of taboos. She is a sinful elder who stuffs all the elements that Seonghwangcheong fears into her little body.

The elder, who left a mark in her history, put her hand on her waist and exclaimed.

“We are going to greet her sister, not her expedition because she lacks blood! No matter how much you are an animal, have enough self-discipline to cover your feces!”

As the vicious language poured in, Lungken jumped up and shouted as if he was unfair.

“Shyybeol! Did I just step out! Because it’s an angel–!”

“If you are an angel, you should tighten it more slowly! If I straighten my hair and push it in, will it get stuck? Are you an idiot or an idiot? Oh, are you blind before that? Even the angel I was aiming for couldn’t get it right!”

Although he stomped his feet and uttered abusive words, his expression looked rather relaxed. He seemed to be delighted to have an excuse to spit out vitriol. While Lungken hesitated, her momentum rose and a large hand covered her as she tried to say one more word.

“Come on. Okay, so think about it.”

A young man with a greatsword slung over his shoulder raised his hand to block Kabila. Kabila, who seemed likely to vomit her vitriol until the end of the world, clamped her mouth shut at the words of her youth. After a moment of silence, the young man stroked his chin and fell into thought.

“I can feel it. The ancestor is here We came here to attend Him who will be our beginning and our end. But, the way to go is complicated.”

A giant sword with a bloody blade. Blazing red hair. A pale and cold face contrasted with the passionate hair color.

There are quite a few people with such characteristics. However, if you limit yourself to the category of vampires, the number drops dramatically.

Even more so, if it was an elder, I couldn’t think of anything other than ‘him’, the synonym for vampire.

The moment his name came to everyone’s mind, he too came to a conclusion.

“Then, shouldn’t it be cleaned up?”

The first Elder created by Shijo. And the Prince of the Mist Duchy. Blood knight. Xishan (屍山).

Red Blood Ball Valdamir.

A terrible existence that turns humans into its prey. Three aristocrats of vampires, whom all humans should fear and despise, came to visit. Even one of them is a red blood ball.

Thunder Guardians, as well as the Lord of Thunder, were nervous. Who could keep their composure in front of the immortal monster that the whole world tried to kill but couldn’t kill?

When the learned fear floated around, Lungken scratched the ground and shouted gladly.

“Get rid of all these rubbish, Valdamir!”

“Let’s start by negotiating. There is no reason not to take the easy way.”


With one word, Valdamir, who made Lunken put up with it, pointed to the thunderstorm and spoke.

“This road. Will you clean up Do you want me to clean it up?”

– A faint smile appeared on Valdamir’s lips as he said. As if he was testing the thunderstorm even though he knew everything.

From noble mtl dot com

The progenitor, who is no different from a tribal god, became a duke in the Principality of Mist. What will it take to do that? Strength? Authority? Or wisdom? Political power?

The answer is everything.

Valdamir, the Red Blood Ball, reigns in a position above all. All Elders recognized him as their de facto representative, even though one Elder was essentially no different from another. Because he is competent enough to rule the country, and there is no one else to welcome the ancestors who will return one day.

Uraehoeju had a hunch. No matter what you look around for now, you will have already seen through that terrifying being. Have no choice but to fight

… In the first place, if you don’t intend to fight, you won’t go directly to the Red Blood Ball. Would a vampire who is not welcome anywhere appear in another city?

“Why are vampires supposed to be in the duchy, here… !”

“It’s still daytime!”

Woorehoeju raised his hand. Confused Thunder Guardians shut their mouths and waited for Hoeju’s command.

[Don’t be afraid. They are the elders of the principality. I don’t know why I came all the way here without a message, but this is clearly an invasion. Targeting our city and citizens.]

Baldamir put his sword over his shoulder and watched. He seemed unwilling to act until Wu Lei Huiju finished his words.

Whether or not it would be right to order an attack against a disaster that came unexpectedly, Thunderstorm hesitated for a moment, but the thought was not long.

If you lose anyway, it’s over. Neither morality nor dignity can be expected from the vampires of the Mist Principality who use humans as livestock. If you crouch down, your life may be saved, but living in the fog where no sunlight shines as a walking lunchbox would be a tragedy worse than death.

Faith is not wrong. Vampires must disappear. Those terrible squires shouldn’t exist in the world, and Thunderstorm must fight them in order to protect the city.

[The Lord of Thunder makes a request to the guardian of the city. Repel them all. Don’t let the bats, who view humans as domestic animals, set foot in the city!]

The Guardian of Thunder responded with a shout. He began moving to rule out more obvious enemies. It’s only three, but towards three enemies.

The elders shouted as if they had been waiting.

“Okay! It should come out like that! Let’s fight-!!”

“Huh! Had they been struck by lightning in the head, they must have finally lost their minds! They said they would rule it out! Us! hehehe, the livestock barking!”

Rungken immediately runs out and Kabila picks up the doll. After the two awakened his bloodlust, Valdamir muttered as he stroked his chin.

“The angel seems to be trying to stop us before we welcome the founder. First of all, it is certain that the founder is here according to the information.”

Don’t let the vampire and the progenitor meet. The founder, Tirkanjaka, is the god and heart of vampires. When the two are combined, the vampire overcomes his limitations and becomes a being that can do anything. Claudia is under the sun, so vampires can’t invade it, but the vampires, protected by the darkness of the founder, once advanced to the chin of the Holy Palace.

It’s better to defeat each one individually, Uraehoeju decided. Baldamir saw through his thoughts and raised the greatsword that was slung over his shoulder.

“Angels only make things happen, but they don’t clean themselves up, so I have to clean them up myself.”


My stomach hurts from being stabbed. It is said that Hilde healed her, but just because she restored her form does not mean that her once damaged body will return to its original state. Blood is flowing and organs are mangled, but is it healthy just because it was roughly cleaned? It is a bullsh*t of the level that if you run a lap around the playground and come back, it will be the same as before, so you will not have strength.

But I still can’t come to my senses.

Lightning Thief. The conversation with Fran hadn’t even started yet.

“No. Don’t do it.”

A slanting ridge with thick clouds and thunder in the distance. A man was flying a kite in a place where low grass grew thickly.

A large kite folded neatly as if it were a letter to the sky. A thin cloth is applied to the iron flesh and floated obliquely in the wind. Then the kite flies high in the sky even though it is tied to a rope. It looks free as it rides the wind and flies like a bird.

The wind blows violently, predicting rain and lightning, towards the kite that frolics in the sky. The lightning thief gripped his thread a little tighter as he lowered himself to avoid the wind.

“The King of Humans. Do you know what happens to a kite when the thread breaks?”

It’s half talk in the first meeting on a backward topic. Not cheap

However, I answered politely because I was the king of humans who respected all humans equally.

“I’ll either plummet to the ground, or I’ll fly far into the sky.”

“Right. It’s flying happily through the sky, but that’s because I’m tying the kite here and controlling it with a thread. If I let go of this, mismanage it, or break the string, the kite will plummet. It will be completely shattered into pieces that will never be able to fly again.”

A sudden gust of wind gusts. The lightning thief, who read the wind, quickly loosened his thread a little and let the kite go. A kite caught in a gust of wind rises with striking balance.

“Same thing. Humans also need something to hold on to. Where our origins come from. What value should we not forget? And the only thing that can do that in this world is….”


“… Okay.”

The lightning thief looked a little upset at having his lines taken away. He groaned and groaned.

“Originally, when I died, my corpse was to be used as a relic, and the belongings were to be kept strictly in a place where no one would find them. My achievements were wrapped in the story of the lightning thief and decided to be handed down as the legend of Seonghwangcheong. It was an honor, so I agreed. After finishing my work at Claudia, I headed towards the Holy Office on my own.”

“But this is a keepsake, isn’t it?”

“… Chet. I didn’t know that I would treasure the kite I flew the most. I just needed it to send the Thunder God up into the sky.”

Cold water drops begin to mix with the strong wind. The small raindrops that announce the start of the storm add up little by little. The kite shakes anxiously in the rain and wind.

“I was just trying to establish order using alchemy. I was just trying to help the poor nations who had lost everything by using the thunderbolt over there. But I, the sage, drank? You’re just a little better than others, but you become a drinking god? Chet. If I go back to before I became a demon, they will tear me apart.”


“It’s fine if you don’t know.”

“Tell me. If you’re that great of a person, you might be able to convince me.”

“It is not a matter of persuasion. It is a difference of perspective and belief.”

The lightning thief turned his body and wound his thread. As if he had nothing more to say. As a believer, he remains devout even after death.

But since when was the dead able to talk to the living with a stiff head?

“What is the meaning of a point of view that no one else can see? What kind of sublimity is there in a belief that cannot be conveyed to others? If you’re going to die hugging everyone, just be a corpse. Don’t waste your time.”

The lightning thief stopped his hand from winding his thread. I said as I walked towards his back.

“Since when is it belief or faith? It’s all just being used as a means to justify yourself. While crying out in vain for humanity.”

Tuk, tuk tuk. The raindrops gradually thicken. The rain, which fell obliquely from the strong wind, came out heavily and hit his face. A kite swayed miserably in the wind and rain.

“I am the king of humans. Now, if you are really for humans, let me know. Unlike anyone else, I listen to any wish, as long as it is human.”

A bolt of lightning fell close by. It’s getting closer. In just a little while, the lightning will reach this area. The thunderbolt worrying about where to fall will not miss the mark that has risen on the ground.

As if seeing my future, the kite flying in the sky vibrated nervously and pulled the lightning thief. The kite line digs into the flesh.

Even in the midst of that, the lightning thief didn’t let go of his connections. He said, pulling the kite line little by little.

“It is to protect human innocence. If the people of the nations were left as they were, they would have been reborn as a new race like vampires.”

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