When viewed from a map, the meta-conveyor belt is a wide, horizontal donut-shaped road that supports the interior of the military. It is a land that flows like a river, so I don't know if it can be called a 'road', but anyway, the scale is huge enough to go around the whole country.

Continue east from here and follow the coastal road to the Mist Principality, where vampires reign proudly. It is the country of the founder Tirkanjaka. As soon as you enter there, the pursuit of the military is impossible. So that's the destination… you would think

So I'm going to get off the belt and go to the coastal road… Pretending to be high and pretending to be in the belt… put on a fake

In fact, we turn to a shortcut that is not an in-course, outpacing them… I'll go somewhere else.

Of course, this plan required two conditions.

First. The bait should be tasty enough.

This was accomplished by sacrificing Ralion.

“Goodbye, Larion. He was nice… .”

“Well? Phew, I am willing to feel sorry for Ralion, but there is no need to worry. Lalion will return.”

“yes? Are you back?”

“The other members of my family are beings who have stopped dying. Lalionman was resurrected from the grave of my old mule. No, the vessel that holds my faint memories and memories… After all, it is a part of me, so even if I let it go, it will come back someday.”

Lalion wasn't such a good word. A sacrifice that can return is not a sacrifice. cancer. Anyway, this was a little-known fact, so I decided to use it.

And the second condition.

Don't reveal your tracks.

Because of this, the container had to be abandoned. No matter how much Tyr is surrounded by darkness, it is impossible not to notice if a large container flies around in the darkness now that the eyes of surveillance are all over the place. Not finding it is a matter of intelligence before camouflage. The texture is different.

So we made a huge decision.

“hey! narrow! Don't move!”

“I’m not the one moving.”

“… Hopefully, you won't be suspicious of me by tying me up.”

“Ugh. It’s cramped!”

“what-. Are you pitiful for those who do not know the comfort of a narrow space?”

[…] be a little patient If it wasn't originally made for five people, are you complaining about it?]

Tonight, just before sunrise. Hide in Tyr's coffin, which can swim in the dark, and fly away at full speed!

Put what you have in the returner's pocket, and put the butterfly in a box and put it under your feet. We were stacked side by side on the coffin one by one. It looks just like bean sprouts that have grown up in a syrup. It's uncomfortable and frustrating, but it can't be helped.

Tyr's coffin is a treasure shared with the history of the eponymous, and a half-externalized mystery. It is a space that can easily accommodate five people.

The size is just right too. At this level, it is smaller than a wagon, so it can pass through forest roads and buildings. Three-dimensional maneuvers that are impossible with containers are also possible.

Also, the mount doesn't have to be big. It's all nonsense. Efficient small size is the rational choice for the future!

The small size is a problem, but it doesn't really matter if you're not a large family.

Aji, Lia, Tyr, I, and the returner lay down side by side in that order.

This is entirely Tyr's fault, because even in such a narrow space, the divisions were divided, crying out the distinction between men and women. And it was a natural arrangement because I lay in the middle to control the coffin.

'It's as planned. I can be close to Hugh after a long time.'

There was a bit of selfishness, but anyway.

There was not enough space to lie down horizontally, so all of them were lying on their backs, which made me look exactly like Tyr.

'It's good to see you up close after a long time… After all, it's a tube. It's embarrassing as if I had to lift the skin and show the inside.'

I'm embarrassed? what? You've seen and even touched the inside of your skin a lot, haven't you? Can you still feel it on my right hand?

Isn't it much more normal to be in a coffin than to touch a heart? Humans can go inside a coffin, but rarely touch another heart with their fingers!

'Wow. When I was alone in the coffin, the coffin didn't matter anyway… . Why do you care so much now?'

A reluctance remained in Tyr's heart, perhaps because of the shame that he had brought people into a private place. Because of that, Tyr kept complaining in front of me.

[This coffin of my cedar tree is a space full of my power, and it is solely a temple for me. Since no one has invested in it in my entire life, neither the enemy nor my family have ever seen this inside.]

“You didn’t see much, did you? Well, let me show you some coffins.”

[That attitude is the problem. This is a secret secret that has never been revealed to the world, so don't dig further and know it as an honor just to come in.]

As if our existence continues to annoy us, we move our coffins into darkness, complaining when we forget. Well, it's not because Tyr is petty, but because of his reluctance to reveal private spaces… .

… Wait a minute. Thinking about it, I think it's a little sloppy? Why do you have to pamper yourself with something like this?

You can even use a coffin! I didn't want to enter the coffin before I died either! I didn't come here because I had an ejaculation, but it was necessary!

do you care that much? Then I'll spit it out one by one!

I moved through the cramped space and swung the carpet up with my hands.

“What is the secret and deep secret? this red carpet? There doesn't seem to be anything special about it.”

[oh. there.]

“Oh, there was something behind this. Let's see… dress?”

[no! Don't touch it!]

Beyond the carpet were clothes that seemed to have been shoved at random. It was not a packet, but a primitive garment that had to be folded neatly for storage, clearly showing its flaws before my eyes.

I sighed, pointing to the crease.

“When loading non-packet laundry, you have to fold it well. It's all crumpled. What's this… ah.”

So it was. not to hear it. I nodded heavily.

“Such. You must have been ashamed of not cleaning the room. That’s why you usually spend a lot of time in the coffin before buying it.”

[Didn't you say you didn't want to hire anyone in the first place!]

“Even people who live messily in the corner of the room say that. First of all, what if it's a room where I live alone and it's a little dirty? That’s right.”

I nodded my head and immediately opened my eyes wide and shouted.

“Until we come in! So, I mean, keep it well organized! Does anyone else have work to do, so do you clean and organize? You don't know when your parents, your lover, or your precious guest will come, so you're cleaning! Tyr is paying the price for not organizing normally!”

[…] !]

When I questioned him with his crumpled clothes, Tyr, who had nothing to say, clenched his teeth and took the clothes that were in my hand. I mean, they were close to each other, so they were still exposed in front of my eyes.

Whoa. When in my life will I try to discipline a 12th-century girl? No more chance like this.

The reverse world of Jang Yu Yuseo. Are you excited?

“Cleaning is like life. Knowing that one day it will be messy, humans organize their surroundings. As if he knew he was going to die someday, but he lived fiercely. So, Tyrdo.”

[yes? Do you want to overcome death? then… .]

“The analogy is different! One-to-one correspondence! If death is a mess, Tyr shouldn't be messed up forever! But the moment it's already messed up, it's over!”

All of a sudden the drift is broken! It was so abrupt, I almost ignored the logic and agreed!

'Oh. I think so. I wasn't alive, I didn't sweat, I didn't eat or drink anything but blood. There would be nothing to get dirty on clothes or inside the coffin. The inside of my coffin was not dirty from the beginning… !'

Meanwhile, Tyr, who borrowed my logic, smiled with a smile of conversion.

[As you said. Tidying up is for those who need it. However, I am the progenitor Tirkanjaka. They don't even need water or food, and they feed on blood and darkness. What is the meaning of cleaning and tidying up? It's just that I've been messing around for a while to get your body in.]

“Oh hey. Are you going to come out like that?”

Tyr replied bluntly.

[Is that true?]

“If you want to come out like that… .”

great. I learned shamelessness. The intended purpose was achieved. Now we won't say anything about borrowing a coffin… what? Wait a minute.

Don't clean up because it doesn't get dirty? Then what about clothes? I tilted my head and asked.

“Then Tyr, aren’t you even doing laundry?”


“Laundry, laundry. Even clothing packets, a revolutionary invention, sometimes have to be taken out and washed. But Tyr doesn’t seem to even wash the clothes she wears every day.”

Come to think of it, I didn't even see Tyr hand washing in Tantalus. I used packets too, so I didn't pay much attention to it, but if you think about it, isn't it strange? Washing clothes is a monster that eats housework labor. Why couldn't it be seen?

The conclusion is one.

“The reason I try to hide my clothes is that I don’t even do laundry… . Aha.”

[It's a carrier!]

“Then did you do the laundry? I have never seen anything like that.”

In fact, it would be quite funny if one of the ancestors squatted down to do laundry. There are demons in a job, but there are no demons in work. What needs to be done, someone has to do it.

Even I did all the chores, do you think I'm the founder? Are you a little hungry?

[Hey, can I say it again? Because I don't spit out any dirty things… .]

“Then it doesn’t matter anyway?”

hey, how about this

I grabbed Tyr's hem and brought it to his nose. Then he pretended to sniff and inhale the smell.

The circuit in Tyr's head creaked. Tyr, who watched my sheep with his red eyes blinking, panicked a beat as if it had broken down.

[phew?!?! What are you doing?]

“Check the smell. Where, let's see how about clothes that don't get dirty?”

Just try to smell it a little bit. Don't let me lift your face with this as an excuse… . what.

“uh? Are you really not feeling well?”

what? I don't even do laundry… oh

The ancestors can deal with blood and darkness as they please. Even in a space filled with her blood, her control is strong enough that she doesn't even smell her blood.

Even when disposing of the corpse, they would mash it up with blood, throw away the porridge, and then swallow it. A being that can completely dissolve waste products from the body or foreign substances outside the body and dispose of them separately.

“Wow, some people go to the Principality to want to become a vampire, and I can understand why. Other than not dying, it's just convenient… .”

[Let go, let go! Like this rude bastard!]

The clothes really only smelled like textiles. Even the smell is clean. It must have been true that I joked that it would be easier to die than to live… .

As I was lamenting about life, voices began to mix back and forth. The voice of the regressor echoed from behind on the wall of the coffin.

“Don’t wriggle! It's narrow!”

“How much did you move?”

“Did you move a lot? There is no reason for it! You're doing something weird!”

“ah! ah! Don't sting! hurt!”

It hurts when you poke it with your finger! My strength is filthy, but my fingers are thin and it hurts more! Is this the relationship between pressure and area?

Leah's voice, which started from the opposite corner of this long, hexagonal tube, reached her ears.

“… It's nice to see each other friendly. Can I change my seat? It's too cramped because it moves. Well, to put it into words. Because the two of them are here.”

“Damn, narrow! Chest, it's frustrating! You are too big!”

“Well, roughly for this reason.”

What is happening on the other side? Curiosity is blooming, but I can't even look at it because it's so narrow… .

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